Martin slid the door of the cell open just as he has herd Taris scream.

An uncontrollable blind rage over came him when he beheld the site inside. With out a thought to the consequences Martin lunged for Thomas tearing him off Tari.

Feeling the weight of her attacker lift Tari seased the opportunity and forcibly tried to jump to her feet but fell once more to the floor still unable to gain control of her equilibrium. Terrified she scrambled into the corner next to the caught.

Looking up, she saw threw blurred vision, Martin in a rage she had never seen before as he fought mercilessly with Thomas hitting him over and over until the man fell to the floor. Martin picked him up again by the front of his vest and flung Thomas against the wall stunning him only momentarily.

As he gained control once more Thomas lunged toward Martin who gave no quarter as his frenzied attack raged on. He leaped at the man again knocking him once more to the floor despite Thomas blows that seemed to be ineffective. Over powering him Martin kneeled on Thomas chest his hands wrapped expertly around the mans neck as he continued to franticly punch at Martins face. Martin's alien tongue lashed out and spat venom in Thomas face his grip around Thomas neck tightened.

Horrified Tari could not take her eyes from Martin. Screams continued to escape from her. Her eyes were wide with fright.

Martin's heated rage was so great he could not hear Taris hysterical screams. The force of his grip finally taking its toll on his opponent Martin squeezed with every once of his strength until Thomas fell limp.

As Martin realized the man was dead his grip loosened and Tari's screams tore him from relishing in his victory. He turned to see the girl cowering in the corner next to the bunk and he quickly got to his feet and rushed to her.

Taris mind was clouded and her heart raced. The terror, horror, and confusion clearly mirrored in her eyes. It was then that Martin realized she had seen everything. She knew.

"Please." he begged "don't ask anything, just trust me, I'll get you out of here. It's all right Tari. I won't hurt you," he spoke softly as he knelt in front of her and tried to calm her. "I'll take you out of here I promise." He reached to help the still hysterical girl stand, her screams quieted for the moment as she stared unbelievingly at him.

"Martin?" she asked in a quivering confused voice.

Tari cringed away from his out stretched arms. She still fought to stay in control of her wavering mind. But the effects of the conversion drug were quickly taking hold. She was not sure anymore of where she was or what she saw. Was this Martin who knelt in front of her now? Or was this some monster that had materialized itself in her nightmares? Was she awake, or was she still trapped in this nightmare?

Martin knew time was of the essence now, he had to get Tari out of here and fast before someone came to investigate the screams he was sure had been herd down the corridor.

Looking deep into Taris horrified eyes taking noticed that they were glassed over, the pupils were dilated. He quickly scanned the room and his fears materialized as he saw the discarded syringe. Instinctively he knew she had already been given the hallucinating drug administered to humans to aid in the conversion process. He knew the drug acted differently on some humans, sometimes with deadly consequences. But he would have to deal with that in another place and he prayed the later was not the case, the most important thing right now was to get her off this ship and to safety at all costs.

"Tari please" He begged "Trust me. I won't let anything happen to you, I promise you, Please Tari." He emplored her as he once again held out his hands to her. "You must trust me."

Tears streamed from Taris eyes as she looked at him. It was Martin, her Martin, the man she loved, trusted with out reservation. Had she really seen a reptilian tongue flick out from the lips that had touched hers so gently only weeks before? No, it was a nightmare. It had to be a nightmare. This was Martin who knelt in front of her not some monster. Martin would help her; he would wake her from this terrifying dream.

Her mind swam, she felt sick. Things seemed distorted. She needed him to be her Martin. She needed him to rescue her. Take her away from here and make all the horrors go away. What ever it was Thomas had shot into her neck had to be what had caused her nightmare. She felt confused. The one thing in all this turmoil that seemed stable was the man holding out his hands to her. Her love, her Martin. Shakily she held out her hands to him.

"Help me" she whimpered softly as her tears fell. "Help me."

Quickly Martin grabbed Tari and helped her to her feet. At the same time a voice called out his name. With lightning speed he instinctively snatched his gun from its holder on his thigh and aimed, As he held Tari steady with his other hand. But before he could pull the trigger he recognized the figure from where the voice had come.

"Martin! What are you doing?!" Lorraine, another member of the fifth column asked sternly.

Returning his weapon to its place Martin scooped Tari up into his arms as her strength gave out and she collapsed.

Lorraine glanced down at the still form of Thomas lying on the floor then returned unbelieving eyes to Martin.

"Martin, What have you done?" she asked in shock.

Martin walked briskly toward her with Tari in his arms. Realizing his fears had come to life urgency laced his tone.

"I'll explain later." he barked. As he made his way to the doorway.

Lorraine blocked his exit.

"Where are you taking her?" She asked confused.

"To my quarters, she's had an allergic reaction the procol." he answered quickly.

"Martin your crazy. You can't do this. You're risking everything." Lorraine scolded angrily.

"If I don't she'll die. Now either help me Lorraine or get out of my way." Martin growled glaring hard-determined eyes at her.

Lorraine looked at him disappointedly and for a moment was silent. She new with out her help he would surly be caught. And with his capture the fifth column movement would be severely hindered. She would discus with him his irrational actions when it was safer.

"Alright." she said hesitantly. "I'll help you."

Quickly she glanced down the corridor, seeing no one she motioned for Martin to exit. Shutting the door behind her she quickly stepped in front of Martin and lead the way around the corner to a ventilation shaft opening and removed the grating.

Martin gently set Tari inside and then climbed up inside with her as Loraine kept watch. When Martin was inside Lorraine returned the grating in place.

"Get Nathaniel." Martin whispered. "Bring him to my quarters and hurry." Picking Tari up in his arms once more Martin made his way toward his room.

Lorraine made sure they had not been seen then carefully hurried off to find Nathaniel the physician who was also a fifth column member.

She entered the infirmary and saw Nathaniel standing near the medicine cabinets setting bottles of medicines inside. Other members of the medical staff were looking after the few patients that lay in the beds.

Lorraine made her way cautiously to Nathaniel trying not to be too noticeable.

"I must speak with you." She told him as she approached giving him a look of urgency. He understood and motioned to his office. Once inside he shut the door.

"What is it?" He asked concerned.

"Martin needs you, in his quarters." She told him nervously her voice still quiet.

"Martin? Is he ill?" Nathaniel asked reaching for his medical kit.

"No." Lorraine began to explain. "There was a human girl brought on board. Martin rescued her. He thinks she's had a reaction to the conversion drug." She paused before she continued. "He's taken the girl to his quarters. He insists you come there immediately."

"What!?" Nathaniel almost let the words burst from his lips. Then spoke more quietly. "Has he gone mad? That's suicide. If Diana finds her there she'll have him killed."

Lorraine's eyes held the look of deep concern.

"I know, I tried to tell him that but he wouldn't listen." she paused again. "Nathaniel, I think Martin killed Thomas."

Nathaniel's eyes widen in surprise. "Killed him? Why? What happened?"

"I'm not sure, he wouldn't tell me anything. His concern centered on getting the girl to safety." Lorraine said in an almost disgusted tone.

"Who is this human girl?" Nathaniel asked still shocked that Martin would take such a risk.

"That I don't know. But if we don't hurry I'm afraid she is going to be dead." Lorraine emphasized.

Nathaniel understood and followed Loraine out.


Martin lay Tari gently down inside the ventilation shaft as he reached the grating into his room. He kicked at it until it fell loose and he grabbed the grating before it fell to the floor then jumped down. Setting the grating aside he quickly pulled Tari out of the shaft and set her carefully on his bed then hurried to make sure the door to his room was locked and replaced the grating over the shaft and secured it once more.

He returned to where Tari lay and sat next to her on the bed. Martin softly brushed the hair from her face. "Tari?" He spoke softly as he ran his hand smoothly over her skin taking notice it was clammy and much warmer than usual. Beads of sweat dampened the hair on her forehead and her breathing was rough. This was not a good sign and Martin began to worry even more that she was indeed having an allergic reaction the conversion drug.

Hearing someone outside his door Martin hurriedly stood pulling the curtain that hid his bed from view before he rushed to the intercom and pressed the button. "Yes?" he asked trying to mask his uneasiness.

"Martin." Lorraine voice whispered threw the intercom.

Martin sighed with relief recognizing the voice at the other end and quickly pushed the button releasing the lock and Lorraine cautiously stepped in, Nathaniel with her.

"Quickly." Martin urged Nathaniel as he rushed over and pulled the curtain aside reviling Tari lying on his bed.

Nathaniel looked at the girl then to Martin.

"We could all be killed doing this." He scolded "Who is she?"

"Her name is not important Nathaniel saving her life is." Martin answered angrily. "Help her." he begged, his voice becoming softer."Please?"

Nathaniel looked at Martin. His deep concern for this girl shown clearly even threw the fake human eyes."

"Alright my friend. I'll do what I can." Nathaniel answered then went to the bedside and began to look her over, using his knowledge of humans to try and determine what was wrong with her.

As Nathaniel looked Tari over Martin stood buy helplessly.

Lorraine stood nervously at the door. "I'll go and see if I can find out what's been happening. If there's any trouble I'll try and warn you." With that she cautiously left the room.

Nathaniel quickly began giving Tari an injection. Talking to Martin as he did so.

"You were right. It is a reaction to the procol. We've seen this before Martin. You know they rarely live." He pointed out materafactly.

"But some have lived threw it?" Martin asked hopefully.

Nathaniel nodded. "It's a rare acurense and the few that have had this reaction, well, you know how few have survived."

"She has to be one of those few Nathaniel." Martin spoke with deep emotion. "She has to live."

Nathaniel looked up at his friend. "She means a great deal to you doesn't she? Is she worth the risk your taking?"

Martin's eyes stayed fixed on Tari. "Yes." he admitted with out hesitation. "Worth dyeing for."

Nathaniel's concern masked his human like features. "Who is she Martin? " he asked as he felt again for Taris pulse.

"Her name is Tari Donovan." Martin began "She was brought here to be converted and questioned about her brother Mike Donovan."

"The reporter Diana has been searching for?" Nathaniel asked.

Martin nodded.

"Then Diana will be tearing this ship apart looking for her." Nathaniel pointed out.

Tari began to stir. "Martin, Martin" she called out weakly as her body quivered as if she were having a bad dream. "Help me." She whimpered "Hel..p me.."

Martin rushed to her side. "I'm here Tari, I'm here." He looked up at Nathaniel questioningly.

"It's the fever Martin, she's delirious." Nathaniel told him. "If we don't get her fever down.." he stopped in mid sentence. Martin knew what Nathaniel hesitated to say. If Taris fever continued to climb she would die.

Nathaniel stood and retrieved a damp cloth and set it on Taris forehead in an attempt to help bring her fever down.

Just then the door to Martins room flew open. He had neglected to lock it when Lorraine had left. Martin reached for his weapon then stopped when he saw Lorraine rush threw the door.

"They've found Thomas's body. Diana's looking for you Martin." Lorraine blurted out in a panic.

Martin felt torn. He wanted to stay with Tari, he was afraid to leave her. Yet he knew he must not act as if anything was wrong or he would surely be found out.

"Go" Nathaniel urged "I'll stay with her. If Diana suspects anything we'll all be killed. Now Go Martin, quickly."

Hesitantly Martin looked once more at Tari as she lie sleeping so still now.

"I'll return as soon as possible." he told Nathaniel then followed Lorraine out.

Nathaniel went to the door and locked it. Fear of being discovered flowed threw him. But he had promised his friend He would stay and stay he would. After all that's why the fifth column had been formed. To help the humans because what the Leader and Diana were doing was wrong. Nathaniel believed that with all his heart.

It had been hours since Martin had left with Lorraine. Nathaniel quickly slid the curtain shut hiding Tari and himself from view as he heard the door being unlocked. He held his breath as fear flooded threw his veins. Logic told him that Martin was the only one with a key to his room. But then if he had been found out or killed it was possible the person on the other side of that door could be Diana.

Nathaniel heard the door slide open and shut again, footsteps came closer. He was a physician and carried no weapon. He silently cursed himself for not asking Martin or Lorraine to leave one with him.

All at once the footsteps stopped and the curtain flew open. Nathaniel sucked in a heavy breath only to let in out again with a deep sigh of relief as he saw Martin standing in front of him.

"How is she?" Martin asked anxiously, paying no attention to Nathaniel but instantly leaned down to feel Taris forehead.

"She has been calling for you. I am afraid she is still delirious. I've given her another injection to counteract the effects of the procol. Unfortunately Her fever is still much to high." Nathaniel told him solemnly.

"My knowledge of human physiology is limited at best. I've done all I can for her. The next twenty four hours will tell, if her fever hasn't broken by then.." He hesitated leaving the rest of the sentence unfinished as he began gathering his things and putting them back into his medical bag. "I'll bring more of the counteractive medicine as soon as I can. She should be given another injection in six hours." he finished as he closed his bag and looked up at Martin.

"Thank You Nathaniel." Martin said holding out his hand.

Nathaniel took it in his and Martin clasped it with a heartfelt visitor handshake.

"I still think its madness to keep her here." he told him worriedly as their hands parted. "But I do understand. Now, Tell me, What's happened? Has Diana given up her search for this girl?"

Martin shook his head. "Her brother and his friend were captured an hour ago. We have a plan to free Donovan. Barbara is waiting for word from me to execute it. Is Tari able to be moved?" he asked hopefully. "Her brother could take her."

Nathaniel shook his head sadly. "I wish I could say yes. But in her weakened state moving her now would only hinder whatever plan you have and risk her slim chance to live. Plus, she will need the other injection of the counteractive if there is any chance for her survival."

Martin hung his head in defeat. "Then She will stay here."

"Does her brother know she is aboard this ship?" Nathaniel asked nervously.

"No." Martin answered "When I took him to his holding cell I only told him we would help him to escape, nothing more. His concern now is for the friend that was brought on board with him. I am afraid it is to late for Tony Leonetti. Diana has already ordered some.." his tone hardened "Medical expeirement." He bit out the words then his tone changed to a more determined one. "Donovan must escape, alone."

Nathaniel sighed discouraged and sickened at the thought of Diana's evil and cruel experiments she preformed on the humans from time to time.

"You must go to Barbara." Martin began anxiously. "Tell her she must execute the plan as we discussed quickly. Tell her to say nothing else. No one is to know Tari Donovan is still on board this ship. Diana believes Tari killed Thomas and has already escaped. I want it to stay that way." He ordered.

Nathaniel nodded his understanding. "Becareful Martin." he began with a warning tone. "That your feelings for this girl do not interfere with our prime objective to help all humans. Becareful that in trying to protect her, you do not get yourself killed and disclose the fifth column as well."

With those words Nathaniel left and Martin locked the door behind him then returned to Tari sitting beside her on the bed.

Taking the cloth from the bowl of water that sat on the small table next to the bed, Martin wrung out the excess water and began to smooth it over Taris face and neck.

She was shivering and began to stir softly calling out his name.

"Help me, Martin, no.." He was sure her words brought the images of what she had seen as Martin fought with Thomas back into her disillusioned mind. He feared her reaction to him once she regained conciseness. It was of no importance though as long as she was safe. He prayed now to Zon that she would be safe, that she would recover, and soon.

As Tari tossed and turned more forcibly now she called out quietly for her brother. Martin's heart sank. Images of her fearing him and revolted by his presence ran threw his mind. She could never care for him now, now that she knew. Maybe it was better this way. Once she was reunited with her brother Martin knew he would never see her again. But then, he also knew it was for the best. His feelings were of no importance. The important thing was to get Tari well, to get her back to the surface and reunited with her brother where she would be safe and away from Diana.

He silently swore that no matter what, Diana would not be conducting any medical experiments on this girl 'nor' would she be converting her. He vowed he would protect her even though there was no hope for their love, Tari would be safe. And her people would triumph over the Leader and Diana. They would survive. And he and the fifth column would do all that they could to see that it happened.

Tari lie still now, quietly yet restlessly sleeping. Martin ran his hand softly over her smooth face then entangling his fingers in and caressing her hair. He knew there would never be another chance for them and his heart broke. Taking the last opportunity he knew he would ever have Martin carefully positioned himself and sat behind Tari then pulled her into his lap as he held her head against his chest and pulled the blanket up over her shoulders. He leaned against the wall and felt his body relax as she lay in his embrace. He closed his eyes and fell into an uneasy sleep.

page 14