Immortals #3: The Medallion of the Tyrtes Part 2 and 3
By Christopher Rogers

DISCLAIMER:Buffy the Vampire Slayer is the property of Mutant Enemy, Joss Whedon, and the WB. I don't own Highlander either, I don't know who does, but it belongs to them. The storyline i mine. AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is a crossover, Buffy/Highlander story. None of the characters from either the Highlander series or the movie are in this story, just the concept of immortals. This takes place after Killed by Death.


7/29/98 8:00 P.M. Tampa, Florida

Xander silently walked out of the airport. It had been a quick and easy flight. Xander reached his had up to the touch the piece of medallion that had started all this. Xander knew he would be good to his word and protect it at all costs.

Xander spotted a small fast food place. The food on the airplane hadn't been very good and he was rather hungry. Xander walked across the street intent on getting something to eat.

* * * * *

Buffy got off the bus as it pulled up next to an airport. She spotted a fast food restaurant across the street. Buffy had left Sunnydale with little money and she had survived off odd jobs she had done at the different places she had visited. She had little money but at the moment she was in desperate need of something to eat, and perhaps get a job while she was there.

Xander sat quietly as he enjoyed the hamburger. While in Spain Marcus had made sure he enjoyed the finest and most expensive cuisine, and he had hated it. It was good to get some quick, easy, and fatty food.

He looked up as he heard the door open. Normal people don't check everyone who enters a restaurant but then normal people don't have people out looking to take there head. He would never have imagined that he would see the person who entered at that moment, Xander actually thought he was seeing things. The woman he had come to love was no more then ten feet away from him, the woman he thought had died.

Buffy also noticed Xander, "How the hell did he get here?" she thought. "He's suppose to be in Sunnydale." Not knowing what to do Buffy turned around and ran away at full speed. Xander immediately jumped up from the table and chased after her leaving his meal behind.

Buffy turned into an alley, she knew she was faster then he was. She didn't know why she was trying to get away from the man she loved, she only knew that Xander was a part of her life, a life she was trying to escape. Unfortunately for Buffy the alley that she ran into was a dead end.

Xander caught up to her and grabbed onto her, he didn't want her to disappear again. He looked at her for a few moments before he said, "Funny running into you here."

Buffy stared at him for a few moments in shock. Then she fell to the ground laughing. Xander soon followed her and for a few moments they felt like kids again.

Xander looked at her happily once he had calmed down, "How did you get here?"

"Me, how did you get here?" Buffy asked. "I thought you would be training with Marcus."

Xander's smile instantly disappeared, "Buff, Marcus is dead."

Buffy's smile also faded, Marcus had been a good friend.

Xander helped her up, "C'mon, it's getting dark we should go find some place to spend the night. I think we both have quite a story to tell."

* * * * *

Xander accepted the two sets of room keys that the hotel clerk offered him. He paid him for the rooms then walked over to Buffy and handed her the keys to her room.

"You don't have to do this," Buffy said accepting her keys.

"I know," Xander replied. "But I can afford it, Marcus left me more money then I can count. I don't want to think about where you've been spending your nights. How much money do you have anyway?"

"Um ... about twenty dollars," Buffy admitted.

"Well like I said I have more then I can count. And being Marcus gave it to me I'm sure he'd want you to have some of it."

Buffy looked around at the hotel lobby. It was furnished rather nicely, far better then any place she had stayed in recently. Unfortunately it was also very crowded. "Xander why don't we go for a walk, there's still some things, well a lot of things, we have to talk about."

"Sure Buff," Xander said as he headed for the door.

Buffy and Xander quietly walked down the empty street and entered a small park. This late at night it was totally unoccupied so they wouldn't have to worry about their choice of topic.

"So ... have you talked to Cordelia lately?" Buffy asked trying to start a conversation.

Xander sighed, "Cordy and I broke up before school let out."

"Harsh," Buffy said shocked. "Why?"

"Well, in case you haven't noticed I haven't exactly been the most cheerful person to be around lately. Our relationship was pretty much based on having a good time," Xander explained sadly. "I haven't exactly been a fun person to be around. With training and all we also haven't spent much time together. It was a mutual decision really and will be better for us both in the long run."

"What have you guys done about the hellmouth," Buffy asked.

"Well it hasn't been too troublesome since you left. I've been doing your patrols for you. At the moment Giles is searching for the new Slayer," Xander said. "After what happened to Kendra and all."

"Yeah," Buffy said thinking of the friend she had lost. She then said guiltily, "You've been doing my patrols. That takes alot of time. Time you could have been spending with Cordelia."

"Perhaps," Xander replied. "But it was inevitable. We just didn't work as a couple."

"Xander, how did Marcus die?" Buffy had to ask.

Xander pulled out the piece of medallion from around his neck, he hadn't taken it off since Marcus had given it to him. "I'll try to give you the short version. This is the forth piece of what is called the Medallion of Tyrtes. It allows it's user to summon hell's demons into his body thus becoming invulnerable and then you know bringing about the end of the world, the whole deal. Xavier, an evil, vicious, and ancient immortal, has gained the three other pieces. He killed Marcus trying to gain it but Marcus gave it to me before the fight. Xavier is extremely powerful and he has an unlimited number of servants, all of who are looking for me. If Xavier gains this last piece he will be able to beat all of the other immortals and easily claim the prize. Then he would have the entire strength of hell and the knowledge and power of all the immortals, no force would be able to stand against him and mankind would suffer an eternity of slavery."

"I'd hate to hear the long version," Buffy murmured. She was saddened by the loss of her friend. "I never got to thank him. I got into a sword fight with Angel and if Marcus hadn't taught me how to use a sword we might all be in hell at the moment."

"I'm sure he would have appreciated it," Xander said. "He never forgave himself for when he wasn't there to help stop Angel. What did happen to Angel anyway?"

Buffy sighed as she prepared to recount the most painful event of her life. "Angel managed to free the sword from Acathla. We fought and I barely won. I was about to kill him when I suddenly saw his eyes glow and somehow his soul returned. Unfortunately the only way to prevent Acathla from sucking the world into hell was to send Angel there instead. I don't even know if he's still alive."

"Oh Buff I'm sorry," Xander said. The guilt of what he hadn't told Buffy had pained him for months and he realized the only way to rid himself of it was by telling her the truth. "Buffy I ..."

"What is it Xander," Buffy said noticing him break off.

Xander looked around, he felt the presence of another immortal, he just couldn't see him. "Buff, there's an immortal nearby."

"Great," Buffy said sarcastically. She had a stake and cross with her, both of which she knew would have no effect against an immortal. "Where?" Buffy asked as she looked around also not seeing anyone.

"That is an excellent question," Xander admitted, the park had a good number of trees and the other immortal could be behind any of them.

"Looking for me," they heard a voice say from behind them.

They spun around, standing ten feet away from them with battle axe in hand was the other immortal. He was a few inches taller then Xander and probably was fifty pounds heavier.

"Actually I wouldn't mind avoiding you," Xander said as he pulled out his rapier. He also had the main-gauche with him but he knew it would probably be more of a hindrance then a help. "But I have a strong feeling you are looking for me."

"Not exactly you, just what you have," the immortals said beginning to move towards them. "Jonathan Crates."

"Pleased to meet you," Xander said stepping in front of Buffy.

"Who's the girl?" Crates asked as he glanced at Buffy.

"Buffy Summers, the vampire slayer," Buffy said stepping forward to stand next to Xander. Though unarmed she was willing to attack Crates if he tried to hurt Xander.

"Splendid, I can take care of you later. First let me kill your young friend," Crates said turning his attention back to Xander.

"Buffy remember that no matter what happens you can't interfere," Xander said as he walked towards the larger older immortal. "I don't suppose we can talk this out."

"Sure, just give me the piece of medallion you have and I can be on my way."

"What do you want with the medallion?" Xander asked as he sized up his foe.

"I'm not much older then you boy, at least not by our terms. A few decades really isn't that long. I'm one of Xavier's many servants, and I'm really low on the ladder. But when I give him the object that shall allow him godlike power I shall serve at his right hand when he rules the world. And all I have to do is take your head."

"My head doesn't come off very easily," Xander said as he thrust at his enemy.

Buffy stood frozen as she watched the two immortals fought, Xander was definitely more skilled but Crates was far stronger and more experienced. She almost shouted with joy when she saw Xander drive his sword into Crates' shoulder, but she almost screamed in despair when Crates simply ignored the wound. She watched as Crates absorbed Xander's attack and she knew that one small mistake could prove fatal for Xander.

Xander knew this as well. He had inflicted numerous small wounds upon Crates. Though Crates was slowing down Xander's arm was beginning to feel like lead He knew that if he didn't inflict a serious wound soon he would be overpowered by the stronger immortal.

As Xander barely managed to dodge out of the way of a swing of Crates axe he realized how he could defeat his opponent. He began to initiate a series of thrusts at Crates, all the while leaving his head open to attack. Crates seeing an opening brought his axe up above his head in an attempt to deliver the killing blow. Xander barely managed to bring his sword up to parry the blow before it decapitated him. With his left hand he deftly reached below his trench coat and drew out the main-gauche which he plunged directly into Crates heart.

Crates dropped his axe as he fell to his knees. Xander brought his sword down along his fellow immortal's neck. "How did you find me?" Xander asked.

Crates looked up the light all ready beginning to fade from his eyes. "We searched the flight records ..." Crates gasped blood coming from between his lips. "I happened to ... b ... be in the area. Xavier he …he will be here soon and ... you will ... die."

Xander brought his sword up above his head, he hesitated momentarily, unsure if he could take another persons life.

"You ... can't do it," Crates said with a hoarse laugh.

Xander looked down. He realized that this was the type of person who had killed people who had been his friends, who had destroyed his life, who had killed his parents. "There can be only one," Xander said as he brought his sword down.

Buffy watched in shock as the lightening crackled around her. She was not only amazed that Xander had won the fight but that he had killed his enemy as well, two things she would not have imagined he could do. Xander was definitely not the same person she had known a few months ago.

Buffy slowly approached Xander, she saw the agony and pain he felt as he absorbed something that would kill any mortal. As the quickening ended and Xander collapsed to the ground she walked up to him and asked, "Are you all right?"

Xander slowly raised his head to look at her, he got to his feet leaning heavily on his sword. "Yes, in a way I feel better, stronger. In a few brief moments I saw his entire life. I felt everything he felt. It truly is a unique experience."

Buffy looked down at the headless body, she knew they didn't want to be around when he was discovered. "C'mon, let's get out of here. We can go back to the hotel, you certainly look like you could use some rest."


Part Three

12:00 P.M.

Buffy slowly opened the door to Xander's room. She had knocked but when he hadn't answered she had tried the door and found that it open.

Buffy looked in the room to see Xander thrusting at imaginary foes. She saw that he had the rapier in his right hand and some form of dagger in his left. Buffy admired the skill that he possessed and how easily he controlled his weapons.

"I thought I told you to get some rest," Buffy said as she shut the door.

Xander turned to her in shock, "Buff, I didn't hear you come in. I was just practicing a little, I thought you'd still be in your room."

"I couldn't sleep either," Buffy admitted. "I guess a fight to the death kind of get's you going."

"If you survive it," Xander said as he sat down on his bed checking his sword to see if it had been damaged in the fight.

"I see you've improved since last time we trained together. I wouldn't be surprised if you could take me now. But isn't this room a little small?" Buffy asked.

"I need the practice," Xander said. "Xavier is an ancient, at the moment I'd be lucky to last a whole minute against him. I need the practice if I ever plan to face him."

"You aren't actually planning on taking him on?" Buffy asked shocked.

"Not in your lifetime. It might be centuries before I'm ready to face him. I'm on a flight that leaves in about five hours, I'm going to Montreal, maybe leaving the country will throw him off my trail. Oh," Xander said offhandedly gesturing at a duffel bag on a nearby table. "That's for you."

Buffy walked over to the table wondering what it could be. She opened the bag to see that it was filled with money, at least a few thousand dollars. "Xander ... I can't accept this."

"You need it Buff, and you definitely deserve it," Xander said not even looking up from the sword he was inspecting. "I took it out of the fund Marcus left me, and it really isn't that much."

Buffy looked at Xander thinking of everything that had happened to the two of them. She thought back to what Marcus had told her, that she would have to tell Xander how she felt. And she thought that the easiest way to that was admit it quickly and that he would be leaving soon and they may never see each other again now was the perfect time, "Xander, I love you."

Xander dropped his sword. He looked up at her, not believing what she had said, "What?"

"I love you," Buffy said walking towards him. "Who you are and what you try to do. After the two years of knowing you I've fallen in love with you."

Xander watched Buffy walk up to him, "I ... don't know what to say."

Buffy looked up at him, fear and love in her eyes. "Say you love me."

"I do, since the first day I saw you," Xander assured her. "In that instant I fell in love with you and that love only grew with time."

"I just wish I realized it sooner," Buffy said. Slowly she reached up pulled his head towards her and kissed him.

Xander returned the kiss, a kiss he had dreamed about for years. For a few glorious moments they stood together. Xander pulled away though when Buffy began to pull at his shirt.

"We can't do this," Xander said hesitantly.

"Why not?" Buffy asked hurt. "It's not like we'll transfer any fatal diseases and I know you can't get me pregnant. So why not?"

"Because there is something I have to tell you. And after I do I fear that you won't love me, you may even hate me. But you deserve to know," Xander said. "Willow was the one that cast the spell that restored Angel's soul, I was suppose to tell you."

Buffy stared at him in shock for a few moments. Then she cocked her fist back and punched him in the face knocking him to the floor. She screamed, "What? Where you so jealous that you were willing to let him die?"

Xander jumped to his feet as he yelled back at her. "You think I did this because I was jealous! No, I wouldn't kill someone just so I could have you. I did this because I knew it was the only way to save you and the world. If I told you that his soul might be restored you would never have been able to kill him. If I had told you you would have let the whole world go to hell before you would hurt that bastard. I on the other hand kept the promise that I made to kill him. I had to lie to you because you weren't willing to do your damn job."

Buffy backed away with tears in her eyes hurt by words that Xander had said. "I'm sorry," Xander said realizing how harsh he had been. "I didn't mean for it to come out that way. But if I had told you the truth he would have beaten you and we'd all be in hell right now."

"Instead he's just there," Buffy said as she wiped away her tears.

"Unfortunately, yes. I'll admit that I never did like Angel much but I didn't want this to happen to him. I am sorry but what I did was necessary," Xander said he watched Buffy turn and head for the door. "Buff, I know that you may never forgive me and that things may never be the same between us, but if I could do it all over I wouldn't change what I did. I'd understand if you refuse but I'd like you to go to the airport with me. I don't want us to say goodbye like this."

Buffy thought about it for a few moments. She didn't know if Xander had told her the truth things might have turned out differently. But deep down she knew that her feelings hadn't changed. "Yes, I'll go with you."

"Thanks Buff," Xander said as she left the room.

* * * * *

4:00 A.M.

Buffy and Xander quietly walked down the empty streets toward the airport. Neither had spoken a word since they left the hotel unsure of what to say.

"Buffy I ..." Xander began. "I don't want you to hate me, perhaps I was wrong but ..."

"But what?" Buffy asked.

"But I need you to be a part of my life. I don't want to live in a world without you. I ..." Xander broke of as he sensed the presence of a nearby immortal.

"Damn," Buffy whispered recognizing the signs that there was about to be a fight. "Where?"

"Right there," Xander said he pointed at a red sports car heading towards them. It slowly pulled up beside them. A tall well built man stepped out of the car. The almost completed medallion hung from his neck. "Xavier I presume, I didn't think you'd be here so soon."

"Well when your one step away from taking over the world you make good time," Xavier said. He opened up the back door and pulled out a large claymore. He turned back to Xander studying his opponent, "You know I really thought that my last fight to complete the medallion would be with an ancient immortal, a huge and glorious battle, I never expected a boy like you."

"Really sorry to disappoint," Xander said as backed up into an alley and pulled out his rapier and main-gauche.

"Oh it's not a problem," Xavier said following after him. He turned his gaze to Buffy, "Well if it isn't the legendary Slayer. A whole lot of people, and some non people, have really been wondering what happened to you. Well you can tell me all about it, as soon as I kill your friend here," he said as he turned back to Xander. "Well then, shall we fight."

Buffy watched as Xander made a quick thrust at Xavier. Though Xander was skilled Xavier was far more experienced. He deflected Xander's attacks easily and his counterattacks sent Xander reeling. Xander knew Xavier was stronger and more skilled then himself, and he had no idea what to do about it.

"Give it up boy," Xavier said after one particularly powerful blow that knocked Xander to the ground. "You can't win. Give me the medallion and I promise that I'll give you a few years to spend with the Slayer before I come and take your head."

"Never," Xander screamed as he made a futile thrust at Xavier.

Xavier brought his claymore down on Xander's sword knocking it from his hands. He kicked the weapon away, where it skidded right to Buffy's feet.

Xander thrust with his main-gauche directly at Xavier's head. Xavier caught his wrist and snapped the bone with one powerful twist. Xavier then drove his sword straight into Xander's midsection forcing him to his knees.

Xavier slowly withdrew the bloodstained sword. He raised it above his head preparing for the killing blow. "You were better then I thought, I almost worked up a sweat. Not as good as your teacher, Marcus lasted about two minutes longer then you did before I took his head. Imagine my surprise when I found that he didn't have the medallion with him. He entrusted it to you and you failed, now the world shall..." Xavier paused as he felt the edge of a sword at his neck.

"I'd change my plans if I were you," Buffy said holding Xander's sword ready to strike the killing blow.

"You can't interfere," Xavier stated.

"Too bad," Buffy replied. "I'm not playing by the rules."

"If I so much as feel you ready to strike I'll take his head," Xavier threatened.

"And I'll take yours," Buffy replied coolly.

"A lose lose situation for the both of us," Xavier replied his eyes on the last piece of the medallion that hung around Xander's neck. "How about I just take what your friend here wears around his neck and I'll spare his life."

"And then the whole world is as good as dead, sorry I'm not much for that idea either," Buffy said. "You see my friend here taught me that we have to put the world before those we love."

"Boy ... did I pick a bad time to teach you that," Xander said with a slight painful laugh.

"So are we just going to stand here all night?" Xavier asked.

"How about this, you walk away, we'll walk away, and then we can do this another day," Buffy suggested.

Xavier cautiously looked at Buffy as he slowly backed away, "And we will do this another day Slayer, you can count on that." Xavier said as he disappeared into the darkness.

"Thanks Buff," Xander murmured beginning to feel consciousness slipping away. "And ... I love you."

"I love you too," Buffy said but when she looked at him she saw that he was no longer breathing. Buffy calmly sat down and waited for him to wake up.

* * * * *

5:20 A.M.

"I guess this is goodbye," Buffy said as she heard the last call for Xander's flight.

"Not goodbye," Xander said. "Just I'll see you in a little while."

"I'm not going back," Buffy said firmly. "I don't want to get everyone hurt."

Xander shook his head in disbelief, "Buff, the hellmouth puts everyone in danger, not you. Regardless of whether you are there or not we'll be fighting against it. And if you aren't there to help I might be losing a lot friends sooner then I'd like. We need you Buff."

"Xavier will find you easily if you go back to Sunnydale," Buffy said.

"So," Xander replied. "I don't run from danger."

Buffy looked at him in confusion, "Then what are we doing here?"

"Nice way to shoot down my attempt at being impressive," Xander said feigning a hurt expression. "Anyway Xavier's spent centuries trying to gather the medallion, I doubt he's going to be rushing to get this last piece. He'll probably give me a few years, at last a few months, before he tries again. And if he does decide to come after me I'll have all my friends there to help. Sure he may bring countless hordes of demons with him but I'm sure we can deal with it."

"You going to call them soon?" Buffy asked.

"Yes, as soon as I get to Montreal," Xander said. "They'll be wondering what happened to me. I'm going to have to tell them what happened to you, they've been worried."

"I understand," Buffy said. "Oh, I'm also sorry, you know about willing to let you die."

Xander gave a slight chuckle, "It was the right decision, though not the most pleasant sounding one."

Buffy looked around and realized that the last of the passengers had boarded, "You'd better get going."

"I'd better," Xander said. He hesitated for a moment, wondering if he'd ever see her again, or if this would be the last time he talked to the one he loved. Slowly he turned and walked away.

Buffy watched him go. In that moment she truly realized how much she loved him. She rushed forward to catch up, he spun around in surprise when he grabbed hold of him. She grabbed his head and kissed him passionately. She whispered as they broke apart, "I'll be waiting for you."

Xander looked out the window as his plane rose above the ground. He thought about everything that had happened to him. Since it had started the night in which he decided to push the woman he loved out of the way of a bullet.

He had lain there as his life slipped away surrounded by people he loved. Cordelia, the girl he had hated then come to consider a friend and then come to love. Willow who he always knew would be his best friend. And Buffy, the woman who his heart belonged to, the woman who would be the most important thing in his life no matter how long he lived.

Xander knew he was fortunate that his story did not end there. He escaped from death to discover that he had a life ahead of him that he had never imagined, a life longer then he could have dreamed of.

And because of that he met his teacher, and his friend. Marcus taught him everything from how to survive the game to how to live in a world in which everyone around him would die. Xander knew that if it hadn't been for Marcus he might not have ever found out what he was, until someone came along to take his head.

And then the most horrible event of Xander's life happened, his parents were brutally murdered. Chang, an ancient enemy of Marcus' killed them for no other reason then that they were connected to Xander who was connected to Marcus. Xander's father had been turned into a vampire and Xander had been the one forced to destroy him. Xander knew what he had done was necessary but he also knew that if he lived to a thousand, or even ten thousand, he would never forgive himself for what he did.

>From then on Xander would never be the same. After Buffy's disappearance and the end of school Xander fled the place that had always been his home. With Marcus, Xander had gone to Spain and for a short while he had known peace. But then Xander suffered another tragedy when his teacher died.

Xander looked down at the fragment of a medallion that he had been entrusted with, the one thing between earth and it's total domination. Since he had been entrusted with it Xander had taken his first head and almost lost his own. Yet despite the danger Xander would protect the medallion so as to protect mankind.

Xander was now being chased by a powerful immortal who would use any means necessary to complete the medallion. He could encounter anything from immortals to demons, all who would be trying to kill him because of what he had around his neck.

Xander didn't know what would happen to him. He didn't know if would live to see the next day or maybe another thousand years, or if he would might be what Marcus had imagined him to be, the last of his kind. But despite all the troubles he faced him he finally knew the most important thing in his life, he knew that Buffy loved him. And that made all the demons of hell seem insignificant.

Despite all the danger that he faced, despite the fact that he might never make it back to Sunnydale, Xander thought the future looked verypromising.

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