V. Ardanowski
The Outback Grill
Port Charles, NY
(as an ex-officer of the law, it's imperative to keep my number confidential in case any perps get ahold of this resume)
You can also contact me via email of my friend, Meg mbergen@freewwweb.com
Please no spam - if it is received you will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.


October, 1998 - Present - L&B Records, Assistant.

April 22, 1998 - October, 1998 - Police Commissioner Mac Scorpio's Special Detective Task Force.

Duties include but are not limited to:

August 21, 1998 - April 22, 1998 - Personal Assistant to Jasper Jax, formerly alleged drug dealer, former Corporate Raider and owner of the now defunct J&J Jacks of Alaska, Jax was falsely accused of racketeering and the company was seized). Duties include, but are not limited to:

August 21 - August 21, 1997 - Wait person at Outback Grill.

Duties included:

July - August 1997  Suspended from PCSD. Snuck aboard private jet to trail alleged drug smuggler, ended up stranded on atoll where my survival skills and my lovely SOS sign were the key to a prompt rescue. Joined up with alleged drug smuggler (he didn't really do it) to track and re-capture escaped felon and mini-model Brenda Barrett and her mobster boyfriend, Michael "Sonny" Corinthos Jr.

Skills I utilized included:

Procedure was successful, real killer was apprehended, but expired during chase, upon my return to PC, I was relieved of all duties permanently due to budgetary considerations.

May - July 1997 State Trooper



I am currently learning the fine art of baccarat in an attempt to help my former boss, who was falsely accused of racketeering, to rebuild his fortune.

In my spare time I like to dust wine glasses for fingerprints in order to prove my landlord is actually a double who has kidnapped my actual landlord and switched places, kidnap said double, drug said double and keep him under wraps, illegally wiretap his partner, attempt to talk my boss out of sleeping with skinny super-model (code name: Bones), re-arrange my boss' schedule in order to allow dearly mini-model greater access to him (since he'll never notice me).

I'm also an artist and in the past have done some extra undercover work trying to find out who is attempting to murder my former boss, and to search out a dummy corporation to ascertain if they were behind the plot.


References available upon request.

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Many Thanks to Val for writing this wonderful resume for me (Slightly revised by Meg due to my many jobs recently).  You can email comments, praise, and job offers to vbeadle@caltel.com