Immortals #2: Meeting Another Parts 2 & 3

By Christopher Rogers

DISCLAIMER:Buffy the Vampire Slayer is the property of Mutant Enemy, Joss Whedon, and the WB. I don't own Highlander either, I don't know who does, but it belongs to them. The storyline i mine. AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is a crossover, Buffy/Highlander story. None of the characters from either the Highlander series or the movie are in this story, just the concept of immortals. This takes place after Killed by Death.

Part Two

"No Xander, Napoleon lost his battles because ... aliens came down and destroyed his armies with a really, really big gun," a frustrated Willow said as she noticed Xander was not paying any attention to her. They had been trying to take their minds off Chang by discussing their school work as they walked to Xander's house.

"Okay," Xander replied.

"Xander," Willow yelled in frustration. "Your not paying the slightest attention to me. I just said Napoleon's armies were destroyed by aliens."

He looked at her smiling, "You mean they weren't?"

"You are absolutely impossible," Willow said trying to sound angry, but only managing to keep in her laughter.

"Actually Napoleon lost because he ended up getting stuck in Russia during the winter without any food. The Russians had burned Moscow down to prevent Napoleon from obtaining any supplies to use from the city. Most of his army starved to death while trying to return to France," Marcus said.

"And I suppose you were there," Buffy said as they approached Xander's house.

"Who do you think gave the Russians the idea to burn their own city," Marcus replied with a smile. "In fact, a really interesting story I could tell you about..." Marcus paused and he began to tense up. Xander did the same.

"What is it?" Buffy asked as she began to glance around.

Marcus didn't have time to reply as the front door to Xander's house opened and Chang stepped out, his hands behind his back.

"Chang," Marcus said as he stepped in front of the group and withdrew his sword. "What are you doing here?"

Chang only smiled at him, he withdrew his kitanna from behind his back, it was covered in blood. "Didn't I tell you before, these mortals die so easily."

Everyone stared in shock as they took a moment to realize what Chang meant. Xander was the first to react. He ran forward as he withdrew his sword, "What have you done?"

"Xander stop," Marcus yelled as his young charge rushed past him. Marcus watched helplessly as Xander recklessly attacked Chang. He watched in horror as Xander's attacks were easily blocked, and then as Chang effortlessly disarmed the younger immortal and preceded to plunge his kitanna deeply into Xander's body.

"No!" Buffy screamed as she watched the sword enter into Xander. She rushed forward intent on helping him but she was stopped by Marcus.

"You can't interfere," he yelled at her. She glared back at him with pure hatred. Marcus knew if Xander died she would never forgive him, he'd probably never forgive himself.

Chang slowly drew his sword up to Xander's neck. He looked into the boy's eyes, expecting fear, but saw only anger and defiance. He laughed, "No, not today boy. Soon but not here. I think I want to be at full strength when I go against your teacher."

Chang looked at Marcus, still holding his sword next to Xander's neck. "I choose when and where I fight. If you want to save the boy's old man, come to Lincoln street, you'll know the house. If you haven't arrived by the time the sun rises my new friends will have something to eat for breakfast."

Before Chang fled into the night he turned his attention once more to Xander, "Oh, by the way, she suffered."

* * * * *

Xander struggled to his feet, still in pain from the wounds Chang had inflicted upon him. Buffy ran to his side to help him stand, "Xander you're hurt."

He looked at her, not evening comprehending what she was saying. He said only one word as he dashed into the house, "Mom."

"Xander," Buffy called out in concern as she chased after him, followed closely by Willow and Marcus.

They found him kneeling down in the dining room by his mother's body, which had a deep sword wound in the chest. "Mom," he said quietly as he gently shook her. "Mom wake up."

Marcus walked up behind him, "Xander, she's dead. Their is nothing you can do now."

Xander looked up at him, "No she can't be..." Xander didn't finish as his wounds overcame him and he collapsed.

* * * * *

"No," Buffy screamed as she rushed to his side, checking for a pulse and finding none. She looked accusingly at Marcus, "You said he couldn't die."

Marcus sat down in one of the dining room chairs and buried his head in his hands, countless years of grief overwhelming him. He understood Buffy's anger, "Don't worry, he'll wake up in a moment, give him a little time to heal. Now I think we should move his Mother's body, he will be in enough pain when he wakes up."

As they moved over to the body Willow appeared to be ready to collapse, she had seen death before but she had known Mrs. Harris for as long as she could remember. She weakly said, "There isn't any blood."

Marcus sighed, a sigh filled with years of pain. "Chang probably let his vampires drain her, after he had stabbed her."

Buffy looked at Willow knowing that Willow had known Mrs. Harris very well. "Marcus and I can handle this Will. Why don't you check on Xander?"

Willow flashed Buffy a look of gratitude as she moved away and went to check on her best friend.

After they had moved the body to a different room Marcus and Buffy came back to stand over Xander. Buffy spoke angrily, "Marcus if he doesn't recover ..."

"He will," Marcus interrupted.

"If he doesn't I swear ..." Buffy began again, needing something to vent her anger at.

"He will. This isn't something left up to chance, he is an immortal." Marcus looked at Buffy but she wouldn't meet his gaze. "I understand your anger Buffy. Don't worry, he'll be fine, at least physically, immortality won't help him mentally. He'll need the rest of us for that, especially you. Look the wound is already beginning to close."

They all watched on as Xander began to heal at a miraculous rate. Soon Xander's eyes opened and he began to gasp for air.

Buffy knelt down beside him, her eyes were filled with tears.

"Hey Buff, what are you doing here, what's wrong ..." Xander paused as he remembered where he was and what had happened. "No," he screamed out, and then started to cry as the grief overcame him.

Buffy reached forward and pulled him into an embrace, trying to ease his pain.

"Buffy ... they ... he killed ... my mom," Xander tried to say as his body was wracked by sobs.

"I know, I know," Buffy said soothingly as she held onto him while he cried.

Part Three

11:00 P.M. 5/9/98, Sunnydale High School Library>/I>

"This isn't a very good idea," Giles said as he tried to reason with the three people before him. Marcus, Buffy, Willow and Xander had returned to the library after Xander had calmed down. They need the weapons from the library if they planned on surviving whatever trap was laid for them by Chang.

Xander suddenly erupted in fury, yelling at Giles, "Well just what the hell are we suppose to do. These bastards come into my house and kill my mother. Then they kidnap my father and say they will kill him if I don't come. It's not like I have that many options, and none of them look very pleasant."

After Xander finished he looked around the library and saw that all of his friends were looking at him with shocked expressions. "Sorry, it's just ..."

Willow came up and hugged her best friend, "We understand," she said softly.

"You should at least let me come along," Giles said. "You have no idea what you will be facing and you could use all the help possible."

Marcus answered him, "You're right we don't know what we are going to be facing Rupert. So better not to endanger more people then necessary. Buffy's the slayer and Xander is an immortal, they can take care of themselves. Personally I'd rather go alone and not endanger anyone else but I don't think they would let me. Let us handle this one Rupert, please."

As they turned towards the door Giles said one last thing, "You do understand that he may already be dead."

Xander paused momentarily as he answered Giles, obviously in pain. "I know. But he is the only thing that I have left. I have to take any chances that I can to save him."

The two remaining occupants of the library watched sadly as their friends departed. Fearing that it may be the last time they would see them alive.

* * * * *

"Angelus don't worry, they'll be here any minute. They won't let the boy's..." Chang paused as he sensed the presence of another immortal. "In fact their here right now."

Chang looked out his second story window down at the street. < Well there's Marcus, the young one, and that pretty blond. > Chang turned to Angelus, "The watcher and the redhead aren't along. Marcus somehow must have convinced them that it was too dangerous, we'll take care of them later. Remember the plan, you take the slayer and the boy, leave Marcus to me."

Angelus signaled to his fellow vampires to get ready. He walked over to the youngest one there.

"Are you ready for this?" Angelus asked.

The vampire who had once been known as Jason Harris looked at his sire, "I want to taste blood."

Angelus laughed, "And so you shall."

* * * * *

"You're sure that this is the place?" Buffy asked as she surveyed the house. It wasn't especially big, slightly larger then her own. It might once have been a beautiful place but it appeared that the house had been vacant for years. It was in desperate need of paint, most of the windows were gone, and the roof was probably leaking.

"Yes he's here, I'm sure. I can feel him," Marcus said as they walked up to the front door.

"One day I want the bad guys to live in a nice fashionable place that doesn't look like a death trap. Oh and would also be nice if no lives were endangered," Xander muttered as they entered the old house.

Buffy looked around the room. It was empty and the walls were covered in dust. She couldn't even begin to guess what purpose this room had once served. On their right was a set of stairs leading up to the second floor and one set leading down into the basement. Their was also two doors besides the one they had entered, one in front of them and one to their left. "Nice enough place I suppose, it's just not my taste, if you know what I mean. I don't go into the whole cobwebs thing."

"I know what you mean," Marcus said as he looked around. "But I've lived in worse." Marcus then turned serious, "Buffy you try upstairs, Xander you check the basement, I'll look around this floor. If you find Mr. Harris get him out of here and somewhere safe. If you find Chang don't even try and take him on, he's mine."

"But ..." Xander began angrily.

"No Xander, now is not the time to argue," Marcus said cutting him off. "I understand why you want to kill him but if you go up against him all it will accomplish is that you'll be without a head, he's a lot stronger then you. Just find your father and get out of here. And if Chang beats me you get out of town, preferably out of the country, don't try and be a hero. Wait until you are ready to face him."

Marcus then turned and left them, giving no time for them to respond. He headed for the door on the groups left. Buffy began to climb the steps to the second floor while Xander descended into the basement.

* * * *

"C'mon Chang, show yourself," Marcus called out as he checked the last room on the first floor. He hadn't encountered Chang, he hadn't even seen any vampires. He spotted a set of large glass doors leading to a courtyard outside the house. < Well if he's not in here, then maybe... > Marcus thought as he walked forward and opened the doors to the outside.

< He's close, very close, > Marcus thought as he stepped through the doorway. Marcus looked around the courtyard, he didn't see Chang, < Where could he... > Marcus' thoughts were interrupted as he glanced upwards and saw Chang leaping off a balcony above him. Marcus barely managed to get his sword up in time to save his head. However he was not fast enough to block Chang from slicing him across the ribs.

Marcus grabbed where he had been cut, it wasn't deep but it gave Chang an advantage. "You should have just come for me Chang, you didn't have to involve others in this."

"But it's so much more fun this way," Chang said with a cruel smile.

Marcus raised his sword, preparing for battle. "Where is he?"

"Who? Oh, you mean the old man," Chang said as he also raised his sword. "Don't worry about him, he made a very good late night snack I hear."

"You son of a bitch," Marcus yelled as he launched himself at Chang, their swords clashing together.

* * * * *

< Where are they? > Buffy thought as she walked down the hallway, crossbow in her hands. She hadn't encountered any vampires or Chang and she hadn't been able to locate Xander's father, and she had just checked about every room there was up here.

Buffy whirled as she heard footsteps behind her. She saw Drucilla and three other vampires standing in the hallway, no more then ten feet from her.

"Drucilla," Buffy said as she saw the insane vampire, < Damn how did they sneak up on me. >

"That nice man said you would come," Drucilla said in her childish voice as she advanced on Buffy. "He said you would come and play. Do you want to play? I know all sorts of fun games."

"Thanks, but no thanks," Buffy said she leveled her crossbow at Drucilla's heart. "I never was one for games. They tend to be long and complicated., I prefer quick and simple. Say good night Drucilla."

"Good night Buffy," Drucilla replied wickedly.

Just as Buffy was about squeeze the trigger a vampire crashed through the door next to her, taking her by surprise. The vampire slammed Buffy against the wall, causing her to drop the crossbow.

* * * * *

As Xander descended the steps he called out, "Dad."

Through the darkness he heard his father say, "Alexander, is that you?"

Xander raced towards the sound of his father's voice, he couldn't see him in the darkness. "Where are you?"

"Right here," Angelus said as he turned on a light.

Xander saw Angelus in full demon mode. He was holding his father, a knife to his throat. Xander pulled out his sword, "Let him go Angel."

Xander's father spoke in a terrified voice, "Xander what is going on? He came to our house ... he ... he killed your mother."

Xander stared at Angelus in shock.

Angelus shrugged, "I was hungry. Chang may have stabbed her first but when I bit into her she was still alive ... and screaming."

The rage began to build inside Xander, "This is between the two of us Angel, leave him out of this."

Angelus smiled back. "You want him, then take him," Angelus said as he shoved Mr. Harris at Xander.

Xander reached out with his left and caught his father to prevent him from falling. He watched in shock and horror as his father's face shifted, becoming that of a demon, that then preceded to sink it's fangs into Xander's neck.

As Xander began to feel himself weaken from the blood loss he shoved the point of his sword into his father side. As his father screamed in pain, Xander backed up against a wall, trying to keep his attention on both vampires.

Angelus began to taunt Xander, trying to distract him. "Xander do you happen to have any siblings left that I don't know about? You know brothers and sister, even some close cousins perhaps. I can't kill you but I can make your life a living hell, then I can take your head. Let's see, I've already killed both of your parents, am going to kill all of your friends, and will in time kill the woman you love. It would just be fitting if I finished the job by killing any relatives you may happen to have. Oh wait, they aren't your relatives actually, now are they. I forgot, you don't have any family, your a freak, an abomination of nature."

Xander stared back with pure hatred, "I'm glad Buffy hasn't killed you yet Angel because I am going to."

Angelus didn't stop smiling, "You wish. Well I guess you won't be answering my question. Don't worry I'll ask your father later. C'mon Jason, I want to see how an immortals' blood tastes," Angelus said as he prepared to charge.

Xander, weak from blood loss, realized he couldn't face both vampires in hand to hand combat. With his left hand he deftly reached into his jacket and whipped out a vial of holy water, throwing it at Angelus He listened with grim satisfaction as the vampire howled in pain, clutching where the vial had smashed into his face, burning him severely. With his other hand he plunged his sword into his charging father.

Jason Harris looked down at the sword in his chest, then back at his son. He shifted to his human face and said, "You know I never did love you, neither did your mother. You never did anything that would make us proud. You were a horrible student always bringing home bad grades. You were never very good in sports and you couldn't even get a girlfriend. And now I find out that you have been keeping all these secrets from me. What kid of son are you? The biggest mistake of our lives was the day we adopted you, you were never worth the trouble."

"No," Xander yelled as he pulled his sword out and raised it above his head.

Xander's father fell to his knees, he looked up at his son. Seeing him pause he said, "You can't do it, I'm your father. You can't kill me."

Xander tried to choke back the tears, "My father is already dead." Xander brought his sword down, decapitating the vampire and turning it to dust.

Xander looked around, Angelus had disappeared. He collapsed next to the pile of ashes, sobbing. He knew the vampire hadn't been his father, what he said hadn't been true, but it didn't make it easier.

Xander heard a loud crash from upstairs, waking him from his depression. < Buffy, > he thought as he ran from the basement.

* * * * *

Things were not going well for Buffy.

The fight had carried the group into an old bedroom. Buffy had managed to stake one of the vampires but now they had her surrounded. Outnumbered and armed with only a stake she knew it would be just a matter of time until they got to her. < I need a miracle. Desperately, > she thought.

Suddenly a sword cut through one of the vampires' neck and it turned to dust right in front of her. Buffy saw Xander standing behind where it had been just a moment before. He had his sword in one hand and her crossbow in the other. He pointed the crossbow at another vampire and fired, watching emotionlessly as it turned to dust. Buffy used the distraction he had caused to attack another vampire, staking it quickly.

Buffy heard whimpering and turned to see Drucilla backing towards the door, things had gone from four to one to one on two. Buffy said mockingly, "Ah, and things were suddenly starting to get fun, won't you be staying a little longer."

Drucilla screamed as she ran from the room, they didn't follow, they knew there would be another time.

Buffy walked over to Xander and said jokingly, "My hero."

Xander replied without emotion, "So many times I've dreamed of you saying that, but now just isn't the right time."

Buffy looked up at him, seeing his eyes filled with pain. "Your father," Buffy paused, not wanting to hurt him anymore but needing to know, "he was dead?"

Xander looked at her sadly, "He was a vampire, it was Angel."

At first Buffy thought that Xander meant his father was out there, still a vampire, then she realized he had said, "Was.". She reached forward to hug him but he pulled away.

"He was my father and I killed him," he said angrily. "What kind of person am I."

Buffy reached out again and grabbed Xander and pulled him into and embrace. For a moment he struggled but she held on. He began to cry, "How could I kill my own father?"

"He wasn't your father," Buffy said. She began to think about what Xander had done, what she should do, "I just wish I had your courage to do such a thing."

Xander continued to cry, "Buffy..."

"Shhh it's alright, you don't have to say anything," Buffy whispered soothingly as she held him.

When Xander calmed down and pulled away their eyes met. Buffy began, "Xander I just wanted to say that... well I want you to know that I..."

Buffy was interrupted by the sounds of swords clashing together. "Marcus," Xander said as he headed towards a balcony overlooking the courtyard.

Buffy sighed as she followed after him.

* * * * *

Both combatants had numerous cuts from their intense battle but neither had managed to gain the upper hand.

As Chang ducked a blow that nearly took his head he stepped out of range, needing a moment to rest.

As Marcus raised his sword, preparing to charge, he said, "I've waited a long time for this Chang. You deserve to die for all those you have killed."

Chang smiled as he prepared to meet Marcus' charge, "And I enjoyed it every time I killed someone. Especially the wives of my fellow immortals."

As Marcus charged screaming a long forgotten battle cry, Chang thrust his sword out, planning on impaling his opponent. Marcus didn't care. He drove straight into the blade, feeling the intense pain as the sword drove into his stomach. But Marcus drove his own blade directly into Chang's heart.

As Marcus watched his opponent fall to his knees he heard something approaching behind him. He turned his head to see a large male vampire charging at him. He knew that in his wounded condition he wouldn't be quick enough to stop the vampire.

Marcus suddenly felt as object flew by him. He watched as arrow embedded itself directly into the vampire's heart and it exploded in a cloud of dust. Marcus looked in the direction of the arrow and saw Buffy and Xander standing on a balcony, a crossbow in Buffy's hands.

Marcus returned his attention to his fallen foe. Chang looked up at him in disbelief, he couldn't belief Marcus had willingly impaled himself. Marcus looked down with hatred, he painfully lifted his sword above his head. "I hope you burn in hell," he said as he brought his sword down.

He collapsed as to the ground as he let his wounds and the quickening overcome him.

* * * * *

Xander and Buffy stood side by side upon the balcony. They watched astonished as bolts of lightening flew about the courtyard.

Xander spoke first, "Are you all right?"

< He is in so much pain yet his first worry is me, > Buffy thought. "I'm fine," she said.

"That's good," Xander replied as he watched the quickening.

"Xander I'm sorry," Buffy said sadly. "About your father, about everything that has happened to you."

Buffy turned and looked at him sadly. When he didn't respond to her she said, "Will you be alright."

Xander turned so that he faced her, "In time. It's the one thing I have left."

"Your wrong. You have me, and Marcus, and all of your other friends," Buffy said, wanting him to know she would be there for him.

"I'm sorry, I'm a selfish jerk. Sometimes I forget about other people. I should have known that I was affecting everyone else. I'm sorry," Xander said, sounding completely serious.

"One thing you are not Xander is a selfish jerk, I don't think you could stop caring about other people if you tried. And you have nothing to be sorry about, you've held up better to this then any of us probably could." Buffy said, wondering how Xander could actually believe he had done something wrong. < He's such a good person, if a bit silly. > "If their is anything I, or any of your friends can do to help... well all you have to do is ask. We're there for you, I'm there for you, if you need anything."

"Does that include lap dancing, I've told you before how comforting that is to me," Xander said with a brief smile.

Buffy laughed slightly, "It's good to see you smile. But I think we can come up with something else to help you."

Xander brief smile vanished as he looked down at the courtyard, his sad expression once again returned. The quickening had ended. "C'mon, let's go see if Marcus needs any help."

Buffy turned and followed Xander off the balcony.

* * * * *

As the quickening ended and Marcus began to wake up he found Buffy and Xander standing over him.

"That was quite a show," Buffy said as Marcus stood up.

"It always is," Marcus replied. He noticed Xander's sad expression, "Chang told me Xander, I'm sorry."

Xander looked away, he wasn't ready to discuss everything that had happened to him. "What do we do know? I mean we do have a headless body on our hands."

"Well we can leave the body, the police will make up some kind of story, and as for this," Marcus said as he bent down and picked up the kitanna. He handed it to Buffy.

"What's this," Buffy asked curiously as she examined the weapon.

"It's called a sword. You told me you needed one and now you have one. Now you won't have a reason when I beat you." Marcus said with a small smile.

"Thanks," Buffy replied smiling.

Marcus looked over at Xander, the boy looked like he was ready to break down at any moment. "C'mon, let's get out of here."

As they passed through the house Xander paused at the basement steps. "Would either of you mind if I took a few moments to..."

"Sure Xander, we'll be right outside," Marcus said understandably as he watched his student descend the steps. "Take all the time you need."


5:00 P.M. 5/12/98, Sunnydale Cemetery

Xander, Marcus and Buffy stood over the grave of Mrs. Harris. The funeral had just ended. Giles, Cordelia, Willow, and Oz had also been there, everyone trying to comfort Xander. They had given their respects and were now waiting for the others.

The police story had been that a attempted robbery had occurred and Mrs. Harris had died, no explanation for the sword wound or the absence of blood, and that Xander's father had been kidnapped. The police were still searching for him but they wouldn't find him, his remains were also buried here. Years later his name would appear on this tombstone alongside that of his wife.

"You said this won't get any easier," Xander said.

"No, it doesn't. Every time you lose someone you care for it will hurt, sometimes the pain will be more then think that you can bare," Marcus said sadly. "And unfortunately it will happen again."

"I never thought I'd lose my parents," Xander said as he looked around the cemetery. "I know a lot of people who are buried here, much too many people. One was even my best friend, but I never thought I'd have to watch my parents be buried. They were always there when I need them, and now their gone," Xander said as he gazed sadly sat the new tombstone.

Marcus slowly turned away, knowing Xander would need some time. "I'll be by my car. Whenever you are ready Xander I'll take you home."

Buffy watched as Marcus walked away, she prepared to do the same. "Xander I'll go be..."

"Stay for a moment Buffy, please," Xander said as he wiped a few tears from his eyes.

"Of course," Buffy said, wanting to help her friend, the man she had fallen in love with. If he needed her to stay, she would stay.

"Thank you," Xander said. He knelt down by the grave, silently saying a few last things to his parents. Buffy thought she heard him whisper, "I'll make you proud of me."

Buffy looked down at him. < When did I fall in love with him? Probably when I realized how great a person he was, > she thought. As Xander stood up and she asked, "Would you like to talk about it?"

Xander turned towards her, "Yes I would. But not now, I need some time."

"Whenever you are ready," Buffy said as she went forward and hugged him.

As they separated and began to walk towards the rest of their group Xander said, "Thank you for being there for me Buffy."

"Of course," Buffy replied. "I'll always be there for you Xander because, you are always their for me."

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