Love of a Lifetime

The Frasier characters belong to NBC, the M*A*S*H characters belong to Fox, and the title to Firehouse, but the poem is my own. No one uses my poem. It has a copy right, and will be published in a book as soon as the rest of my poems are finished. But other than that poem, I own nothing. Its all just fun and games, right folks?

OK, this is written as if Donny and Daphne were never together. Niles confessed his love to Daphne during the divorce, and Frasier and Martin still don't know, a year later. Read on, Macbeth!


Daphne paced nervously around the apartment all day waiting for Frasier and Martin to go out. Finally she would be alone to practice the piano without hearing Frasier laugh from her not being able to get 'Mary Had a Little Lamb' right. He didn't know she was taking lessons every day while he was gone. The only way he could know would be if he was to go through her things. Her car was proof that it would never happen.

"Well, Daph, we're off. Are you sure you don't want to join us?"

"I'm sure. I have things to do."

"Daphne, pardon me for saying this, but you always use that excuse and nothing has changed when we come home. Are you avoiding us?" Martin asked her, winking at her, since he knew her secret.

"No, I just want to be alone. I'm working on something and I don't want either of you to laugh. Now, off you go." She shuffled them off to the elevator. As they stepped on, Niles stepped off.

"Oh, Niles, Daphne wanted to be alone tonight." Frasier mumbled to Niles as Daphne noticed him coming off the lift.

"Oh, Dr. Crane, thanks for coming tonight." Daphne welcomed him in, not noticing the stunned look of Frasier's face, which mirrored his fathers.

"No problem Daphne. What songs did you want to work on?"

"I can't bloody get the hang of Mary had a little Lamb, but I got that other one." She sat at the piano and played 'Swans on the Lake' softly. Niles tapped the top of the piano to help her keep time. "I'll never get good enough for the wedding, Niles."

"Oh, Darling, you've been playing a month. You are magnificent." Niles kissed his fiancee lightly on the forehead. "When should we tell Frasier that you and I are getting married? Its been a year since my divorce."

"He doesn't even know we're dating, Niles!"

"He would be angry."

"I don't see why. We're both adults you know." Niles kissed her. He took he by the hand and started leading her to the bedroom. "Oh, Niles, I really wanted to practice."

"Oh, we'll practice."

"I meant on the piano."

"If you insist." Niles tossed her an evil grin and pulled her close. "Kara Mia."

"Mon cher."

"AH HA!" Frasier burst into the apartment. Daphne had heard the key turning. She took half a step back just before the door opened. "What is going on in here?"

"I was about to start another dance lesson, after all, I will be going to a wedding very soon and I need to be excellent." Frasier mouthed the word 'damn' as he left the apartment.

"I like keeping it from him. Its so fun having this wonderful little secret. And I'm not talking about the piano lessons." Niles made an angry face and pointed to the piano. Daphne looked at him, and he fell apart laughing.

"I'm sorry. I can try it again." Niles took a deep breath. "Get to that piano and practice, or you'll get a spanking."

"Sounds like fun." Daphne started over to the piano as Niles playfully slapped her butt. "Hey!" she yelped. Daphne reached around and pinched his knee. As he begged her to stop, Daphne smiled victoriously and turned back to the piano.

"OK, 'Hello Again.'" Niles told her. She shuffled through her folder and pulled the music out.

"I think its way beyond me ability right now."

"But you love the song. You know the tune, you know the notes on the paper, you can play it. Just try. Its in 4/4 time. And its in C, until the last page, which is C#. You know the timing. Try it." Daphne struggled through the first page. After about the third line of the second page, it began to smooth out. "You are amazing, my Darling." Niles caressed her neck.


"Dad, I think something is going on with Daphne and Niles."

"Yeah, they're getting married and they don't want you to know." Martin said, in a mockingly tone.

"Seriously, Dad. Something is going on."

"I know. They are getting married, and they didn't want you to know." Martin sipped his beer. "Seriously Frasier, the wedding is going to be in 7 months. Niles is teaching Daphne the piano because she wants to play something at the wedding."

"You have got to be kidding!"

"Why the hell do you think she gets rid of us every night? So she can clean the damn kitchen?"

"Niles would have told me."

"Then what would you have done?"

"Told him how bog of a mistake it is! It will never work with them. He doesn't love her, its pure infatuation."

"Frasier, do me a favor~ Shut up."

"Why didn't they tell me?"

"Because, you ass, they knew you'd judge, just like you are now. You always had to be in total control over Niles. Big Brother Frasier was always to the rescue if Poor Little Niles was about to be happy. Just do all of us a favor and butt out."

"He is basing a relationship and a marriage on how Daphne looks."

"Frasier, do you know how much she loves him? Do you understand how much he is in love with her? Every time I see them when you aren't there, they exchange a notebook. She read me a poem that NILES wrote to her. Wanna hear it?"

"You memorized it?"

"She only read it to me a thousand times."

"Tell me."

"I wake up and go just for your smile. I survive the morning just for your eyes.
I endure the day just for your voice. I live through the night just for your laughter.
I live and breath just for your love." Martin recited. "And that is one of hundreds over the last six months. I never knew he was such a romantic. Daphne's poems are just as beautiful. Frasier, leave them alone."

"All right. I just don't want to see them hating eachother like me and Lilith. They both deserve love for an eternity."

"They found it, Frasier, they have found the love you don't know."

"I miss her, ya know?"


"Yeah, I really love her still. I left because, well, she wanted me to."

"Did you tell her?"

"Yes, but she doesn't love me Dad. I'm glad that she's happy now." Martin patted Frasier's should.


"Oh... SOD OFF!" Daphne yelled.

"Stuff it!" Niles yelled back.


"Fine by me." He left, slamming the door. Frasier waited until Daphne's door slammed before he left his room.

"Daphne? Can I come in?" Frasier asked in a small voice.

"Yes," she said, her voice muffled by the pillow she was sobbing into. "What do you need?" He sat on the edge of her bed and patted her back and shoulders gently.

"Are you all right?"

"Your brother is the biggest most egotistical man on the planet."

"So I heard. What did he say?"

"I can never be good enough for him. No matter what I do, I could always be better. He is just so polite about it that it makes me sick. He said that I'm perfect, and that I make him feel better about himself because I am so lovely. I'm not lovely, I'm 20 pounds heavier than when he met me, all of which I gained the last 2 months. If my ass gets any bigger, I'll look like a Dr. Sues character!"

"Oh stop it Daphne. Niles loves you. I know you love him. And you have not gained any weight." Daphne rolled on to her back. She had a bit of a round stomach. popping out.

"Dr. Crane, did you ever study any physical stuff in school?"

"Yes, why?"

"My stomach is bumping around a lot lately. I could swear I'm pregnant, but Niles always uses protection, and I'm on the pill. I haven't stopped menstruating either. Is something wrong?" Frasier felt her stomach gently.

"Daphne, it is nothing that will not go away in another, oh, 5 and half to 6 months."


"It is possible to continue menstruation while pregnant, although its rare."

"What about the pills? And Niles?"

"Its only 97% full proof. It happens." Daphne hugged him.

"Oh, I really let Niles have a good tongue lashing. Dr. Crane, help me get him back."


"Let me write something in the notebook, and you bring it to him tomorrow morning."


Niles boarded the plane. He packed a few suits, left a note, and got on a plane to Maine. He knew some people in Crab apple Cove. His best friend, Ben Pierce, had lived there most of his life, but moved away to go to collage. He and Niles were room mates. After Niles broke up with Erin Hunnicutt, Ben dated her, since Ben was only 4 years younger and not 8 years younger. Now the two were married. They moved from California to Maine to be with Ben's aging parents.

The flight was not very long to Niles. He stepped off and was greeted by Ben.

"Niles, what the hell happened to you? You look like Erin's Dad when he was in Korea!" Erin slapped Ben's shoulder.

"Hi Ben! She hates me."

"I'm sorry Niles." Erin hugged him and they went back to Ben's house.


"Niles? NILES!" Frasier hollered. On the couch, he found the note.

Dear Frasier:
Tell Daphne I'm sorry. I couldn't stand
being here if I couldn't be with her. Tell her
I'll always love her, no matter what. I'll miss
you and Dad and Daphne, but I have really
messed it up with her. I'll call in a few months.



Daphne read the note a thousand times over. Each time made her heart ache more and more. Frasier came in to find her packing.

"Daphne, he'll come back."

"I still don't want to be here, burdening you and Mr. Crane, Dr. Crane."

"For God's sakes, Daphne, we're practically related. Call me Frasier. And you will not be burdening us."

"Like you need a pregnant woman running around the house knocking things over and crying all the time."

"Daphne, please stay. I'm begging. I'll grovel. We really want you to stay. "

"I can't."

"Where will you go? Who will take you to the doctor's office? Who will be with you when you have the baby?"

"Frasier, you made your point. You are like a brother to me, and I don't want to trouble you."


"All right. Since you really want me to."


"Hello Dr. Pierce."

"Hell, my name is Hawkeye. Margaret, you remember Benny's friend, Niles."

"Hello Niles. Its been a while. How is Seattle?"

"Not bad, Major." Everyone still called her Major Houlihan, even though she was married and hadn't been in the army for a long time. "How are you doing tonight?"

"Oh, not bad. Hawkeye, go get the boy some coffee."

"Are you sure you don't want a martini?"

"No I'm fine. I rarely drink coffee. Ben, how is Jamie?"

"She's great. She's sleeping over at a friend's house tonight. Dad, go sget the cards.Poker!" Niles, Margaret, Erin, Ben, and Hawkeye all sat to a game of poker.

"So, are you going to go back any time soon?"

"No. I'm going to Bosten next week to take a position at a mental institution. Dr. Freedman is expecting me on Wednesday. Thanks for your help, Ben."

"Tell Syd we say hello. Niles, we're having a 45 year reuinion here in four months, from the war. Everyone from the 4077th will be here. Syd's coming, why don't you join us?"

"I better not. They won't remember me from collage." At the 30 year reunion, Niles was with Ben and Erin visiting from collage.

"My dad'll be there. The two of you really hit it off last time. Please come Niles!" Erin begged. "You and Charles really had fun last time too."

"Yeah Niles, you are part of the family practiaclly." Margaret put her arm on his shoulder.

"Oh, all right. How can I resist two women begging me." Niles grinned at Hawkeye.


"DAPH? Daphne, I got a letter from Niles."

"Where is he!?"

"He went to a reunion with some friends, a MASH reunion. He has to be with Ben. No return adress."

"How is he?" she said, choking back tears.

"He's said he's good and he really misses you, but could never face you again for hurting you like he did." Daphne let the tears flow. Frasier hugged her closely. "Its going to be ok, Daphne. Would you like me to get you something?"

"I want my Niles back." she mumbled into Frasier's chest, sobbing. "Please help me find him."

"Daph, why don't you go on back to bed, I'll make dinner and take care of things tonight. You are 8 months pregnant and you really need to go and relax. Please." Frasier begged her to go lie down. She nodded, hugged him and went back to her room. Frasier dug around in his personal phone book for the Pierce's number. He dialed it up.

"Hello? Hawkeye here."

"Hawkeye? Its Frasier Crane. My brother Niles wouldn't be there, would he?"

"No, no Frasier, he took a job in Bosten about 4 months ago. But if you want to talk to him, I'd call tonight, He's leaving for New York tomorrow."

"How long will he be in New York?"

"I dunno. Syd let him take the transfer." Frasier wrote down the number and called. The phone had been disconnected already.


Frasier paced the livingroom for half an hour, singing gently to the fussing infent in his arms. Laura Moon was usually not fussy like Tommy, who was being rocked by Daphne, but tonight, they were both crying they're lungs out.

"I'm really sorry, Frasier."

"Daphne, babies cry. Its all right, Frederick did the same thing. Of course, there was only one of him, but its quite all right." Laura began to calm. "I'm going to try and get her down now." Daphne soon followed with Tommy, who had fallen asleep as soon as he finished eating.

"Thanks Frasier." Daphne said as she joined him at the couch. He rubbed her shoulders.

"Daph, why don't you go get some sleep in my room. I'll take the couch, and that way, the twins won't be disturbed, and you won't be disturbed in 3 hours when they wake up. I'll take care of them." Daphne was already asleep. Frasier smiled and lay her down and covered her up. "He'll come back. I know he will. He loves you." he whispered. Daphne smiled in her sleep.


"So you've been away for over 5 years now? Not one letter? Not one phone call?" Sidney asked. "Why?"

"She said she never wanted to see me again. So I left. Sidney, I miss her so much. Should I go back?"

"Hell yeah! Go now! You have money.I mean the stock market has been very kind to you."

"I have been saving it all for Daphne. Frasier gets a check every week from me for her to help pay the bills. She doesn't know where Frasier gets the money, and I think its time I went home."

"Why do you send money? Does she have a baby?"

"Not that I know of. But Frasier's radio show went down the drain and has had low ratings the last year. He needs it and I have heared that Daphne still lives there."

"Then go!"


Nilesknocked on the door lightly. A small boy opened it. The blue eyes, blond hair, and shy look told Niles exactly who he was.

"Thomas Niles Moon! I told you not to~" Daphne said until she saw who was on the other side. "You!"

"Mommy? Who's he?" Laura asked from the table.

"Its your father." she said, turning red with anger. Niles could only stand there, jaw dangling open, and face as white as a sheet. "You stupid jack ass! Where the hell have you been the last seven years?" Daphne slapped him across the face and stormed off. She left the door open, and Niles entered.

"Daphne, I came to make peace with you. I left because you told me to. You never wanted to see me again and I kept my distance as long as I could."

"I suppose you came when you found out you are a father."

"I just found our when Thomas answered the door."

"Tommy. His name is Tommy. And that is Laura." The two were identicle, only Laura had long hair kept in a braid.

"Play for us Mommy!"

"You promised!"

'Hello Again'. Niles listened to Daphne playing, remembering how she sounded last time he heard, and listened to how much better she played. She played so naturally, and his children could sing. Niles walked up behind Daphne and pul his arms around her shoulders. She stopped playing and let him hold her.

"Mum? Are you ok?"

"Tommy, Laura, why don't you go play next door. I need to talk to your father." Daphne was unsteady. Never had she said that to them. They never met him and now she was sending them away.

"Ok .Come on Laura."

"Bye Mommy. Bye Father."

"Call me Dad." Niles hugged both of them. After they left, Daphne saw him stare after them for a moment. "Daphne they are beautiful."

"Shut up. You have no right to come here and be their Dad."

"Please Daphne, Let me come back." Niles told her why he left, and why he never called or wrote a return address. "I was so afraid you would write back telling me not to write. I couldn't bear that."

"Well thats is the stupidest most selfish thing I have ever heard. Here I am raising two children with your brother's help and you were afraid of rejection. Do you know how many things you missed? You missed EVERYTHING and you can't get it back with them. You can't make it up to them or to me. Its time for you to go."

"Tell me, did you ever really love me?"

"Every waking moment I thought about you, Niles. Tommy is your clone, he fights with Roz and everything. Laura has yor sense of humor and the sweetness about you that I loved. They BOTH have your smile. Last month, they turned 3. Frasier and Marty dressed up as clowns, and Eddie was the Lion Tamer. We have it all on video. We have their whole lives on video. You just missed so much though."

"Daphne, please let me come back. I stayed at my place last night. Nothing has really changed there, and we could live there. You'll never have to work, if you want to work you can though."

"What are you talking about?"

"While I was in New York, I played the stock market. I have over 400 million dollars in the bank. Anything that you want, its yours. Anything that they want, its theirs."

"I hate bribes." she said coldly.

"Daphne, I don't want you to come back for the money. Come back because you love me."

"Did you find the book?"

"Yes. I love you. And the answer to the question in the poem is Forever. Will you take me back?"

"I don't think I can yet."

"Ok. When you are ready to come back to me, I'll be waiting." Niles got his coat and headed to the door. As he started to leave, he turned. "Play it for me." Daphne played the chorus to their song. Niles smiled and left.

Daphne sat alone at the piano for a long time. The smell of him lingered around her like a blanket as that warm, content feeling came back to her. The poem ran through her head over and over.

I don't know why the sky is blue
or the grass so lush and green
I don't know what made the Eiffel tower
or why the tower of Piza leans.
Can you tell me why flowers are young
but trees are so old?
And why red is all warm
and yellow is like gold?

All I know is that I love you
So much that I can barely see
But I only ask one question to you.
How long will you love me?

The End