I decided to group together the character names that appear within
the Dragon Ball manga, just to see what would happen.  Preliminary results

1)   All of the Red Ribbon main characters are colors, with the exception of
     Zombie #8 (Hatchan), and the robot Metallic (which could be considered
     a color.)

2)   All of Piccolo's minions are musical instruments.

3)   Most of the martial arts masters (excepting Mutaito) are animal-related.

4)   There's a preponderance of food names, puns, and a couple of outside

   (Sousei  -- Commander-in-chief        Murasaki == Is the name of the
    Shogun  -- General                               author of the famous
    Hosa    -- Adviser                               "The Tale of Genji"
    Taisa   -- Lieutenant
    Gunsou  -- Sargeant
    Souchou -- Chancellor)

Foods:                                 Colors:                Instruments:
------                                 -------                ------------
Yamcha      -- a dish                  Silver                 Piccolo
Oolong      -- a tea                   Red Sousui             Piano
Puuaru      -- Another tea             White Shogun           Tamborine
Pilaf       -- a dish                  Blue Shogun            Cymbol
Son Gohan   -- rice or "supper"        Black Hosa             Drum
Tenshinhan  -- a dish                  Yellow Taisa
Chao-zu     -- "gyouza"                Violet Taisa
Shuu & Mai  -- "Pot stickers"          Metallic Gunsou
Vejiita     -- Vegetable               Murasaki (purple) Souchou
Ranchi      -- Lunch                   Tao-pie-pie (Peach-white-white)
Karin       -- A Chinese quince
Karintou    -- Fried dough cookies  (tou could be "sugar" or "tower")
Bora        -- A grey mullet (a fish)
Pan         -- Bread
Marron      -- Chestnut paste

Scrambled food                                  Numbers (Androids)
--------------                                  ------------------
Kakarot     -- Carrot                           #8, #16 -- #20
Jiisu       -- Juice, or Cheese
Baata       -- Butter
Ginyuu      -- Beef (Gyuniku) or Milk (Gyunyuu)
Gurudo      -- Gourd or yogurt
Rikuum      -- Cream
Radditz     -- Raddish
Zarbon      -- Zabon, a citrus fruit
Dodoria     -- Durian, a disgusting Middle Eastern fruit

Kamesennin Mutenroushi -- Turtle Master
Tsurusennin            -- Crane Master
Senpyou                -- Is a Cat

Freeza            -- Freezer
Cold              -- Cold (Freeza's father)
Cooler            -- Freeza's brother (in one movie)

Buruma            -- Bloomers
Briefs            -- Pants (Buruma's father)
Trunks            -- Short pants, cut-offs
Bra               -- Bra (Buruma's daughter)

References & Puns:
Son Gokuu         -- Original Monkey King
Kushami           -- A sneeze
Kuririn           -- "kurikuri"; from an obscure Japanese fixed phrase
                     that translates to "a priest's shaved head."
Uranai Baba       -- Old fortune-telling granny
Yajirobee         -- A kind of spinner toy, held between finger and thumb
Chichi            -- Breast/tit.
Mr. Satan         -- The western "devil"
Beederu           -- Which could be written as "Videl", switching "vi" and
                     "de" gives us "devil".

Jackie Chun       -- Jackie Chan
Shenlon           -- (Shen lon) Chinese for "the godly dragon"
                     Cheng Long is Jackie Chan's Mandarin name

Dr. Gero          -- Sound of throwing up, and also the "ribbit" sound
                     made by frogs
Cell              -- Biological cell

Bibi-di           --
Babi-di             |- Disney movie song lyric/magic spell
Buu                 |
Darbura           --

Kaiou-sama        -- Mr. World King
Kaiou-shin        -- God of the World Kings
Dai Kaiou-shin    -- Big God of the World Kings
Enmadaiou-sama    -- Traditional name of the gate keeper god that determines
                     where the dead are to go in the after-life.
Mutaito           -- Could simply be "a master (of some activity)"

Moukekko          -- "I'm fine."
Otoko Suki        -- "I like men."

Names that I need help with:
Upa             (Bora's father (or vice versa, I forget))

Assistance from:
   Gautama Buddha 

                                             -- Curtis Hoffmann

    Source: geocities.com/televisioncity/cable/9338

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