Episode Critique
Episodes : Season 1 : : Season 2 : : Season 3 : : Season 4 : : Brian Gajewski Season 1 : : 2-3

Season 1
Episode name, Season,number G
Summary of episode Positive Negitive
Pilot Movie, First Episode of the Classic Series, Season 1 A+

This Episode has a great balance of action, theme, sex and vilans. The hint of sexual activity brings out a good quality in the episode. The scenes were especiall good in this episode, with numberous protoye cars, including the Plymouth Prowler, now on the streets. The characters we were all well thought out and seemed realistic. The politics of the situations all made sense.

There were very few negitive things about the pilot movie, the couple that spring to mind are: The actions of TownSend, Strand wouldn't be pushed of the bridge like that, and the HighWayman Gang's cars, for a multimillion dollar Outfit operation, you'd think their cars would be better.


Practally perfect
Once a Thief, season 1 episode 2 C The special effects of this episode lived up to the standards set by the pilot movie, although there were fewer concept cars. The special effects is some ways were better than the pilot movie especially in those which relate to the probe. The plot of this episode was in cahoots! It was totally unbelieveable the premise that his memeory loss was reversable which is totally impossible. Disregarging the incredibility, the premise allowed for good action. The shots of Astor driving were cleary fake and makes him look stupid.


Practally perfect

Season 2

Season 3

Season 4