Stefan and Laura:
Filling In The Blanks

Now comes the moment we've all been waiting for! As always, the voting was really close, but here are the winners of the contest! Drumroll please...

First Place: SNL vs. Stavros, by LouCassadine

Second Place: Jailhouse Rock, by Sherry

Third Place: An Errant Moment, by Stefansminion

Congratulations, ladies!! And thanks everyone for their votes! :)

An Errant Moment
Rated PG
by Stefansminion

In Dreams
Rated PG
by Becky

Rated PG
by Lou Cassadine

Jailhouse Rock
Rated NC-17
by Sherry

Just One Look
Rated PG
by Becky

SNL vs. Stavros
Rated NC-17
by LouCassadine

Thanksgiving 1999
Rated PG
by Lou Cassadine

A United Moment
Rated PG
by Panda

Yes.... it’s true... it’s time for... another Stefan and Laura fan fiction contest!!

:::ducking pointed objects:::

I’m sure you’re all excited. And eager to find out what this new contest is all about! Well, let me tell you.

Ever wanted to kick your TV because you just KNOW that there is a missing scene in what we see during GH? Whether TPTB actually cut it, mentioned something but never showed it, or it just makes sense for it to be there... this is a fill-in-the-blank contest. You get to write what should have happened in those scenes that never were.

Perfect examples of these can be found in Cassadiva’s Chronicles of SNL: The Missing Scenes.

Things To Know:
1. It might be a good idea to put a date or some clue as to what episode(s) the story is filling in. This is not mandatory, just a suggestion. :)

2. Please put a rating with your story: G, PG, PG-13, R, and the always popular NC-17 *g*

3. This is a Stefan and Laura contest, so the story should be about them.

4. Send your entry/entries to and/or You should receive confirmation within a day or two.

5. There is no limit to the number of entries, or to the length of those entries.

6. Once again, this contest will be a blind contest. Meaning authors’ names will not be shown until the winners are announced.

7. Prizes? None this time… unless someone would like to donate something. :)

Important Dates:
-- The contest will be open for submission from Saturday, October 20, 2001 to Saturday, November 17, 2001.
-- Stories will be posted and voting will begin on Monday, November 19, 2001.
-- Voting will end on Saturday, December 8.
-- Winners will be announced on Sunday, December 9.

Note: All dates, etc. are subject to change. Any questions, suggestions, or bribes can be sent to the e-mail addys above.

As always, have FUN! ‘Cause that’s what it’s all about! :)

Last Updated: December 9, 2001

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