BearTown and Other Creaturesville

This is Rose, she is a guardian angel bear watching over my page for me
This is June Bear, she holds my birthstone the Pearl
Please meet some other bears in my Beartown
Violet bear. She has old-fashion values and just loves to cook.

SweetPea Bear. He is the cute and lovable baby of Beartown.

Lillian Bear. She's only a toddler but she loves Hugs.

New Bears will be added to BearTown regularly, please come back and visit us soon.

Other Creaturesville
All these creatures, kindly adopted from
Billy Bear 4 Kids

My Purp beans are named Sunny and Cher
These are named Matilda, Tom and Max after my dogs and cat
These are my Hatchlings, arn't they cute?
Peace and Smokey
I would like you to meet my Pocket Pals, they were adopted from here

My lovely Hedgehog was also adopted at Billy Bear 4 Kids
I call her Wilma
I would like to thank Billy Bear 4 Kids, Pooh Bear and Cottage Grahics so very much for allowing me to adopt their precious little angels. Thank you very much. And remember, a bear is a friend who is always there, someone to listen and someone to cry on. If you see a cute little bear or creature for my BearTown and Creaturesville please please please email me and let me know the address. Thank you.

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