Newsletter Archives

¤The Buffy-Xander Lovers Club¤
~*Official Newsletter*~
Issue 1
Co-Presidents~ Jamie,
Vice President~ Jennifer
43 members and growing!!

"I think he lusts for Cordelia, and he loves Buffy. I personally don’t think it’s possible to really love two people at the same time."~ Charisma Carpenter.
Hey! Welcome to the first issue of the BXL Newsletter. I'm Jennifer, the VP of the club. Jamie and Charity are the ones to thank for their excellent idea for the club, I only put the newsletter together. All of us Xander and Buffy 'shippers needed somewhere where we belonged. Right? Well now we do. Sit back, relax and enjoy! :)
This issue is very limited, but with time it will grow!

What you'll find in this issue:

Buffy-Xander Moment
Some Cool Sites
Character of the Week
In the News
Sound of the Week
Learn the BtVS Lingo
*SPECIAL* Article

~*Buffy-Xander Moment*~
BUFFY: PC/WAV Thank You (aol only)Click here to experience the Buffy-Xander Moment.
To watch Buffy and Xander's sexy dance download it here~ BUFFY: PC/AVI Lets Dance...(aol only)
It will take awhile, but enjoy!!

~*Poll*~ How would you like Xander and Buffy to get together?

(All responses will be posted in next weeks issue.) Lame? I know, I need your help!! Send answers and ideas for poll questions to

~*Some Cool Sites*~ BXl Club Page

The Scooby Gang

The Nick Brendon Page

Nicholas Brendon Webpage

Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Sunnydale Examiner You can find Charity's excellent fanfics here. Also contains a neat matching game you can download.

By, Charity

1.) What were the words on the I.D. bracelet that Buffy got from Xander in "The Witch?"

2.) What is the name of the episode that has Buffy and Xander hugging in the mortuary?

3.) Ampata was the name of Xander's love interest in "Inca Mummy Girl," but who was Ampata originally suppose to be?

4.) Angelus and Buffy had their bodies taken over by which two character in "I Only Have Eyes For You" ?

5.) What was the Praying Mantis Woman going to do to Xander?

Send answers to

~*Character of the Week*~
This is simple. Every issue I will give you a new character from the show. All you have to do is send in your thoughts on them, what funny scenes you remember with them, and most importantly what you think they would think if Xander and Buffy got together.

This weeks character:¤Xander¤

~*In the News*~
This is the interview with Nick and Charisma in YM Loves Special. Thanks to Charity!!

Love Bites by Jeanne Wolf

Let’s start with your real life- when was your first kiss?

Charisma Carpenter: Third grade, behind a chair in class during a movie, when the lights were off. I was boy crazy. I loved the idea of a kiss and being in love. We were talking, and then we looked at each other and we just kissed. I didn’t run away. I liked it.

Nicholas Brendon: I was 14, with a girl named Joanna. We’d just decided to go steady. I went in for a little kiss, and she opened her mouth. It freaked me out. I kept mine closed, and she closed hers real quick. I couldn’t believe it. It was like, “My life’s changing. She opened her mouth. I felt her tongue.” We were together for four months. I broke up with her because she wasn’t popular. And then she became hugely popular. I was like, “ I was just kidding about the breakup. Can we…?” She was like, “ No.” By then she was dating a real popular guy.

Have you ever dated someone way cooler than you were?

CC: I’ve dated the cool type. It was always short-lived, and I always wound up with a broken heart. You can’t put people on pedestals. Nobody likes to have to live up to [huge] expectations. With that kind of pressure, the relationship doesn’t work.

Have friends ever tried to keep you from dating someone?

CC: I wasn’t popular in school, but I was a cheerleader and people knew who I was. My high school sweetheart was not popular; he kept to himself, and he had the brooding smart thing going on. My friends didn’t give me a hard time, but I think they were surprised by my choice.

NB: It’s funny, because I would always look for my twin brother Kelly’s approval- at first. I wouldn’t let my friends have that much influence over who I am.

What’s the stupidest thing you’ve ever done for love?

CC: I think I’ve been too generous. Making a picnic or something like that for someone is so much more thoughtful than overwhelming him with gifts.

NB: [Are we talking about] love or lust? I went on a couple of dates with a girl in L.A. After that she happened to visit her family in New Jersey at the same time I was visiting New York. Well at 3 a.m. on the day I was supposed to go back to Los Angeles, I was sitting with a friend in a café in New York. I wrote a letter to this girl and decided to deliver it to her in person before my flight left as 7 a.m. So I got in a cab, and the driver took me to Jersey. I had no idea where she lived. By 4:30, I still hadn’t found the house. So I called her. She was like, “ Why are you calling me?” I dropped the note off and made it to the airport at quarter of seven. The cab ride cost me in excess of $300. And we never talked after she got back to L.A. I think I lost a large part of my integrity that night. But [there was no stopping me]. I felt like I was watching a film that I was in, cheering myself on: “Do it, do it!”

What’s the smartest thing you’ve ever done for love?

NB: Do you really do smart things for love? I don’t really equate “smart” with “love.” I met Wendy [Thompson, his gf]. That was pretty smart. As many times as I’ve tried to blow this relationship, I haven’t [succeeded], with a lot of help coming from her. I think being with her could be pretty smart. CC: The smartest thing I’ve ever done for love was to let go when I wasn’t really in it.

What’s the nuttiest pick-up line you’ve ever used on someone?

NB: I’ve never used a pick-up line. I think they’re cheesy.

CC: On a dare, I kissed somebody I totally didn’t know. And I had to have been at least 21, because it happened at a bar. That sounds awful. A bunch of girlfriends and I saw somebody really cute, and I was like, “Omigosh, that guy is Adonis over there.” My girlfriends agreed, and they said, “I dare you to kiss him.” So I walked over, and I just laid one on him. He was pretty impressed. He wanted my phone number, but I didn’t want it to go that far, you know?

Who first broke your heart?

CC: I’ve had a broken heart many times. My first love was a boy named Danny. I was 11 years old. He loved me, but he was 13 and his hormones were racing. [He dumped me for] a girl named Brandy who had a hot body. He dated her for eight months, and that broke my heart.

NB: My first serious girlfriend [broke my heart]. I was 20, and she was 18. She was an actress who was working a lot, and at the time I was not. It was a horrible relationship [because she and her family were putting pressure on me about my career]. That was the first time I’d ever been bitten by that bug, where it went from being puppy love to the real thing, and I didn’t know how to deal with it. I think the first one’s the toughest.

What’s the best thing you can do to make yourself feel better after a break up?

NB: Every time I’ve been through a breakup, I’ve talked to my brother. There’s nothing specific that I do. I know that I lose my sense of humor. I lose my appetite for awhile. Also I get a little asocial. The best way to get through it is to just remember that ever day gets better.

CC: I like to date somebody else immediately. That’s the only way. Denial is my style. That’s the coward’s way to do it, but it works for me.

Behind the scenes at BUFFY

Why were your characters attracted to each other?

NB: Just chemistry. It’s purely a sexual relationship. You figure they’ve probably been thinking about it for ten years now.

CC: We’re proof that opposites attract.

What was the first kiss like?

NB: We were both nervous. It was my first on-screen kiss, and it was lips and passion, unlike the Angel-Buffy kiss, which was very tender and sweet.

CC: It’s hard kissing someone you’re not in love with. I love Nicky. He’s my buddy. But kissing’s intimate.

Okay, It’s Saturday night. There’s a dance. Where’s Xander? Where’s Cordelia?

NB: They’re stuck on the highway with a flat tire, and then they get to yelling and then they just start making out on the side of the road. I don’t think they ever make it to the dance.

CC: Actually, he’s probably on the dance floor with Buffy while Cordelia talks to Willow at some table in the corner. That’s usually what happens.

And what do you think about that?

CC: I know this sounds crazy, but I get jealous for Cordelia. Like, “Why are they dancing together? Aren’t we a couple?” It’s funny.

Do you think it’s possible to love two people at the same time?

CC: Xander does. [Actually] I think he lusts for Cordelia, and he loves Buffy. I personally don’t think it’s possible to really love two people at the same time.

~*The Quote Of the Week*~
By, Mica Vincent

World Wide Web Click here to experience the Quote of the Week.

~*Learn the BtVS Lingo*~Have you ever heard something on BtVS and wondered what it meant? Well here is a dictionary of some of the things we have heard. --By Jessica Deatcher

**Joan Collins 'tude - what the bufster copped in When She Was Bad

**Embrace the Pain, Spank Your Inner Moppet - Cordelia's recomendation for getting fixed whatevers causing the Joan Collins 'tude

**Undead American - the more modern, polite and pc term for vamps.

**Working out her issues - Buffy does this by smashing her enemies into talcom powder with a sledge hammer

**I'll grind you into a sticky paste - a long since incinerated vamp's idea of fun with the Buffmeister

**It's entirely pointy - the only proper response to "it's rather pointless"

**a little Gene and Roger - criticism

**Dollsome - as vs gag-alicious

**BYO shovel - proper attire for a night of digging up graves

**the wacky - the mental dance of the less-then sensible, as in "Love makes you do the Wacky"

**a studly - much like "Dollsome" but with a man, with man parts

**a serious rodent - an impartial view of Principal Snyder

**what's the up? - a my-aren't-we-clever way of saying "what's up?"

**Angel Missage - what one feels when Angel's not around

**Slagged - Buffy's look after and extremely tough week of patrol

**the Ubber-suck - the worst, most unfair thing

**Isn't he lunchable? - is he not a studly?

**Dogly - hes not a studly. Clearly not.

**a non-budger - as in "C'mon Giles, Budge! No one likes a non-budger!"

**Dateville - romance, flowers, lips, where one is when it's only two people going somewhere together

**A Wonderland tour - Oz-Speak on the subject of Cordelia, ie. pretty, a lot of flashing lights, not a lot of depth goin' on

**chappy - Giles-speak for "guy"

**Brainsick - not thinking rationally

**Vampire Slayage - both the concept of the act and total carnage of vampire slaying (the pile of piles of dust)

**Wigged - the past tense inf: to wigg - go nutty from...

**the creepy - noun, architypal object of creepiness, as in "how much the creepy is that?" - how creepy is that?

**Scareapolooza - what one would expect vamps to have on Halloween

**the guy code - a set of un written rules for guys such as, "A black eye heals, but cowardice has an unlimited shelf life."

**Having Smoochies - necking, etc.

**go non-verbal - what boys do when they start thinking with the wrong head. usage - "I can't wait for the boys to go non-verbal when they see you!"

**a happy - a good feeling, usage - i'm having a happy

**the all-you-can-eat moron bar - the sunset club for vamp wannabes, should the vamps get in.

**anywhere but here - time passing game, describe where you would be if anywhere but here.

**Vampire meals-on-wheels - a monthly medical transport of blood supply to the hospital.

**a two-some of cuteness - a good couple. ie. Giles and Ms. Calendar

**Brill - brilliant

Have any questions for the readers you think you can stump them with? All I ask is that the questions are Buffy and/or Xander related. Please send questions to me. It would be cool if people participated in this :)


I am in desperite need for columnist I can rely on. If you are interested, please email me with any ideas for your column :) THANKS!!

This is, what I believe, a new and interesting way to review an episode!!

'The Pack' as reviewed by Lora carrmike@prodigy.netThe scoring for each episode is as follows: 100 points are possible. 5 pts for firsts on the show, 5 points for humor/wit, 5 pts for emotion, 10 pts for Buffy/Xander interactiion, 25 pts total for the actor's performances (5 pts possible for each) and 50 pts for slayer/action/fun stuff.

Now....on to 'The Pack'; It is all in a day's work for the Slayer, but just thinking about what all happens in a couple of days makes me tired. Let's review the damage...

2 busted windows, 1 busted car window (not to mention dented car!), 2 damaged cages (one for Xander, one for the piggy)

Not exactly a lot of damage done here. Maybe that is due in part to the fact that Buffy spends the majority of her time with Giles. After a few blows, he needs to stop so that the 'feeling can return' to his arms. Now for the action.... Not much of that either. What is Buffy doing? Standing around comforting Willow, hurting Giles or fighting with Xander leaves little time for: 2 chase scenes and 1 action sequence And what about the student body, teachers and misc. persons? Well here is where most of the points come in. Going from 1 hassled slayer to 5 possessed students, this episode affected a wide range of Sunnydale's inhabitants. Slayers, students, teachers & Zookeepers (?)  Yep, that's right. Remember, there is equal opportunity for all professions. But it boils down to... 1 student locked up in cage, 1 terrifed Lance surrounded (twice) by bullies, 1 scared family with a damaged car, 1 terrified librarian One more comment about the Zookeeper. Did I notice eyeliner when he was first talking to Giles? Personally, I think he didn't care about the power, he just wanted an excuse to wear lots of makeup... Now for those who actually saw some action... There were 3 fatalities: 1 piglet meal, 1 principal a la carte and the zookeeper. A few heroic actions too... Poor Xander! He snaps out of 'Hyena' mode, and immediately tackles the Zookeeper. For all of his effort, he gets a good knock from ZK. It all began with his trying to save Lance, and getting possessed and now...the Buffy atttack. Doesn't he learn?  Of course, our heroine will save the day throwing 2 punchesand the Zookeeper twice. But, the action didn't consist of just the 'Buffy Attack.' Consider the other violent happenings... 1 knife to Willow's throat, 1 KO'd Giles, 9 brutal hits in the dodgeball game. Lastly are the moments that deserve a point just because! These treats are: 1 thrown textbook (who hasn't wanted to do that?), 1 (supposed) memory loss, 1 sadistic coach The grand total for Slayer Action Points: 40

Firsts: 4 Pts, First principal to bite the dust. Xander-First of the Slayerettes to be initiated into the 'I've been possessed' Hall of Fame. First time for Giles to be slow-witted 'What First sight of a 'mean' Xander

Buffy/ Xander interaction: 7 pts....I didn't say it had to be positive! The entire scene surrounding the comment 'I've been waiting for you to jump my bones' was worthy of points....the tackle, the sniffs, the coke machine (need I say more?) plus the other 'close'' moments...

1 kick for Xander, 1 tackle from Xander and (ouch!), 1 hit of Xander with the fire extinguisher

Finally, a score for all of the performers in this episode. Buffy was great with Xander in 'THE' scene (4 Pts) Xander was good at being bad (5 Pts) Because of the lack of his 'smarts' for once, I will give 3 pts. The tears did it for me. Willow gets 5 pts. Cordelia was unremarkable. Was she even there? (0 pts)

Emotion...I liked Xander as the 'bad' boy, and felt sorry for Willow. -3 pts
Humor: 3 pts 'He's turned into a sixteen year old boy. Of course you'll have to kill him.''Gosh, this game is brutal. I love it!''Shoot me, stuff me, mount me.'

Final score: 74

Question: Why would Principal Flutie keep a picture of himself on his desk?

If Oz, in werewolf mode, and Xander, in hyena mode, were to meet would they A) Share a tasty snack B) Fight over their territory C) growl, 'It's a dog eat dog world.'; OR D) Form their own social group/club for members who are a-were of their problem.

~**SPECIAL* Article*~
Buffy and Xander: Do They Equal A Couple? By, Becky (Whisk449) (Very smartly written)

Buffy Summers and Xander Harris. What does one think of when these two names hit your mind? Is there ever really a chance they'll get together? Since season one, we have watched Xander in his strong attempt to win Buffy's heart. But each time, his plans have ended in failure. In the episode "Prophecy Girl", Xander confessed to Buffy how he really felt, and asked her to the dance. Unfortunately, Buffy still felt for Angel and turned him down. But Xander knew he himself still cared, and showed it by saving her from a near death experience, when the master escaped from the Hellmouth. Where is their relationship headed? When season two approached us back in September, we all thought that "dance" Xander and Buffy shared, was something more, in "When She Was Bad." And the only time Buffy really came on to Xander was when she was under a love spell in "BB&B." Where do they stand? Is Angel really gone for good? Will Xander get his chance in season three to really shine? Then there's also Willow, who most of you can tell, still loves Xander very very much, despite her new boyfriend Oz. And Xander, as everyone knows, moved on to Cordelia, who was once considered the school snob by the Scooby Gang. And as of now, their romance seems to be going okay. But, if you're like me, you still have that ounce of hope left that Buffy will realize what a mistake she's made, and fall in love with Xander. Maybe we'll all be surprised. Joss did just that when Buffy and Angel split up. Maybe it was for a reason. Just maybe, those of us here will get our wish...............

¤The Buffy-Xander Lovers Club¤
~*Official Newsletter*~
Issue 2
Co-Presidents~ Jamie
Vice President~Jennifer
50 members and growing!!

"I think he lusts for Cordelia, and he loves Buffy. I personally don’t think it’s possible to really love two people at the same time."~ Charisma Carpenter.
I did it!! A second issue!! I hope to see more people participate!!! :)

What you'll find in this issue:

Buffy-Xander Moment
Some Cool Sites
Character of the Week
Quote Game NEW!

~*Buffy-Xander Moment*~ BUFFY: PC/AVI Wish I Would...? (aol only)

Click here to experience the Moment of the week.
~*Have any good Xander-Buffy moments? Send them to me, by link:)*~

~*Poll*~Results from last weeks poll: "How would you like Xander and Buffy to get together?"

Buffy and the gang went to the Bronze and the usually Bronzy things occur...talking, dancing, gossiping. Buffy ends up having a conversation with Cordelia who has already been broken up with Xander for awhile.
Cordy:"Y'know Buffy, for a girl who's been able to save the world a few times're pretty slow when it comes to do with anything that deals with dateville, nowadays, right? Or at least when it comes to boys that are not immortal."
Buffy: (frowns and says in a confused tone) "What are you rambling about now, Cordelia? I may have strayed from the googy-eye, but I'm not totally wigged against it."
Cordy: "Please Buffy, you are so full of it. I've seen the way you googy-eyed at Xander...not to mention the reverse on him...I mean it's like double dosage of a love whammy that actually works. You are so in love with him."

Etc., etc. It's a stormy evening and everyone went home. Xander's just walked Buffy to her door...y'know the kind, gentlemen-like side of our Xander, and starts to leave. He's like almost to the edge of the walk before she calls him back.

Buffy: "Xander...wait!"

Xander turns around and meets her at the middle of the walk: "What? You're going to get sick you stand here in the rain."
Buffy: "I'm the slayer remember? I'm more likely to get sick from an Undead American than from a little rain."
Xander (sheepishly): "Well...yeah...I know, but you *can* get sick, and I wouldn't want anything to happen to what did you want to say to me?"
Buffy (contemplates): "Um...never mind...
Xander (looks confused): "Okay...I'll see ya.

Buffy watches him leave and he reaches the end of the walk and she runs towards him: "Xander, wait...I do have something to tell you."
Xander turns around and before he can even speak, she kisses him and then she says: I love you.
Xander looks at her in surprise, but smiles: Y-you love me?
Buffy (nods): Yeah...I do. I guess I realized it when I was stumbling and falling and each time I stumbled or were there to hold me...catch me. I was half blind and half scared to have admitted it even then...I guess - (then she falters and notices that he didn't even answer her) I'm sorry...I'm probably probably don't -
Xander:'s don't have to apologize for anything. (And then he smiles and kisses her) because I love you too.

The End...obviously I thought about this very thoroughly. (

This weeks Poll question:

When Buffy thinks about Xander, what are her thoughts?

~*Some Cool Sites*~
By, BuffyS SMG

Here are some of the best BtVS sites on the web!

Buffy's Wall of Shame

The Buffy Cross & Stake

BuffyHarris 's Home Page

Domain of the Slain -- Images


Slayerette FanFic

The Sarah Michelle Gellar Fan Page

~Spawns Buffy The Vampire Slayer Domain~

SlayMeXand's World of the Slayer

The Slayer's Fanfic Archive

The Thundering Looney Bin

Xander's Shrine to Buffy: Summer Style

~*Character of the Week*~
Last weeks character: Xander Results~

As far as Xander goes for the character of the week, he would most certainly love it if Buffy and him got together. It would give him a happy, so to speak. And of course Xander is my fav character to begin with. :0) I think the funniest moment had to be that in "BB&B", when that music was playing and he was walking down the hall and all the girls in the school were looking at him. :0) Oh, and another comes to mind in the praying mantis episode when Xander is talking to Buffy and Willow outside school and Miss French comes walking up. Xander takes one look at her and makes that funny sound, and keeps staring. Then, after she goes by, he says: "It's funny how the earth never opens up and swallows you when you want it to."
And then there's the episode "Lie to Me" where Xander, Angel and Willow are walking to that club for vampire wanna be's and Xander goes: "I think I'm going to have to go with Dead Boy on this one." Making a reference to Angel. And then when Xander, Willow, Buffy, Ford, and Angel are at the Bronze and Xander and Willow are playing pool. And Xander keeps saying to Ford: "You're not wrong." and then: "Once more with tension." They just keep coming to me. One more. :0) Also in that episode, when Xander and Willow are first introduced to Ford, and after Ford and Buffy leave, he says to Willow (mimicking how Buffy thinks): "This is Ford. He's my bestest friend of all my friends. Geez, doesn't she know any fat guys?" (Whisk449)

Xander is my favorite chracter...ever since day one. His sarcastic front and his jokes...they always make me laugh. He seems like such a simple character, the sarcastic, occasionally obnoxious guy, but as the series has progressed, he's become decidedly more complex as are all of the BtVS characters. I think the funniest scene I can recall with Xander is in BB&B when he's walking down the hall after the spell has been cast. There's this music and the girls laughing and the guys glaring and him looking nervous and embarrassed and downright scared. I think he would be on cloud nine if (excuse me...when) he and Buffy get together. I mean, granted he's with Cordelia, but obviously Buffy's got his heart. He would probably think that he was the luckiest guy in the world. (

This weeks character (obviously): *Buffy*

All winners will recive a pic of their choice

Do these stump you? Send in your answers and if you get them right, you'll get a pic.

1. What famous Xander--centered episode did Buffy say the line: "It's funny how you can see someone everyday, but not really see them." ?

2. Who did Xander say his dad tryed to sell him to in the "Inca Mummy Girl" episode?

Send all answers to Also, if you are the first to send in all the correct answers, you will recieve a pic of your choice. There will be second and third place winners also! :)

1. What kind of car did Buffy tell Giles he needed to get in "Incan Mummy Girl?"

2. What word does Cordelia think is just another way of not being truthful?

3. In what episode did Xander finally ask Buffy out?

4. Fill in the Blank: A ___________ in love.

5. What was the name of Buffy's former high school in L.A.?

6. There have been two principals in Sunnydale High these past two seasons, who are they? (specific names)

7. How far away is the Bronze from the good part of town?

8. In what episode do Druscilla and Spike arrive?

9. The person Willow talked to on-line was called Malcolm, but in actuality he was who? (specific name)

10. There were two main Buffy/Xander awkward pauses in "Incan Mummy Girl," describe when in the episode did it occur? (i.e. after such and such or before such and such)

Last Weeks TRIVIA winner was Whisk449 She will recieve a pic of the character of her choice!

Continued Here

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