The original series

The advent of Star Trek in the mid 1960's brought about a cultural following unlike any other television series before it. Also, Gene Rodennberry the shows creator, introduced some very attractive women that barley fit into their short..tight uniforms! (bless his creative heart) I've often wondered how guys like Sulu, or any other male Bridge members could concentrate on work while women like Uhura were clad in that skin tight shorty uniform!? Should you cry sexual harassment to Star fleet command complaining of her attire, because she constantly causes you to sport wood? Or just shut up and enjoy the pleasant view...well I think I'd choose the latter! Actually, it would give me something to look forward to at the beginning of every shift...hell, I'd never want shore leave!

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enlarged picture

Lt. Uhura
Nichelle Nichols


Yoman Janice Rand
Grace Lee Whitney




Nurse Chapel
Majell Barett

Here's some various guests that appeared on the show.

Dr. Helen Noel
Marianna Hill





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