This page is for anyone having download problems at I have in the past received the odd e-mail from people trying to download the themes featured at this web site who complained to me that they were unable to download the whole zip file e.g. "the transfer stops after 500K".

I looked into this and offer a number of suggestions. I have also set up a number of mirror sites where you can go to download these themes if you don't want to use the GetRight button at this site which effectively links to these alternate download sites and chooses the one with the least traffic to assist you in obtaining a copy of the theme of your choice.

Try again when it's not so busy

I know this sounds unhelpful but does actually work - you could try logging off and logging back on again when the web traffic is quieter, i.e. when everyone is in bed!

Visit a beebfun themes ftp store site

To help you obtain the download you came for I have uploaded all the themes at two ftp sites. You will have to look for the theme you want. Try one of the following links...

Windows 95 Themes The page is long (340Kb) and takes ages to load but worth it. Server in Kansas, USA.

Windows 95 Theme World Was Monash now Theme World - neat search facility.

Visit a beebfun mirror site

To help you obtain the download you came for I have set up a mirror download site at XOOM.COM which can offer you an alternative direct download...


Use the GetRight.Com Links provided

You can now use the GetRight.Com option to download the required theme from this website. This has been set up such that it will download the required zip file from this website or other mirror sites which have been set up to allow you faster download access to the zip file. This option works automatically and in essence you are transferred to GetRight.Com who determine which site offers you the fastest download and hopefully delivers the file to you faster than a single link might otherwise do. If you use a proxy server you may have to configure the java applet and to find out more about this neat tool and how to use it click on the GetRight.Com button to visit GetRight.Com - but remember to come back for the themes....

Use Net Vampire Download utility

By far the best solution I have come across so far is a Freeware product called Net Vampire which in my view is a wonderful piece of software which allows you to download a zip file over a number of attempts, caching what it has been able to downloaded until all the file has been obtained. Net Vampire comes packed in a zip file 1.1Mb long and you can get it from or by clicking on the following hot link. You must run Net Vampire before attempting to download a Zip file. When running it will provide a small icon on which you drag the URL of the file you want to download. Full instructions are provided in the zip file. Click on the following graphic to visit Net Vampire homepage.

web pages and themes © beebfun 1997-01. All Rights Reserved.