Newsletter Archives Page 2

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~*Quote Game*~
Decide which episode the following quotes are from and who said them, and email me the answers! Hint: They are all from Series 1. Send all answers to

1. 'Ooo, crossbow! check out these babies. Good-bye stakes, hello flying fatality. What can I shoot?'

2. 'I'll just jump in my time machine, go back to the 12th century, and ask the vampires to postpone their ancient prophecy for a few days while you take in dinner and a show.'

3. "Let's stop this crazy whirligig of fun. I'm dizzy."

4. 'The creep factor is also heightened. It could be anyone, It could be me!.....It's not..though.'

5.'Malcolm. Moloch. Whatever he's called. The one boy that's really liked me and he's a demon robot. What does that say about me?'

6. 'Someone else's loss is my chocolately goodness!'

7. "Danced with is a pretty loose term - mated with would probably be more accurate."

8. 'If the Apocalypse comes, beep me.'

9. 'I don't handle rejection well. Funny ... considering all the practice I've had.'

10. "Excuse me, Ms. Motormouth, can I get a sentance finished?"

The Net Life (1/?) Initial Connection By: Taygeta

¤The Buffy-Xander Lovers Club¤
~*Official Newsletter*~
Issue 2
Co-Presidents~ Jamie
Vice President~Jennifer
85 members and growing!!

"I think he lusts for Cordelia, and he loves Buffy. I personally don’t think it’s possible to really love two people at the same time."~ Charisma Carpenter.
I must tell you, I didn't think I would get this one out....Sorry it took so long I have to study and I was really busy, that's what I get for failing my Math regents. :) I got more partipation this time but not as much as I expect from a Club with 85 members! You can do it!! :)

Buffy-Xander Moment
Some Cool Sites
Character of the Week
Quote Game

~*Buffy-Xander Moment*~
~*Will return*~

Is anyone interested in doing this? It is very easy.

Results from last issue's poll: When Buffy thinks about Xander, what are her thoughts?

Entering the mind of Buffy...

...He is such a sweet guy. I mean, he has the tendency to go a little bit wacky, but he really is nice. Xander is a person I know I can trust and he'll give me an honest answer if I ask him a direct question. The direct question doesn't always get a direct's there, though, somewhere in his saracastic or tryingly funny comment. Although I will never tell him this for sake of his male ego inflating three times square, he's not half bad to look at...okay, great to look at for a few minutes that kind of...drag on to hours, but that's beside the point. I think Xander and I have become better friends these last couple of months, and I really see him as my best friend other than Willow. He's always there when I need him...always keeping me company on long patrol nights. He's got the tendency to run and hide in some of the more scarier moments of patrols, but I know that if anything were to happen, he'd be right there by my side, not caring at all that his life was at stake. And knowing this, I hate it when Cordelia puts him down for being Xander, but what I can I do about it...I'm not his girlfriend...just a friend that wishes she was...

Okay, so the last line was for my Buffy/Xander Lovers side...I just couldn't help it.


I think Buffy thinks that Xander is just a real good friend


When Buffy thinks about Xander, I think she only sees him as a best friend. Maybe back when Xander first met her, he should've asked her out then. Like in the episode "Welcome to the Hellmouth." I think Buffy would have seen him in a completely different light and probably would have gone out with him. So I think Xander waited too long to tell her his true feelings. Buffy probably thinks that because she's been his friend so long, it shouldn't go any further. She thinks that if they got together, it would ruin everything (I think she said something on that order in "Prophecy Girl"). Plus, she knows how Willow feels about Xander and she doesn't want to betray Willow's trust by dating him. At least from my standpoint I see it that way. She would obviously risk losing two really great people's friendships. But now that Willow has Oz and seems kind of over Xander, Buffy should really reconsider.


This Issue's POLL:
1.)Does everyone think Xander did the right thing in Becoming part 2 by not telling Buffy that Willow was going to try the spell again?
2.) Did Nicky play a better role in BB&B or The Pack?

~*Some Cool Sites*~
By, BuffyS SMG

These are some of the best links around! Buffy's Wall of Shame

Sonja Marie's Buffy The Vampire Slayer Links

Buffy The Vampire Slayer - Home

The Buffy Cross & Stake

Slayerette FanFic

The Sarah Michelle Gellar Fan Page


The Thundering Looney Bin

The Slayer's Fanfic Archive

BUFFY: The Vampire Slayer

~*Character of the Week*~
Last Issues Character was ~*Buffy*~

Buffy is my second favorite character after Xander. She's strong and independent, but despite that she still has teenage problems just like everyone else and that makes her character kind of complicated. You don't know when she's going to go all slayer on you or going to go wacky teenager w/o responsiblities. Either way, she always gets the job done even if it means losing everything in the process, i.e. Prophecy Girl and Becoming. She's the kind of person you would want to be your friend because she's loyal to a fault...that and the fact that she has the ability to kill you :) j/k


This weeks charater is ~*Willow*~

By, Send all your answers to her.

1. What is the "good box?"

2. Who said, "Well guess who just got mean?"

3. Give one of the singular words that are used to describe "Dateville?"

4. Giles prefers information from books as opposed to the computer because of their what?

5. What is the color of the lipstick that Buffy let Ampata borrow?

~*Quote ID Game*~ By,

Guess who said the following quotes, this week's quotes are from Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered:

1. "Here the only other person I'm interested in is, um, unavailable. Besides, Cordy and I are really getting along."

2. "Why don't you rip her lungs out? That might make an impression."

3. "I know Dru gives you pity access, but you have to admit it's so much easier when I do things for her."

4. "I let Buffy dress me. Well, not physically."

5. "Intent has to be pure with love spells."

6. " "Soon" what, Giles? You never held out on me until the big, bad thing in the dark became my ex-honey."

7. "My boyfriend's in the band."

8. "Are you going, like, stalker-boy on me now?"

9. "I want you, Xander... to be my first."

10. "What can I say? I guess Xander's just too much man for the pimple squad."

Last Issue Whisk449 took it apon herself to try and stump you. We have some winners!! These people email me with the character you would like a pic of.

Everyone else send those questions in and if you stump everyone YOU will get a pic of your choice!! :)

Angel' as reviewed by Lora

The scoring for each episode is as follows: 100 points are possible. 5 pts for firsts on the show, 5 points for humor/wit, 5 pts for emotion, 10 pts for Buffy/Xander interactiion, 25 pts total for the actor's performances (5 pts possible for each) and 50 pts for slayer/action/fun stuff.

I'll be the first to admit that this is one of my favorite episodes, so I MIGHT be a little predjudiced...this was the first of many of the angst-filled hours of Buffy. Painful but mesmerizing. But aside from that, 'Angel' had other good points...

Let's start with property damage...

broken iron fence
shattered window
mutilated 'Smoking Sucks' poster
3 arrows in the wall
several broken glass
smashed bar
broken lamp and candleabra

Now for the action scenes....

'Angel' began with a chase scene, contained an action scene and then there was the ending fun-filled game of hide-and-go-seek at the end...Quite entertaining.

Now the mood in Sunnydale fluctuated rapidly. Of course, our Slayer at 1630 Robello Drive was happy, confused and sad throughout the show. And everyone else seemed to be affected by her mood. There was:

Overeager Darla
Zoned out and brazen Buffy
Scary dancing (and dressing) Xander
crying Master
lurking angel
3 goons running scared
one gullible mom actually home
Xander very jealous
Willow AHHHHH romantic...trying to be supportive
sadistic Darla
dissapearing Angel
Giles in padding & helmet :)
unexpected guest...darla
Buffy studying?
scared Joyce
anemic, bitten mom.
Darla against the wall

The fatalities were kept down for this episode, unfortunately, but personally I enjoyed Willow vs. The Cockroach so much, 2 pts.

1 staked Zachary
the 3 - POOF
splat...Willow vs. the cockroach
1 staked Darla

Now, how much action was there really? To start us off on this action...Xander steps on Cordelia's foot. After that it is a blur...

1 trapped cockroach
one vampire jumping out of nowhere
two vamps hold Buffy (twice)
Kick the vamp where it hurts...(ouch)
1 elbow to face
2 punch
1 neck twist
2 kicks
1 Knee to Buffy's stomach
1 Angel to the rescue....
Double kick...
elbow punch by Angel
And pulling hair?
2 kicks from angel
1 cut on Angel
1 jumped hedge
1 hand trapped in door
3 growls
1 staff fighting sequence
Poor Giles on floor
5 hits
1 Vamp thrown through the window
1 Call to hospital
Darla harassing Angel (can we say peer pressure?)
1climbed ladder to Bronze
1 Slide across the floor for weapon
two guns
2 Somersaults across pool table
11-7-5-12 shots fired (how many bullets could those guns hold?)
The burning cross


Great song 'I'll Remember ' Sophie Zelmani
Colin-one freaky child vampire
3 bloodbags in the refrigerator
Cool walking scene (Giles in middle, flanked by Wil and Xand)
The three...ugliest vamps so far!
The crossbow & staff

Action points: A perfect 50! (If you count, the score should actually be higher, but I stop counting at 50)

Firsts -5
first look at Angel's apartment
Willow tells a fantasy...
Giles and Mom meet
1st time in hospital
first sight of the tattoo

B/X interaction - 4

Not much to see this time...I'm afraid that the Slayer was to busy locking lips with another male, she was off in lala-land around Xander.

Xander tries to get Buffy to stay at his house
Stunned...'You saw him naked?'
'I don't need to watch cause I'm not threatened'
I'm not saying anything there's nothing to say
'You're in love with a vampire?'


All of the actors did an excellent job in this episode. Cordelia was minimal, but I'll still give 5 pts because Darla did such a great job that she MUST get character points!


Oh the angst and the agony....the confusion...

This is painful...tears...
'For a hundred years I offfered an ugly death to everyone I met...and I did it with a song in my heart.'
B- ' you snore?'
A-'I don't know, It's been a long time since anybody's been in a position to let me know.'
The diary...Oh the poor girl! Think that the guy she is hung up on read little fantasies of hers? I felt some embarassment for Buffy...and her excuses were PITIFUL!
'I'm older than you....'
Ah, the hopelessness of it all...then the *kiss* Very sweet 'till he vamped out.


'I am weary and their deaths will bring me little joy...of course, sometimes a little is enough'
'Goodbye stakes. Hello flying fatality'
'Kill, feed, live..' ' Your'e hurting me that's good too...'

Total: 87


Can anyone tell me what Collin was dropping in the little pond? Why does David Boreanaz shave his underarms? (I had to ask!) Did anyone think that the scariest part of this show was Angel sticking his hands in that vamp's hair?


What I would have liked to hear: Instead of Angel saying 'I can walk like a man , but I'm not one..' I would liked to have seen the expression on Buffy's face had Angel said ' I can kiss like a man, but I'm not one.'

Unforgetable by Taygeta

¤The Buffy-Xander Lovers Club¤
~*Official Newsletter*~
Issue 4
Co-Presidents~ Jamie
Vice President~Jennifer
104 members and growing!!

"I think he lusts for Cordelia, and he loves Buffy. I personally don’t think it’s possible to really love two people at the same time."~ Charisma Carpenter.
I might be guessing here. But I bet you all thought I would never get another issue out, did you? Well I never cease to amaze. I know another thing you all are thinking- ''Will she ever get the Newsletter out on a schedule?" Well I don't have the answer for that now, but I am trying my hardest!! :0)

Letter from the Co_pres
Hi, I haven't done this before but I thought I would this newsletter seeing as though we've reached the 100 members mark!!! I want to take this oportunity to say what a great job Charity is doing with all the fanfic and Jennifer with the newsletter. The BXl Club's webpage was updated last week. Added were some more Chronicles of the White Knight by Charity and also the members page was majorly updated, with all the members, their email addresses and their homepages url if they had one listed, along with their member number. It will continually be updated with the newest member's details. Thanks for listening.

Jamie "I'm a Slayer, ask me how!"

Thanks a bunch Jamie!!! :0)

Buffy-Xander Moment
Some Cool Sites
Character of the Week
Quote Game
BtVS Book Review ~*NEW*~

~*Buffy-Xander Moment*~
~*New writer!!*~
by Amanda (

It appears in every episode... thanks to a spot in Season Two opening credits. What moment could I possibly be talking about? The sexy dance Buffy and Xander shared in the season two season opener, When She Was Bad! This moment begins with Buffy sliding up to Xander and saying "Let's Dance." And Xander, of course, follows her to the dance floor. What follows in approximately 3 minutes of blissful Xander and Buffy togetherness. The dance, which would put some of the scenes in "Dirty Dancing," the movie, to shame, involved Buffy slithering and sliding around Xander's body to the surpirse of the onlookers and the pleasure of Xander. This dance in definatly a classic moment in the minds of Buffy-Xander Lovers everywhere.

New Section of Club Page: Very shortly, there will be a "Favorite Buffy/Xander moments in time" section added to the BXL Club page. We would appreciate any contributions that we can add, whether is be the Sexy Dance in When She Was Bad or something totally different like the air in Bad Eggs. Direct them to Jamie at:

Last weeks Poll:
1.)Does everyone think Xander did the right thing in Becoming part 2 by not telling Buffy that Willow was going to try the spell again?
2.) Did Nicky play a better role in BB&B or The Pack?

Results: 1.) Yes. In a way I think he did the right thing, but in a way not because she still had to kill Angel. That was the sad part.
2.) I think that the role in The Pack was great. :) He did a good job. (

1.) I think he did the right thing when not telling buffy about the spell. Even though he did seem a bit selfish at first, he turned out to be nonselfish in the end.
2) Nicky played a better part in BB&B then The Pack. (

1.)I don't think Xander did the right thing in keeping important info from Buffy. It all could have played out a different way if Buffy knew that Willow was going to try the spell again.
2.) I like Nicky in The Pack better. (StarDust98)

1. I think Xander was partially wrong for doing that [lying] but after reconsidering I think that he did the right thing. If Buffy was aware of the spell she may have been endangerd. She would be to caught up in waiting for him to die that she probally would have been out of focus and died early. (APippins)

1.) Xander not telling Buffy was a personal choice, and if in his heart, he thought it right, then he did the right thing. So, on that basis, I think he did the right thing. I also think that he really cares for Buffy and no matter his antagonistic feelings for Angel, he wouldn't have *not* told her because of Angel...but more for concern...for her (he saw a lot of her pain these last few months) and for everyone else. He doesn't want anyone to die...and he perceives Angel as a walking time bomb ready to blow up any second...and when he does become evil (or rather the bomb stops ticking) it's going to mean pain, suffering, and death.
2.) Nicky...I could never call him that! did an equally great job in both episodes and they were different roles of Xander's side that I can't give a definite median to say which one is *better* then the other, so I would say, I like NB in BB&B because Xander despite his actions was more mature and he had the sweetest line execution to both Buffy and Cordelia. In the Pack, you saw Xander's evil side, a total change from his normal character, and that was very well executed too...esp. the scene in which he comes on to Buffy and the ending scene w/ Giles. So, I guess I'd have to say that both are different variations of the "definitely, the superior Xander." (


This weeks poll: Buffy is gone, as we all know, but where did she go? And who will save her?

~*Some Cool Sites*~
These are some of the best links around!

Buffy's Wall of Shame

Sonja Marie's Buffy The Vampire Slayer Links

Buffy The Vampire Slayer - Home

The Buffy Cross & Stake

Slayerette FanFic

The Sarah Michelle Gellar Fan Page


The Thundering Looney Bin

The Slayer's Fanfic Archive

BUFFY: The Vampire Slayer

Have a site you'd like to add? Maybe your own? Send them my way! With a little discription and why you love it so. I'd be happy to post them!!! :0) Here's my contribution: The Scooby Gang By own of our own Xander-Buffy Lovers alumni~ Whisk449!! It's excellent!! Very well-organized! With things no other site has! :0)

~*Attention*~ (once again)
Our BXL competition is still open to all members. To enter, just create a new club logo and email it to

~*Character of the Week*~
Last weeks character: Willow

Willow reminds me of myself, somewhat, except smarter and have the ability to ramble without looking too awkward. And I really identify with her in her want to fit in (although I kinda like being matter how weird I am) and I like the fact that anything that brings her down...she can pick herself back up. She's strong beneath her seemingly weak exterior...making her one of my favorite characters. (

Next weeks character: Angel and Angelous


Willow: Personal question?
Xander: Yeah, shoot. When Buffy was a vampire, you weren't still like attracted to her, were you? Willow, how can you...I mean, that's really bench, she was...grotesque.
Willow: Still dug her, huh?
Xander: I'm sick, I need help.
Willow: Don't I know it.

~*Quote Game*~
By, Send ALL answers to Jamie!! :0)

Quote Guessing Game This week's episode is: Surprise.

1. "Do you really think your ready Buffy?"

2. "Man, that's like... I-I dunno, it's moxie or something."

3. "'Fish of the day'?"

4. "Still, best to be, uh, on the alert. If Drusilla is alive, i-i-it could be a fairly... cataclysmic state of affairs."

5. "Are you dead set on this, pet? Wouldn't you rather have your party in Vienna?"

6. " You ground his bones to make your bread."

7. "Sorry. Sacred duty, yada yada yada."

8. "Yeah. Hey, did everybody see that guy just turn to dust?"

9. "Surprise!"

10. " Notice the economy of phrasing: 'gone.' Simple. Direct."

Last weeks winner: Whisk449 (Email me)

~*BtVS Book Review*~ *new*

This is my book review for Halloween Rain by Christopher Golden and Nancy Holder.

This book is the 2nd book in the Buffy the Vampire Slayer books

This book is about a leagen that Xander and Willow had heard about Halloween Rain when they were little. it was about this Sacarecrow that is in a field and if it rains on Halloween night and some one tresspasses on there field after it rains it comes to life and brings forth the dead or something far worse.

Well i guess that buffy walked on one of those fields after it rained on Halloween and a scarecrow came to life and raiced the dead witch was hell for Buffy she had to keep them from biteing other people and makeing them zombies and haveing a hard time controling them herself.

Everyone is in this book and buffy refers to Angel but other than that he mite be in this book you never know.

More to come!!! :0)

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