Secret Rendezvous:
A Stefan and Laura Fan Fiction Contest


UPDATED JUNE 30, 2002: Identities of other authors revealed, ooh ;)...

To read: click here


Whew! It seems people had a really hard time making their choices! It was a *very* close vote, but the winners are:

First Place: Knight in Shining Armor, by Sherry
Second Place: Say It, by Cassadiva
Third Place: Center of Infinity, by Paradise
Honorable Mention: Stormy Nights, by Ginger

:::applause, applause::: Thanks to everyone who participated!! Y'all rock!

For those curious to know who wrote the other stories:
And if my answer is all of the above? and Not That Look, by Sandra
Hands of Fate, by Becky
Just Beneath the Surface, by A.R.
Road Trip, by Cathy
Untitled, by Erin
Wild Horses, by LouCassadine


So we know there’s always been a forbidden aspect to Stefan and Laura’s relationship. After all, Laura was married to Stavros, Stefan’s brother, when they first fell in love. And Stefan is a Cassadine (::gasp::). But we also know there has always been that Pull between them. The stories for this contest should then focus on a secret meeting between Stefan and Laura. It can be about anything, from a hot moment of passion to a talk between friends. And it can be set at any time! Maybe during their time on the Island…. maybe during their supposed separation after Laura left the Island ;)… maybe now in Milan…

Let your muses have fun!


Now let’s get down to business…

Important Dates:
Entry(s) will be accepted from
Saturday, April 27, 2002 to Saturday, June 8, 2002.

Stories will be available for reading and voting will start on
Monday, June 10.

Voting will end and winners will be announced on
Saturday, June 29.

Things To Remember:
1. Like previous contests, this is an anonymous contest (until winners are announced). Please do not post your story(s) anywhere else until after the contest is over.

2. Put a rating on your story(s): G, PG, PG-13, R, or NC-17

3. There is no limit to the number of entries.

4. The story(s) can be as long or as short as you want it to be.

5. Send your entry(s) to You should receive confirmation within a day or two.

6. All dates are subject to change. I’m fairly flexible, so just send me an email if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions.

7. ENJOY! :)

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