
By Lora

Rating: PG Warning: Buffy language and violence. Feedback: Please!Disclaimer: Xander, Buffy and the rest of the gang belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, Sandollar, 20th Century, and the WB.

Part 1

Raising a perfect eyebrow, Cordelia looked at Xander incredulously. She couldn't believe what was happening. Xander had danced with her all night, and the bizarre thing was that he was dancing like a pro.

Tilting her head to one side, she studied him. 'Is there something different about you lately?'

'Hmm.' he murmured, surveying a packed Bronze.

'Xander, ' she spoke louder, 'Look at me!' He focused on directly on her and gently kissed her on the cheek. 'What is with all of this people watching? You've never done that before.'

Xander brushed a stray wisp of hair from her face, 'Things change, Cordy. Maybe I have been acting differently during the past couple of months. I have been on the alert lately. Probably just a side effect of being Buffy's friend.'

'Ten minutes.'


'You nearly set a record. Ten minutes without saying Buffy's name in a conversation. I am so proud of you, honey!' Cordelia's voice oozed with sarcasm.

Her mind drifted. Even verbal sparring with Xander couldn't keep her from the impression that something was off. She just kept returning to the fact that something didn't feel normal. Cordelia wished she could put her finger on how Xander had changed, but it was mainly just a sense that some kind of metamorphosis was taking place. Maybe it was his improved fashion sense that was throwing her off.

Xander flashed a wicked smile. 'Let's get out of here, and I'll show you that I can go without saying Buffy's name for a little longer than ten minutes.'

Rolling her eyes playfully, Cordelia grabbed Xander's hand and quipped, 'We'll see what you can do.'

Making their way through the crowd, they quickly exited to the vacant street. Cordelia shivered.

Xander presented her with his jacket, and stated, matter-of-factly 'You know, you wouldn't be so cold if you wore more of a dress.' Cordelia frowned and glanced at her short ebony dress. 'Or,' he amended hastily, 'I could always lend you my jacket.'

She beamed at his thoughtfulness, flirtatiously walking backward, holding Xander's hands in her own. All she could concentrate on was the gleam in Xander's eyes.

Suddenly, Cordelia was grabbed from the back, and yanked away from Xander's grasp. With instinctive ease, he struck a blow to the vampire over Cordelia's shoulder. The force behind Xander's fist knocked the creature onto the concrete a few feet away, and Cordelia loose. 'Cordy, get behind me!'

The urgent tone in his voice left no room to argue. Cordelia had no problem with letting Xander be her protector, but hindered by her stiletto heels, she fell. He turned to help as the vampire was standing up.

'Xander!' Cordelia yelled.

Casually grabbing one of her shoes, he aimed it at the approaching demon. The heel found its mark. Dust blew in the wind past Cordelia's wide eyes. She was amazed. Xander had just staked a vampire as if it were second nature. After a few moments of speechlessness she finally spoke.

'Xander....Have you been working out?'

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