Welcome to my Guestbook!

maria - 12/28/00 22:03:42
My Email:maria@keith.tc

Hola Nay! Im glad you are alright mate! I will soon be back online! Cya!

Israel Gibran - 11/27/00 08:58:40
My Email:giva81@hotmail.com

Hola Nayelli (Djn@y), bueno amiga quiero felicitarte por tu pagina esta muy fregona y claro más fregona se ve porque salgo en una foto *lol* Que va..muchas felicidades por tu web page. Cuidese y te deseo lo mejor ( claro que no hay nada mejor que Paul Van Dyk). Saludos..Israel

Ultratrax - 11/20/00 13:19:08
My URL:http://www.kalkul.de
My Email:dirk@kalkul.de

Diese Seite ist lustig. I'm going to visit Mexico at the end of dec. Is there a club who's interested in a DJ - booking? I am from Germany, I played in Clubs like Tresor or Ostgut and I closed my Asia-Tour last week. Now I'm looking for new clubs that lik my style of House and Technomusic

Marc - 11/18/00 01:09:56
My URL:http://eagle.cc.ukans.edu/~mfing/COMS1.htm
My Email:mfing@eagle.cc.ukans.edu

Cool website, I love all the pictures....the loveparade looked amazing...hopefully I'll be there next year...saw PVD in Chicago, one of the most amazing nights of my life....might go see him on New Year's in California...later...

NAY - 11/13/00 17:42:16

hola ana que onda , yo tambien estoy un poco traumada con lo del sabado , es que ese papi paul como cambiarlo, si hasta nos hace llorar *lol*, en fin ya quiero que sea verano 2001, porque? sabes que ?lo que pasa es que hoy no es un buen dia y como que me usta ver para a tras en dias como hoy y eso me hace estar peor. bueno ya!!! desde hoy NADIE VA A TENER MEMORIA , desde hoy una nueva vida , como no señores!!!*l* en fin ya me voy creo que despues de deshaogarme me siento un poco mejor. UN BESO Y ABRAZO A TODAS MIS AMIGAS!!! las quiero muchisismo, gracias por todo, sobretodo a ti kycho!!!bueno ya se esta volviendo un poco cursi esto. FROG!!!!!!!!!!!!!I MEANT U 2. *off*

Martin Gore`s - DM- lover - 11/13/00 15:14:59

Hola Mayello otra vez, ya se me hizo costumbre. Bueno, la verdad esa vez de lo de van Dyk pues si fue trauma. Nuevamente. Y ahora me vuelve mi trauma Depeche Modiano, no sé que voy a hacer, estoy muriendo por Martin!! como todos estos años!! haha, buen ... besitos mua. Yo Ana Luisa

DJSNOB - 11/02/00 03:36:33
My URL:http://www.noone.ok.thnx.
My Email:djsnob@another.com


DJSNOB - 11/02/00 03:35:57
My URL:http://www.noone.ok.thnx.
My Email:djsnob@another.com


Ana Luisa mejor conocida como Devotee Devotional en toda la red internerd - 11/01/00 00:38:29
My URL:http://hasta me da pena ponerla porque ni trabajo en ella
My Email:devotee@sdf.lonestar.org, pero me tardo como un mes en contestar

Aquí me encuentro nuevamente amiga, en la cuenta regresiva, hoy 31 de octubre o día que los gringos mugres lo llaman jalogüin... en fin... estoy aquí!, ... hoy voy a cambiar!!!, en la soledad absoluta y digamoslo así melancólica, hoy recibí un mail de pel s y una foto de un hombre mmh... :) haha, no cambiamos amiga... o como dices tú: "pues, hay que besarnos" hahaha, ya si no te late lo que puse pues delete!... ya va a ser tu cumple... LEAN TODOS UDS. INTERESADOS! EL CUMPLE DE MAYELLISTORTAS ES YA MERO, re alos mandarlos a su casa, contactar via e-mail... bueno, saludos a Fabián eh?, yo también lo quiero, ojalá pronto se haga algo, oder???... ADIOS!!!, Ana Luisa de Omelet

Henry - 10/11/00 18:24:20
My URL:http://home.gelrevision.nl/~vankoot/
My Email:alseenvisinhetwater@dolfijn.nl

Nice page this and nice pics of the loveparade. Please take a look at my homepage about the number one DJ of Holland, DJ TIESTO!!!!! Thanx Greetz from Holland

Dr.Frog - 10/02/00 12:10:32

hey babe your site i still improving!keep on the good work, but you should also pay more attention to better dj's then Paul van Dyk like Seb Fontaine and of course dutch dj DJ Tiesto :)

Dj N@y - 10/02/00 04:25:53

que onda remoras!!! ;//// como estan todos , bueno pues para empezar como se han dado cuento sigo traumada con papi paul van dyk y seguire por mucho tiempo, muy pronto veran un cambio *radical en esta pagina, mil gracias por tomarse el tiempo de firmar esta pagina. Wazzzup guys? how r u doing , i jus wanna thank to all of u who signed ma GB , and the ones who hasnt yet comon and do it! k? keep coming cus ill have more material soon. Wie gehts?? danke f:ur kommen , ich hoffe sie werden nicht zu sp:ater hier z:uruck sein, ich wird neue sachen haben. tsch:uss cya later lov u all. big hugz *going while spinning and listening to columbia*

Kirsty - 09/30/00 11:28:52
My Email:saintkirsty@fsmail.net

Wow! this page kicks ass! I am the only one I know who likes PvD but then i am only 14! Hardly anyone knows who he is out of my friends!

Pablo Limón - 09/24/00 21:18:23

creo que lo unico que puedo decirte es que te quiero. espero todo siga como ahora te adora Pablo

pablo limon - 09/19/00 04:08:51

hola..esto te quedo padre, pero pense que apareceria..bueno te adoro Pablo.

walter aca videowall - 09/17/00 19:21:53

Que poca, aun sigo en tu pagina de friends como un baquetbolista que es nice!!! ademas el link a mi foto ni sirve, vale!! eh. a ver cuando te pago tu helado si sigues asi. pero bueno, felicidades por tu page, cada dia esta mas gande, y mejor.

kycho - 08/21/00 01:19:23

Que onda amiga!!!! para que no digas que nunca me meto a tu page aqui estoy.Luego nos vemos

therblig - 08/13/00 13:56:08
My Email:therblg@aol.com

hey cool web page. just checkin out whats up with our much loved latin scene. and i like what i see keep it real , laters therblig

doogle - 07/31/00 00:29:31
My URL:http://www.doogle.co.uk
My Email:doogle@doogle.co.uk

Hiya nayelli *hugs* Sorry I didn't get you them photos I promised, damn cameras :o\ Anyhow, next time I'll take a few cameras so if one breaks I've still got another :o)

Leonard - 07/24/00 22:53:13
My URL:http://www.leonardosullivan.com
My Email:leonard1981@hotmail.com

Hi Nayelli. I like your website. PvD Rules! Check back to mine soon for more Paul mp3's. My favourite song is For An Angel!!

Alfonso Dieguez - 07/20/00 18:55:18
My Email:alfonsodieguez@hotmail.com

Hello D.J. Nay : Heard about Club Rimel, so I thought I'd check it out. I think its great the Mexico is throwing underground parties !! I live 1 hour from San Francisco, & go to a couple of parties a month. Community in S.F. is great, there's the residents D.J. Garth, Jeno, & Simon.. I also spin, send me a mailing address & I'd be happy to send you a tape. see ya Alfonso

- 07/10/00 20:21:31


Ana Luisa/Devotee - 07/10/00 11:56:09
My URL:no me acuerdo, pero si checan abajo debe venir la dirección
My Email:devotee.rm@yahoo.com

Nayelli... amiga... cómo estás??... me da gusto ver tu página... yo... aqui, algún día leeré esto que estoy escribiendo y lloraré... porque... ya no estaré aquí... me gusta el tema que pusiste en la página, dedicada a quien murió por sus ideales?, mmh... ues... yo me voy a quedar muerta aquí entonces amiga :) haha, bueno, todavia tengo que buscar a Martin Gore en Londres para poder morir en paz... y tomarme una foto con él... espero te encuentres en las mejores condiciones... ya habrá tiempo para platica y conocer amiga... lo prometo ok?... sigue echándole ganas a tu página... te quiero mucho... Ana Luisa, desde el otro lado del charco... haha (el charco de las ranas esquina con Mixcoac) -aah..pero que burra!!-

dr.frog - 06/21/00 00:20:10
My URL:http://still in progress
My Email:fabian_kruys@yahoo.com

it sux you cant come to berlin next month nayelli!you know i was looking forward to meet you and going crazy together on those fucking good techo beats!so now i have to wait another year for you and thats disappointing for me!but of course for you its mor disappointing cause you wanted it so much. But believe me july 2001 will be sooner there then you can imagine and in the meantime i will try to make you laugh and so on icq. and also you have to wait now another year to experience that famous kiss of me! )) HOLLAND WILL WIN EURO 2000!!!!GERMANY IS OUT!!!:ppppppppp

fLiNtY - 06/19/00 19:16:44
My URL:http://www.prodigy-net.de
My Email:fLiNtY@.........

Hallo eine Freundin ! Geile Site, treff dich im Netz .. bis dann !!!!

doogle - 06/12/00 00:28:07
My URL:http://www.doogle.co.uk
My Email:doogle@doogle.co.uk

Howdy ho nayelli *huggies* :o>
just felt like poppin by, I like the new background :o)
ooh, I may be goin to that love parade thingy this year so I'll be able to get ya some piccies if ya want :o)

tremelo - 05/10/00 17:32:17
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/showbiznet
My Email:tremelo_99@hotmail.com

heya nayelli mwwwaaaah - sites as cool as ever - hehe i hope youre saving for germany- cos i wanna see ya *s* take it easy ma chico latino *hugs'n'kisses* trem -xxxxx-

Ambroggio vs. Raphael - 05/08/00 08:49:37
My URL:http://av.brainstorm-fx.de
My Email:av@brainstorm-fx.de

So, I must admit....it's a cool site. It lives not through great design but cool content. Still i was laughing myself almost to death, especially at this "only for girls-page" A sense for great humour... We have to create a german-mexican network of cool people. the more I know about mexico the more I think it's cool. Mit freundlichen Grüßen Raphael.

Rubén Sardón - 05/05/00 11:37:32
My Email:rubensardon@yahoo.com

Es una página buenísima que lo sepais. Good Bye

peppe - 04/24/00 21:29:39
My URL:http://home.bip.net/ghnomb
My Email:ghnomb@mail.bip.net

Hiya hun! Havn´t seen ya round much lately... I´ve just been updating my homepage, so now its just a page about all our parties... :) hopefully I´ll have lotsa pics from them, and all the nasty stories ; C Ya round sweetie /peppe

nano - 04/22/00 22:31:44
My Email:103703.1024@compuserve.com.mx

Quede verdaderamente sorprendido de tú página, sobre todo después de que la navegue íntegramente, creo que no me faltó nada. FELICIDADES

hpada - 04/21/00 01:31:35
My Email:hpada_13@yahoo.com

ahora si pude, entrar, y esta muy chida la página, saludos radicales Hpada

Doogle - 04/18/00 23:35:47
My URL:http://www.doogle.co.uk
My Email:doogle@doogle.co.uk

Hi nayelli *huggies* :o)
Like the new look ya got here, keep it up =oÞ

djnay - 04/18/00 21:24:22
My Email:djnay2000@yahoo.com

ElLo!!HaLlO!!HoLa!! everybody , ROSY is ma mother=) and ALBERTO ma father and im pretty happy that they´ve just signed ma GB . well actually i pushed them to di it *l* cus i think they r the most important persons in my life, and its not fair that all my friends had sigend my GB and they hadnt done that. as u see ive been workin out on ma HP, and its cus im in easter holidays cus when im at college i can bareley have time to be a couple of minutes in ICQ . Im still working in ma germany trip =D. bye bye lov ya all *hugzz*

alberto vargas - 04/18/00 21:18:16

Aunque no me gusta la globalización felicitaciones para tí y para todos los jóvenes que viven en esta realidad virtual.

rosy rosell - 04/18/00 21:13:21
My Email:rosyrosell@yahoo.com

te felicito por todos los amigos que tienes en internet ojalá algún día los conozcas en persona y sigan siendo amigos para toda la vida.

Rob (Guess) - 04/18/00 05:34:28

Great page nay, i'm very bored so i decided to enter, hehe not cause i liked it or anything *jokes* Anyways, looks good, bye, *hugs* Rob

Fabian Kruijs - 04/14/00 22:27:44
My URL:in my next life mabye
My Email:fabian_kruys@yahoo.com

ladies and gentleman..here he is..back from along time ago, flap the dutch frog!uhmmm well as you all know marihuna is legal here in holland so all you come to holland!its a little paradise on earth if you like drugs,sex and more drugs and sex :) well i r alise my contribution to this page of that sweetest girl nayelli is totally useless!but who cares????no one is reading it except for herself mabey :) and oh yes before i leave i have to say...everyone might read this!!SHE IS MY MEXICAN ANGEL :) and every uy is chanceless with her ahummmm yeah right ok i am gone(and no i am not drunk or high!!):)

Nemo - 04/05/00 17:45:09

Hiiiii Nayelli....a lot of greetings from Prague (only for Nayelli's eyes: and kisses and hugs too *lol*) Hey,you are still hard-working on your webby...really COOOOL now..go on go on!!! See you soon on ICQ...take care and be good girl hihihi OK stop joki g..we all know that Nayelli is one from the kindest ppl on the world ;-)

Devotee aka Ana Luisa - 03/30/00 19:44:39
My URL:http://depechemode.acmecity.com/route66/37
My Email:devotee@rocketmail.com

Amiga... tanto que no me metía a tu super página!, sabes... estoy tan tan feliz!, después de hace como 3 semanas que estaba aburrida, de repente todo ha cambiado!!, todos los días me traen algo bueno! :))) Ya no puedo esperar para mayo 14 y ver a PvD, a uérdate de estar en nuestro chat ok??, cuídate feota!!, saludos todos!! Grüß dich!

doogle - 03/17/00 18:28:30
My URL:http://www.doogle.co.uk
My Email:doogle@doogle.co.uk

Hiya nayelli *huggies* :o>
Just popped by while gettin a new version of cuteftp :o)
You sure do have a lot of pictures on here :o)

see ya later *hugs*

faithless - 03/01/00 02:28:07
My Email:samo_7@hotmail.com

hi ya babe!! i know it's been a long time since you've heard of me last time....but i got to say u have build a fantastic site, and as being a tranceaholic i like especially of the pvd's part...keep up keep up!! :o)

moni - k - 02/22/00 18:08:15
My Email:mail.venus@www.com

horrible, quiero que me escribas un mail y que me mandes unas fotitos sabrosonas de chavillos guapetones. Cada vez me gusta más tu página CONGRATULATIONS!!! vEnUs

doogle - 02/21/00 13:39:07
My URL:http://www.doogle.co.uk
My Email:doogle@doogle.co.uk

Hiya nayelli *big huggles* :o>
How are you doing? I've just got a new car so I'm goin round tellin everybody :oþ
I got a peugeot 309, dead cheap too, only £190 :o)

Ooh I like how you changed your front page, looks cooler still now :o>
I'd best be goin back to work now as I'm sposed to be rebuilding this room not goin on the internet!! anyhow see you soon *hugglies* ¦o>

CHSRITIAN - 02/18/00 23:16:13
My Email:chrisrf79@yahoo.com

me encanto tu comentario. tu tambien tienes una linda sonrisa y eres de pelos.

CHSRITIAN - 02/18/00 23:14:33
My Email:chrisrf79@yahoo.com

me encanto tu

karen astrid meneses sobrino - 02/17/00 05:33:03
My Email:karenastrid@hotmail.com

bueno amiguita ya sabes lo que pienso de tu pagina, que esta muy padre todo y que puedes encontrar unos tigres muy sabrosos, no?

piti - 02/14/00 20:31:45
My Email:piti_alex@latinmail.com

solo quiero felicitare por ser una niña tan sencilla, natural y linda como eres sigue siendo tan original como eres. TE QUIERE ALEX

cesar perez - 02/14/00 20:28:56

la verdad es que no se me ocurre nada porque me muero de hambre pero creeme que realmente me caes super bien y espero que sigamos como hasta ahora o mejor un mega saludo atte cesar(will smith)perez

ana paola - 02/14/00 20:25:00

nayelli solo quiero recordarte que en mi siempre vas a tener una amiga aunque sea un poco distraida quiero que sepas que me has demostrado ser una niña muy linda y detallista y eso para mi cuenta mucho te quiero muchisimo

adriana - 02/14/00 20:19:26
My Email:hackdmm

amigocha tu pagina ademas de estar de pelos dejame te digo que los chiqi-babes estan muy sabrosones o.k acuerdate que te quiero mucho y que te considero una super amiga y ojala y cada vez esto valla mejor sale!!!!!! bye

Veronica - 02/14/00 05:57:05
My Email:zirze_66@yahoo.com

Hooolaaa!!! Etás bien pinche loca, casi casi haces una página de tu querido Paul, pero bueno, está muy, como decirlo, muy azul gatorade. Espero conseguir una foto del guapo españolete para que la pongas donde mejor consideres. Sigue igual de loca, eres po madre. BYE. Sueñas con los angelitos

moni-k - 02/11/00 20:06:18
My Email:mail.venus@www.com

hola chiquilla, muchas gracias por tomarnos en cuenta para tu pagina, ya sabes que todos te queremos muchisimo y que agradecemos enormemente tu amistad y confianza xoxoxox VeNuS

ixchel - 02/11/00 18:28:33
My Email:ixchelmc@hotmail.com

Eres una niña de pelos y gracias por ponerme en tu pagina esta de pelos. Tienes que ir a mis partidos de americano por lo menos a verme ya que te saliste de los entrenamientos. Nunca cambies esres poca madre Besos IXCHEL

Guess - 02/07/00 05:00:12

Hey Nay, just dropped in, hmm checking out your stuffs, pretty alright, though it hasn't changed *l* Anyways, you're a top latina chick, bye *l* Seriously, i'm very bored hehe

Sorcerer - 01/23/00 08:51:37
My Email:Sorcererjones@icqmail.com

Hi Naye, I hope you are well, I hope you have had a good weekend. Se you soon I hope *Hug* Sorcerer

ves[ - 01/17/00 12:56:15

I actually have no idea if I have signed this idea, my brain has gone and I have no recolection so to be on the afe side i am doing it now.... makes mental note.... as u know I think ya site is cool or do I?

tremelo - 01/11/00 18:21:00
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/nm/Tremelo
My Email:tremelo_99@hotmail.com

Hey nayelli hon *hugs* - here i am, signing yer book *s* - havent really looked at your site - well i have but its mostlt the same as last time ;o) - its very good though 0 nice pics *s* - but theres still one missing *L* cya soon byee

mi niño - 01/11/00 17:58:29

eres una persona chiflis pero especial qur Dios te bendiga siempre y que ilumine tu camino para que se te quite lo lurias que estás, cuídate siempre y cuenta conmigo tu sister . yo.

- 01/11/00 17:57:01


- 01/11/00 17:56:59


kycho - 01/11/00 04:32:48
My Email:kychito@usa.net

Hola Compañera !!!!!!! que bueno que ya estamos en la misma escuela. Espero que todo nos salga bien Nos vemos luego

Devotee-Martin Lee Gore`s Lover (Ana Luisa) - 01/06/00 21:09:43
My Email:devotee@sdf.lonestar.org

amiga.. cada que vengo que apunto una nueva dirección de e-mail, que chafita fantasmita. Va a estar largo esto, AMIGA!, amo a Depeche Mode, o sea... de repente me llega mi delirio y ... aaah! what I would do for Martin Lee, y... pues tengo ahí otro probl mita referente a... ya sabes, oye, ya me he vuelto bien x con el internet, mmm.. pura cuches amiga, bueno, te mando un besote eh!?, de pelos el nuevo single de Sasha, no tiene familia :)) BESOTES, Devotee

kevin from canada - 01/05/00 23:33:06

i just met u but u'r real nice AND HOT

Doogle - 01/03/00 05:23:31
My URL:http://www.doogle.co.uk
My Email:doogle@doogle.co.uk

Hallo *hugglies* :o>
just popped bye to see how yer goin, hope you get that video workin :o)
see you later ¦o>

Fabian - 12/18/99 21:23:06
My URL:from Holland
My Email:fabian_kruys@yahoo.com

hey Dmeetry thanks for your advice. But i really havent ask her of course!!cause she first needs to finish study blablabla, and besides Nayelli told me Paul van Dyk has been married recently so that makes it a lot easier for me of course hehe,and i first ave to learn YES I WILL in Spanish *lol*

Fabian Kruys - 12/18/99 21:18:34
My Email:fabian_kruys


Mrs Flint - 12/18/99 13:59:55
My URL:http://www.centralmedia.se/tommy/Welcome.htm
My Email:mrs_flint@mail.com

Hiyaah Nay!! Long time now,,how ru? I just like to wish you a nice Christmas and a happy new Millenium!!!! Hugz..Maria!!

Sebastian - 12/17/99 21:16:20
My Email:sfengler@hotmail.com

Hey! Jorge told me you´re coming to Germany. If you´re comin´ to visit him you´ll probably meet me,too. Love your page, it´s really cool, downloaded some South Park pix. See ya (maybe)

DMeetry :) - 12/16/99 20:15:10
My URL:http://www.mondor.newmail.ru
My Email:dimitry@internet.lv


Good advice to Fabian: If you want to merry with Nayelli, there are three possible variants:

1. Tell her ONLY truth within a long time, maybe week or two. Then she will take every word of your as truth. Finally say that you are Paul Van Dijk. Womans are such creatures ;P who think so fast that we, mens, may wrongly decide that they dont think at all. There is 50% of success for wedding if you will not give her time to think.
2. If this will not work, ask her to merry you, ask twice per day! Buy flowers and stuff, sing her songs tonight, call, send hundreights of e-mails... Finally, offer her a deal - after wedding you will shut up. There can be 90% of success.
3. If also this will not work... Old Caucasus tradition - steal her! Go to another part of the planet, for example - to Mexico (such country in central America)! Noone will find you there...
Another thing if you wish to merry next year. I tried once, received "yes", then "no", then "yes", then "no"... Take another advice - to merry next year, offer it next year! Just... Dont give time to think when you are talking to mexican woman! :)

Hightower - 12/16/99 13:43:23
My Email:Hightower_99@hotmail.com

good page I´m a fried of Jorge who told me to open this site.

Me! - 12/16/99 00:07:43
My Email:someone@somewhere.bs


Jorge Liening-Ewert - 12/15/99 23:35:55
My Email:dr_evil1999@hotmail.com

Vas a venir a Alemania?, Avisame bien, a ver si nos ponemos de acuerdo y nos vemos ok:? Yo vivo en el norte cerca de Holanda, por si pasas por aca. Bis dann. J.

doogle - 12/14/99 00:27:31
My URL:http://www.doogle.co.uk
My Email:doogle@doogle.co.uk

Evenin nayelli *huggles* :o>
just felt like poppin bye to see how yer sites doin :o)
keep up the good work n I'lltry to update my own more often too :o)
see you later *hugs*

Fabian alias flap - 11/13/99 03:03:39
My URL:http://cant afford one
My Email:fabian_kruys@yahoo.com

hi dear Nayelli and all her friends!!and who is nayelli's friend is my friend....nayelli and i have a big surprise for you,WE ARE GOING TO MARRY NEXT YEAR!! is that a surprise or not ppl?no i am only kidding cause like you all know she only wants to get arried with paul van dyk,well take care nayelli and see you soon bye!!

Mrs Flint - 11/12/99 09:28:59
My URL:http://www.centralmedia.se/tommy/Prodigy_intro.htm

Hiyaah Nay!! How ru? It was ages since I heard something from ya... My Guestbook is finally working,,,so please sign something in it,,if u have a minute over..*s* Hope that I can talk to ya in webtalk,,, see ya..../Mrs Flin

Ana Luisa - 11/11/99 19:38:59
My Email:devotee.rm@yahoo.com

Hola Nayelli. Hace muchísimo que no entraba a tu guestbook. Espero volver a ser igual de cybernauta que todos uds. Este mensaje es serio y no lleva ningun chiste dentro de él. Los quiero mucho. "Pau!, yia!, we`ve got very bad response from the press..." - taken from "FaA" :) Ana Luisa :)

Astrocreep - 11/05/99 23:08:58
My Email:Incubus_76@hotmail.com

Hey there Nayelli, kewl page, xcept you said ppl never say what they feel, I always do, every time. Stuff about the prodge is oki, but I'm not a massive prodge fan since the Jilted Generation album, I reckon they are too cheesy now, and have lost their edge, that hard edge that made them special, now they just chuck out tracks to please the chart. Try listening to Front242 instead....they are better I think, or change direction and try some hardcore stuff like White Zombie or Machine Head *lol* Astrocreep

Rob aka Guess - 11/01/99 17:13:22
My Email:robgue@hotmail.com

Hey Nay, thanks for your nice thoughts about me, you liar *l* Nice change, nice work hmm just nice hehe...later

FTL - 10/09/99 21:31:15
My Email:Fuck_the_Law@England.com

Hiya just thougth I'd say Prodigy and PVD rule and I'm looking foward to seeing him DJ

NaYeLliStArTeR - 09/30/99 03:45:34
My URL:http://playing.with/thevoices/inGermany
My Email:am@Do.com

bazzzzta!!! stoy harta,btw: Hola amigos gusto än concerlos =)) stoy aburrida no t´ngo sueño , no c q´ hacer , q´ m recomiendan??, hacer una bomba molotov mhh no creo ,sería aburreedo(q´es eso nayelli ??=O) creo que lo únco q´ me queda s sperar ah que aman zca , nOOOO ya se, voy a con-tar cuantoz segs tiene el compacto que ästoy escuchando luego lo multeeplico por 234, 897.00099 sii!!! eso voy a hacer )) gracias x la ayuda nos vemos =) muchos besos y abrazos

Glen - 09/25/99 19:58:03
My URL:http://www.glen.de
My Email:mail@glen.de

Hi Nayelli! This is Glen from Germany. I find it really amazing to get to know somebody like you. I mean you're living at the other side of the globe, you are interested in Paul van Dyk and the loveparade, you are even learning german. Wow! Maybe we'll meet some day, somewhere (either here or there :). Would be great!

Nemo - 09/19/99 23:40:06
My URL:http://still.lazy.to.do.some
My Email:captain_nemo@email.cz

Hi Nayelli!! Finally back from my holiday :) Well I have to say your webby is still better and better and your story about your visits of gigs are really GROSS!! btw: I wanna look like P.v.D. *LOL* And other stuffs especially about snowboarding and South ark are really COOOOOOOOOL!! btw: I wanna look like Kenny *hahaha* OK stop joking. Ohh I'd like to thank you for...but I guess you know for what. see U soon *hugzkisses*

Alan Carsi - 09/19/99 16:02:20
My Email:aircarsi@yahoo.com


Ana_Luisa-Devotee-Planespotter-Kalleid-Devotional-AneeLoo - 09/17/99 14:09:01
My URL:http://http://www.oocities.org/Yosemite/Gorge/5291/index.html
My Email:http://www.oocities.org/Yosemite/Gorge/5291/friends.html

Hola!! Sorry por los comentarios pero estoy despertando. Oops.. Well.. I will say it in english because.. it`s a very very important news!!. My birthday is very close!, Ich habe Geburstag!, Il mio compleanno é vicino!, Oigan.. cómprenme mi regalo!!. No ya en serio. Nayelli, te quiero (wey, perdón!). Y aunque no estamos tan unidas las amigas como antes me encanta tener la oportunidad de volvernos a encontrar, aunque sea via inet. A todos mis amigos que lean esto va para todos uds. Somos un equipazo migos. Les mando un beso, más que eso no, pero... de verdad, los amo. Ana Luisa

Adrian - 09/17/99 06:38:18
My Email:Advire yahoo.com

Naye Está pocamois todo. Apoco no me veo bien galán con mis trenzas!!! Me la pase muy chido en Acapulco espero se vuelba a repetir pronto... Pero no se bale pelear en la alberca.OK. Brandon

vdowall - 09/13/99 02:01:51

JAMÁS!!!!!!!vuelvas a cometer un error como el que has cometido conmigo jamás!!!!!!heriste mis sentimientos, mi orgullo, mi virilidad. NO SOY JUGADOR DE FUTBOL!!!!!!!!! He dicho. por sierto para tu proxima actualizacionq deberias poner una foto mía, digo para que tu pagina quede mas chida. Cuando quieras te la mando. un beso tronador.

vdowall - 09/13/99 02:01:49

JAMÁS!!!!!!!vuelvas a cometer un error como el que has cometido conmigo jamás!!!!!!heriste mis sentimientos, mi orgullo, mi virilidad. NO SOY JUGADOR DE FUTBOL!!!!!!!!! He dicho. por sierto para tu proxima actualizacionq deberias poner una foto mía, digo para que tu pagina quede mas chida. Cuando quieras te la mando. un beso tronador.

Guess - 09/09/99 17:01:38
My Email:robgue@hotmail.com

Hey Nay, nice page you've got going on, too bad you're so ugly.......just jokes, you're looking good, where's the pictures of you doing ballet? I'm dissapointed *s* Anyway, keep the good work up

- 09/03/99 22:12:27


VOODOOCHILD - 09/03/99 22:12:15


Ivan Almada - 08/26/99 23:35:06
My URL:http://orbita.starmedia.com
My Email:ivandavidz@hotmail.com

HOla!!! excelente pagina de Paul Van Dyk!!! con que fuiste al concierto eh??? me moria de ganas por ir a verlo!!! pero andaba en Los Angeles... un amigo trato de entrar y no lo dejaron! solo consiguio un flyer de Paul Van Dyk. Neta creo que ese guey si la hace para la musica electronica, no tanto como dj si no tambien como musico... en el concierto toco For an Angel??? supongo no?? o Forbidden Fruit..? es una rola buenisima... no me puedo explicar como PVD puede ponerle tanto sentimiento a su musica... es increible! cada vez que lo oigo me transporta al "paraiso" como tu dices!!! Ivan

Elle - 08/25/99 19:33:20
My Email:Elle@janusstark.zzn.com

Hey Nayelli!!! Love the PVD pics, he's hot! You're lucky you got close to him. *L* One day maybe you can take to see him too, you've got to share the wealth.

Sleeper - 08/23/99 22:32:02
My URL:http://home.bip.net/ghnomb
My Email:peppe@slak.nu

Hi Nayelli :) Bored again, nuthing to do... Wanna go to Denmark (wonder why... *s*)Ah welll, thanx for signing my guest book... Seems like you´re the only one... Cya *hug*

Gerardo Pelayo - Bono5,gpelayo,layo etc. - 08/22/99 04:39:37
My Email:gepj@yahoo.com

quiero decirte que tu pagina cada vez esta mas shidaa, que me caes super bien y a ver si un dia de estos puedo piratearme tu trainspotting 2 te mando un abrazo bye

doogle - 08/22/99 02:48:28
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/or/doogle
My Email:paul@doogles.freeserve.co.uk

Hi ya nayelli *huggles* :o>
like yer new piccies, some of them are a little squeiff though :o)
still you've got a lot of em :o)

see you later anyhow *hugs*
oh and don't forget to visit my website ;oÞ

neko - 08/19/99 17:21:48
My URL:http://nekoprodigy.homepage.com

Hey Nayelli! Found your page per 'coincidence'! nice one! neko

tremelo - 08/17/99 17:19:33
My Email:tremelo_99@hotmail.com

hey nayelli, wow, your page has come a long way since last time i saw it, cool pics :o) - nice to see im still on yer friends list :o) keep up the good work nayelli *s* see ya soon (probably in tw2/icq) trem

Devotee-Planespotter - 08/15/99 20:43:38
My URL:http://scroll down
My Email:scroll down again

NAYELLI!!!!, as I don`t have any tribute-homepage from Mr. Paul van Dyk I will write a few words about yesterday`s gig. God, he`s just GREAT!!!, that face he has is just.. awesome!!, what a way of playing!!, he deserves to be known as the greatest one!. Besides, he is always smiling and.. I won`t never forget how he smiled at me!!, and signed to Nayelli`s paper!.. see Nayelli?, today I just woke up with a great - trauma -. Well.. I`ll prepare myself for the moment in which I`ll be in front of Martin Le Gore (Depeche Mode`s intrepeneur), my biggest idol; it will be ... wow!, incredible. I hope I won`t break in tears. See ya all!!!! :))))))))))))

doogle - 08/13/99 23:05:23
My URL:http://www.doogle.cx
My Email:paul@doogle.cx

Hi ya nayelli *huggles* :o>
told you I'd come n have a look so here I am :o)
well this place just gets better n better don't it :o) I like yer lil scrolly bits :o)
see you later :o>

Vianey - 08/12/99 00:30:15
My Email:vianey_d@latinmail.com

Hola Mayelin. Me encanto tu pagina y esta super bien hecha. Te Quiere. VIANEY

Olivia wernlof ekberg - 08/10/99 08:06:51
My Email:mrs_reality_coolgirl@mailcity.com

Hi nayelli! I really like your homepage and I would love to be on your list FRIENDS as Mrs Palmer. With all my loves and hugz!!! //Olivia ( Mrs Reality )

Carlos Arroyo Diez - 08/09/99 10:14:49

nice page, some thing I saw first time in the lifetyme! :) To Mondor.. : have you heard about hot bitch called Ibiza? 8)

Nayellistarter - 08/07/99 00:34:30

hey wassup ppl?? thankx to devotee now i know who is mondorú or that guy . . *lol* she knows him very well .*l* thankx all the ppl who has signed mah guestbook ..bye *hugz all*

Goldie´s girl - 08/04/99 23:07:11

ello ello . some of u know who i am ;P just wanted to test this guestbook. . hugz bye

Mondorú - 08/04/99 16:12:46
My URL:Later :)
My Email:coder@beer.com

Great page, Nayelli! Especially I like the section "Mexican Bitches" where I watched too much photos... I didnt know in Mexico so much bitches. We have some bitches here too, from one bitch to another is going train, and it is about 10Km difference betwee every bitch. To reach the bitch you need to walk from train to the forest about 1 KM or two, but after long walk you will see what expected - sun, water, beer and the bitch, what else need tired programmer from this life? :)

Anee Loo aka Devotional - 08/03/99 17:46:59
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/CollegePark/Square/9155
My Email:devoteee@depechemode.com

Nayelli`s Page is the home page we all have been waiting for!!, do you doubt?, just start surfing through this page and you`ll feel as home!!!, No sientan cuches!!! Don`t feel cuches!! and surf with Nayelli`s page!! THE BEST ALL OVER Siéntase Ud. como en su casa

ERNESTO GAINZA - 08/03/99 03:40:15
My Email:bluessurfer@hotmail.com

espero que te sigan visitando un monton de personas y que disfruten tu pagina como yo lo hice esta super Ernesto G, valencia, venezuela PD:eres muy guapa

ERNESTO GAINZA - 08/03/99 03:39:00
My Email:bluessurfer@hotmail.com

espero que te sigan visitando un monton de personas y que disfruten tu pagina como yo lo hice esta super Ernesto G, valencia, venezuela PD:eres muy guapa

flinty - 07/30/99 16:16:20
My URL:http://window.to/prodigy
My Email:flinty_prodigy@yahoo.com

Hi, just popped by !!!!!!

CupidDeLocke - 07/30/99 16:00:38
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/oh2/cuppie
My Email:babyalsip@hotmail.com

nice page you have here!! keep up the good work! Jen

Fernando - 07/28/99 05:23:01
My URL:http://Dios_yomero.com.mx
My Email:zethzero@usa.net

Hola Nayelo..... Órale, ya vi las fotos que pusiste de nuestro trip a Aca (o sea no)...... a ver cuando se repite. Se te quiere... ya déjate ver no???? Te quiere Rike

tremelo - 07/13/99 16:18:24
My Email:tremelo_99

your page still rocks brok - im really sad to hear that u r going offline - lots of ppl will really miss ya. See ya round *tentacular hugs* from ickle tremelo - as u once called me *s*

Pues yo, Devotee - 07/08/99 05:36:01
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/CollegePark/Square/9155
My Email:devoteee@depechemode.com

La pagina de Nayelli esta bien bonita, ademas, es una pagina donde muchos internerds podemos pasar horas navegando por su versatilidad y sus links, que mas puedo decir!!! Esta pagina es lo maximo!!

Vesp - 07/07/99 22:35:57

Hmm no I refuse to sign your guestbook as I am not on your list of friends...... hmm well sounded better when i rehearsed it anyhow.... still am used to it now, and well my guest book signings have a bit of a repuitation, so just letting my charm spread f rther afield... well let more people see my name anyhow *S* Well me gonna shut up now so u can read the next entry...

Matthias - 07/07/99 09:36:37
My Email:koepp@rp.uni-dortmund.de

Hi, Nayelli! Even if the wave you're surfin' on at the moment isn't my one, your page's really fancy and quite professionally lookin! Hope to keep in touch with you and that you come to Germany soon!!!

Express - 07/05/99 03:46:25
My URL:http://www.ca.sakura.ne.jp/~express

hi I'm Express NIce to meet you. this HP is very noce(^^)

Flappy - 07/02/99 23:19:59
My Email:fabian_kruys@yahoo.com

Hi nayelli!you asked me to sign your guestbook again..and like always your wish is my command!i must say it has improved since last time i visited your site...i will send you pics of love parade 99 when i have them ok?see ya later baby!!kisses

Fernando - 06/30/99 04:27:09
My Email:zethzero@usa.net

Como la brisa nocturna Como es lo que no ha sido De igual manera será lo que ya fué... Es la soledad de tu entendimiento la obscura luz negra que ilumina ensombreciendo. Se te quiere Naye

spid - 06/29/99 03:17:43
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ks/kitkat4
My Email:spiddy_04@hotmail.com

hi nay! tis spiddy..yey! i juss wanted to say..dat i signed yer guestbookie..so you better come to mah page n' do the same aight? i hope to get to meet you in toronto when you'll come..*l* i'll take you round..dunt worry, we'll take the subway too! =) *l* alrite. i see you latah.. kate

Nayelli Lover - 06/28/99 17:35:12
My Email:Nayelli_Lover@hotmail.com

Hi Nayelli!! *hugz* Your site is cool, but more drum'n'bass here thanx!! i've been thinkin bout lovin... well that's all, oh and if it's not to much can u add me in your friends page?? (or at least as a fan *l*)... Ok, hugz and kisses - Mattias

Nemo - 06/24/99 02:04:01
My Email:captain_nemo@email.cz

Your webby is still better and better....really pretty COOOL...I'm curious how it'll look like in september when I come back...I'll enjoy it ;-)

- 06/22/99 21:34:53


webbis - 06/22/99 04:44:56
My Email:jeslet@yahoo.com

esta de pelos tu page eres una master y una super amiga recuerda cuanto te quiero. jeslet

Jetta - 06/21/99 21:19:49
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/sk/JettaSyxx/Index.html
My Email:Jetta__69@hotmail.com

hey matey *g* very nice page ya got going! wish mine was half as full *l* have a great time in toronto!

kycho - 06/21/99 04:09:28
My Email:kychito@usa.net

nayelli hola! porfin lo voy a firma esta muy padre tu page ya quisiera yo hacer una. tqm

Layo - 06/21/99 03:05:47
My URL:http://www.biosys.net/u2
My Email:gepj@yahoo.com

Nayelli: Antes que nada te felicito por tu pagina esta quedando excelente, aunque no nos conocemos en persona me caes super bien ojal un dia de esto nos veamos, cuidate y te madno muchos saludos Layo aka gpelayo

Twisted Firestarter - 06/20/99 17:07:30
My Email:jacob_prodge@hotmail.com

Hi Nayelli! *hugz* Cool page u've got here, hopes you can put up more nice pics of you soon. You should put up some drum'n'bass page or something with lots of pix and maybe some music or so. That would kick ass even if your page allready is very good!! Hey my mate is back now from greece, and he is more in love with you than i tought!!! Ok See Ya!!!

Daniela - 06/19/99 00:48:28

Hola estoy en casa de Naye y siempre me la paso de poca,saben es como mi segunda casa pues toda su familia no tiene ma....e, comprenden ¿no? TE QUIERO MUCHO Daniela

wings - 06/18/99 02:52:25
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/SunsetStrip/Lobby/5334
My Email:kat_tf@hotmail.com

hey nayelli!!! *hugs* missed ya there for awhile when i didn't see u much online. good thing we've got icq!! i luv your page, it's awesome! talk to ya laterz

Trizia - 06/17/99 04:12:08
My Email:trizita@hotmail.com

Hola! Aunque al igual que pasa con Paty, no compartimos gustos musicales, pues tu página está bien, ya quisiera yo tener la mía. Saludos!!

Slash aka José Mondragón - 06/12/99 18:52:38
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/me/metneverland
My Email:slash1979@yahoo.com

Como que ni al caso firmar en ingles asi que mejor asi. Que onda, tu pagina esta bien phreak! :), tus gustos musicales me agradan bastante. Espero volver pronto y encontrar cosas chidas nuevas cyas!

Mrs Flint - 06/12/99 18:06:48
My Email:flinty_girl@hotmail.com

Hey Nayelli!! nice site...My site will soon be out ( I know I have said that quite much now,:0) but the server I should have it on,,has broked soo,,I dunno when I´ll have it out? but I can say it will be VERY soon!!!! Love Mrs Flint!!!

GiOvAs - 06/12/99 02:56:50
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/or/manamex
My Email:i_am_thewalrus@hotmail.com

mmmmmm primero que nada, el titulo de la pag. te recomiendo que sea mas grande, pero bueno. me da flojera escribir en ingles. el comentario de MASTERPATY esta bien chafa ! jaa! jaa ! jaa ! pero esta chida la pagina al igual que PATY aunque no se compara con nadie ! sale se cuidan BYE !

MASTERPATY - 06/12/99 00:08:22
My URL:http://oocities.com/pero_no_li_jalis/4535.html
My Email:oasis_L@yahoo.com

Toronto is waitin' 4 us!!! So u better finish this webby before we leave. Great page for being your first.

MASTERPATY - 06/12/99 00:04:45
My Email:oasis_L@yahoo.com

Toronto is waitin' 4 us!!! So u better finish this webby before we leave. Great page! Pero no li jalis!!! :-)

tremelo - 06/11/99 07:44:26
My Email:tremelo_99@hotmail.com

Hi nayelli :o) i finally managed to get into your site *L* what ive seen so far is really cool - keep it going. im still waiting for my mail *L* ;o) see ya in the chat i expect tremelo xxx

doogle - 06/11/99 00:50:42
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/or/doogle
My Email:paul@doogles.freeserve.co.uk

Hi ya nayelli *huggles* :o>
lookin good so far :o>
see you later

Fuck_the_Law - 06/09/99 23:19:31
My URL:http://www.tw2.com/webtalk.html
My Email:Fuck_the_Law@england.com

great page......some pics of keith I have'nt seen before. the Prodigy Rulz and thats about it can't say anymore..seeya in the chat!!!!!!!!!!!!!

dragonbaby - 06/09/99 20:37:26
My URL:http://members.tripod.de/~dragonbaby
My Email:dragonbaby@gmx.de

hiya nay! nice page so far! can't wait to see the PvD and Love Parade bit.....uhm, btw. do u need some Love Parade pics? i got lots of them...just tell me and i'll scan them in, o.k.?! see ya! *huggies* dragon

Cypa - 06/09/99 20:05:44
My URL:http://www.chat.ru/~takca
My Email:takca@sbor.ru

Hi Nayellistarter!!! Hi from Russia!!! Perfect page!!!! I hope your site be begest!!! Good Luck!!

Nemo - 06/09/99 14:17:02
My URL:http://still.lazy
My Email:captain_nemo@email.cz

2Peppe: Já proti španìlštinì nebo co je to zaè,nic nemám..až na to, že španìlsky neumím....takže když tady píšeš jinak než anglicky, tak já teda taky; budu psát èesky a je to :o)

Pepe Garza - 06/09/99 04:19:33
My Email:jmgarza@mail.internet.com.mx

Nayelli: Me da mucho gusto que ya esté quedando lista tu página. De lo poco que llevo de conocerte, me he dado cuenta de que eres una persona poca madre ! Pero en fin, espero que nos sigamos viendo, échale ganas a tu page y suerte !!! : ) The one and only ... Show !

Nemo - 06/09/99 00:18:28
My URL:http://I.am.too.lazy.to.do.some
My Email:captain_nemo@email.cz

Hello Nayelli...I have to say...your webby is really GREAT...expecially your stories are cool :o) Place here some pics of you too( for others: Nayelli looks like Shirley Manson from Garbage *wow* ). I'll often check your webby to see how you work on it :-

doogle - 06/06/99 21:00:48
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/or/doogle
My Email:doogle_37@yahoo.com

Hi ya Nayelli *huggles* :o> Love yer site so far, keep up the good work :o)

WIZ - 06/06/99 04:02:40

HI ..remember me? Cool webby... LATER..

WIZ - 06/06/99 03:26:41
My Email:tklobucar_73@yahoo.com

HI Remember me?... Cool webby!!!! LATERS...

WIZ - 06/06/99 03:26:07

HI Remember me?... Cool webby!!!! LATERS...

Serpiko - 06/05/99 22:42:50
My Email:franlu@tin.it

OK girl, you're original and crazy a lot! Do you really like Prodigy? I think i'm not agree to show these monsters on your first page of the URL... Just joking! Go on, i'd like to see it when you'll finish, ok? Bye

spiddie - 06/05/99 22:36:57
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ks/kitkat4
My Email:spiddy_04@yahoo.com

heelo nayelli.. so u comin to toronto..how nice eh? i'll try to take u around wit mah bro too..*l* hope he comes wit us cuz he's got a car..i dunt..*g* alrite..*hugz* great pagie.. luv, kate

spiddie - 06/05/99 22:36:33
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ks/kitkat4
My Email:spiddy_04@yahoo.com

heelo nayelli.. so u comin to toronto..how nice eh? i'll try to take u around wit mah bro too..*l* hope he comes wit us cuz he's got a car..i dunt..*g* alrite..*hugz* great pagie.. luv, kate

spiddie - 06/05/99 22:36:16
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ks/kitkat4
My Email:spiddy_04@yahoo.com

heelo nayelli.. so u comin to toronto..how nice eh? i'll try to take u around wit mah bro too..*l* hope he comes wit us cuz he's got a car..i dunt..*g* alrite..*hugz* great pagie.. luv, kate

spiddie - 06/05/99 22:36:11
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ks/kitkat4
My Email:spiddy_04@yahoo.com

heelo nayelli.. so u comin to toronto..how nice eh? i'll try to take u around wit mah bro too..*l* hope he comes wit us cuz he's got a car..i dunt..*g* alrite..*hugz* great pagie.. luv, kate

spiddie - 06/05/99 22:36:05
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ks/kitkat4
My Email:spiddy_04@yahoo.com

heelo nayelli.. so u comin to toronto..how nice eh? i'll try to take u around wit mah bro too..*l* hope he comes wit us cuz he's got a car..i dunt..*g* alrite..*hugz* great pagie.. luv, kate

spiddie - 06/05/99 22:32:41
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ks/kitkat4
My Email:spiddy_04@yahoo.com

heelo nayelli.. so u comin to toronto..how nice eh? i'll try to take u around wit mah bro too..*l* hope he comes wit us cuz he's got a car..i dunt..*g* alrite..*hugz* great pagie.. luv, kate

spiddie - 06/05/99 22:32:33
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ks/kitkat4
My Email:spiddy_04@yahoo.com

heelo nayelli.. so u comin to toronto..how nice eh? i'll try to take u around wit mah bro too..*l* hope he comes wit us cuz he's got a car..i dunt..*g* alrite..*hugz* great pagie.. luv, kate

Elle - 06/05/99 22:27:47
My Email:Ellebubble@hotmail.com

Hey Nayelli, tis I, Elle, aka Prodpennis. Now that we are both out of school *woohoo* we can go for some better things in college...MEN!...Oh yes men, how can we live without them. Well I'll see you later, and we'll continue our conversation about the lea singer of Rammnstein's penis...hee hee!

Elle - 06/05/99 22:27:25
My Email:Ellebubble@hotmail.com

Hey Nayelli, tis I, Elle, aka Prodpennis. Now that we are both out of school *woohoo* we can go for some better things in college...MEN!...Oh yes men, how can we live without them. Well I'll see you later, and we'll continue our conversation about the lea singer of Rammnstein's penis...hee hee!

Flappy!! - 06/05/99 22:16:38
My Email:fabian_kruys@yahoo.com

hi folks!and of course a special greeting to that funny girl nayelli!great page dear..of course its a big advantage we have the same taste of music!keep on going like this and i will visit it again in the future!hugs...BYE!!

Flappy!! - 06/05/99 22:15:49
My Email:fabian_kruys@yahoo.com

hi folks!and of course a special greeting to that funny girl nayelli!great page dear..of course its a big advantage we have the same taste of music!keep on going like this and i will visit it again in the future!hugs...BYE!!

Peppe - 06/05/99 11:55:12
My URL:http://home.bip.net/ghnomb
My Email:peppe@slak.nu

Hiya Nayelli! Great to see that ur page is up!! Ill probably be back writing something more later... §:-{l) Cya luv! *hugs*

Peppe - 06/05/99 11:51:31
My URL:http://home.bip.net/ghnomb
My Email:peppe@slak.nu

Hiya Nayelli! Thought i had to write sumfin in ur book, just dont know what... Great to see that u´ve got a little work done here... :) I´ll probably write sumfin more later. :) *hugs* cya luv!

Peppe - 06/05/99 11:51:18
My URL:http://home.bip.net/ghnomb
My Email:peppe@slak.nu

Hiya Nayelli! Thought i had to write sumfin in ur book, just dont know what... Great to see that u´ve got a little work done here... :) I´ll probably write sumfin more later. :) *hugs* cya luv!

Peppe - 06/05/99 11:50:40
My URL:http://home.bip.net/ghnomb
My Email:peppe@slak.nu

Hiya Nayelli! Thought i had to write sumfin in ur book, just dont know what... Great to see that u´ve got a little work done here... :) I´ll probably write sumfin more later. :) *hugs* cya luv!

Devotee - 06/05/99 07:13:26
My URL:http://depechemode.acmecity.com/route66/37
My Email:devoteee@depechemode.com

I love Nayelli`s Page!! It`s awesome!! and I`m the biggest DEPECHE MODE fan you`ve ever seen. I`m the biggest DEVOTEE

Devotee - 06/05/99 07:12:34
My URL:http://depechemode.acmecity.com/route66/37
My Email:devoteee@depechemode.com

I love Nayelli`s Page!! It`s awesome!! and I`m the biggest DEPECHE MODE fan you`ve ever seen. I`m the biggest DEVOTEE

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