This page is blank for the moment

Sooooo....blank for the moment. million times.....

This is the bit where some chick shaves her head......

Enough Empire Records humor (was that humor?).

That's Rik Mayall hanging upside down and sticking his botty out and stuff.  You can't miss him.  He's on there six times and the only other person is Phoebe Cates, who looks nothing like Rik.   Not a bit.   Nothing close.  I mean, if you put Phoebe Cates and Rik Mayall in a police line-up together, neither of them would get picked because neither of them are criminals.  Well, at least not that I've heard.  Anyways, if the suspect looked like Rik Mayall, then Phoebe Cates would be in no danger of mistaken identification.  Well, unless she was wearing lime green slacks and sticking her bottom out.....

Still, I don't think that Rik and Phoebe have similar behinds.  Well, I mean every botty looks more or less the same, but I don't think that, along the spectrum of bottom appearance, Phoebe Cates has a similar bottom to Rik Mayall.   Not that I'd know, really, considering I've not looked at either's backside.  It's not the kind of thing I'd do......

Well, not often.