Geat Moments in the Buffy-Xander Relationship

Charity first mentioned a game called "Indicate the moment" a while back where, as you watch each episode, you pick out all the little gestures that occur between Buffy and Xander. So, with the help of our members, we are compiling a list of our favorite.

Do you have one? Email them to me and it will be added here.

The Sexy Dance comes at the very top of the list. Who could forget it when Buffy whispers, "Xander? Have I ever thanked you... for saving my life? Don't you wish I would." The chemistry between them was amazing.

Welcome to the Hellmouth: When Xander crashes off his skateboard the first time he sees her. Thanks Missy

Xander helping Buffy pick up her stuff after he bumps into her and accidentally asks her if he could have her. Thanks Charity

The Harvest: Xander and Buffy conversing on how to kill a vampire and Buffy's past experience in beheading, while they look for Jesse. Thanks Charity

The Witch: When he tries to ask her out. Thanks Missy

When Xander gives Buffy the "Love Always" bracelet and makes the lame excuse that they all had those words. Thankc Charity

I Robot, You Jane: Xander and Buffy's conversation about Willow's possibility of dating a circus freak.Thanks Charity

In "The Pack" when Xander throws Buffy to the ground and holds her down and starts talking to her saying that she likes it rough, is a classic B/X moment. Thanks Selena

In "Prophecy Girl", during the moment when Xander is asking Buffy out, you can totally tell she's so cut up about saying no to protect their friendship.

Again in "Prophecy Girl" when Xander starts to preform cpr on Buffy you can tell that the most important thing to him is her survival. And then when she wakes up the first word out of her mouth is "Xander." Thanks Chris

Inca Mummy Girl: Buffy and Xander's conversation of "dateville" in the library.

Buffy and Xander's little moment at the door w/ their you look good/thanks, be careful/I will conversation before Xander takes Ampata to the dance.

Buffy and Xander's conversation at the end w/ her "But I had you to bring me back" line. Thanks Charity

At the end of "Inca Mummy Girl" when Xander and Buffy are walking together. At the end of the episode you knew Buffy had some feelings for Xander. Thanks A Pippins

Halloween: Three parts that are great: First when Buffy saves Xander from the evil trenches of Larry and he gets mad, Second when they make up in Ethan's and she lays her head on his shoulder, and third when he sees her in her costume for the first time and completely renounces spandex. Thanks Missy

In the episode "Phases" after Theresa was killed by Angelus, Buffy and Xander go down to the place where Theresa's body is and look at her neck and find that she was gotten by a vampire. Buffy turns around to sign her guest book when Xander says "and Theresa's a vampire", then Buffy fights with the Theresa Vampire and the Theresa vampire says: "Angel sends his love" after that Buffy is caught offguard and Xander kills Theresa. Xander then helps Buffy up and they hug for a moment and then after she leaves Xander says: "oh my life isn't to complicated". Thanks Selena

Again in "Phases":
Willow says, "It used to be so easy to tell if a guy liked you. He'd punch you in the arm and then run back to his friends." Xander comes up to them and says, "Hey," all the while punching Buffy in the arm and she gives him a really weird look in return. Thanks Charity

"Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered" is a very good B/X episode. When Buffy throws herself at him in the library, Xander is *such* a gentleman and doesn't look (or touch) a thing. What a guy!

Even though it's not between him and Buffy how 'bout "Killed by Death" when Xander stands up to Angel. Thanks Missy

In "Killed By Death", Xander has Buffy in his arms and rushes into the hospital and says demandingly, "She's sick, make her better."Thanks Charity

Buffy kills the Death guy and Xander helps her up and after proclaiming that's she's fine, he catches her before she can fall. Thanks Charity

I like the dance scene in the beginning of "Passion." Their dance scenes are always so sexy. Passion, it lies in all of us...sleeping, waiting, although unwanted, unbidden, It will stir... This is so true of Buffy and Xander's relationship. Thanks Karen

"Go Fish". Xander saves Buffy from the "sea-monsters" and she says a breathless thank you in which he replies, while giving her that really concerned look he has reserved for her, a breathless, "Just doing my part for our team." Thanks Charity

Becoming 1: The scene in the library when Buffy and Willow explain they found the curse and Xander says, "Who cares?" I love that wide-eyed glare she gives him after they all stop yelling at each other. It's great because you know that even though they're fighting he's against the curse to protect her mostly. Thanks Missy

A relieved Buffy hugs Xander when she sees that he's okay and then the cops come by and he quickly embraces her again to divert the cops' attention. Thanks Charity

Becoming 2: The first one is at the very begining when Buffy sneaks into the hospital and Xander "cops a feel". The other great moment is when Xander lies to Buffy about the curse. Thanks Missy

Dead Man's Party: 1. When Xander turns around to find Buffy there, after being gone the whole summer. 2. When there at Gile's and they have that great chemistry thing going when he remarks about going to Belgium. 3. Her jealousy when seeing him and Cordelia kissing. 4. When he tell her off, and then they make up. Thanks Missy

In Dead Man's Party, when Xander said "What would we talk about at a gathering? So Buffy, did you meet any nice pimps on your travels, and of by-the-by, thanks for ruining our lives for the past three months." You could tell how much he missed her and how worried he was. Thanks Mel

When Xander started to yell at Buffy in Dead Man's Party. He may seems like a jerk at first, but actually it's kinda sweet because he cares about he so much.Thanks Mel

Xander sees Buffy for the first time in Season 3 and whispers with a smile, "Jeez...Buffy..." Thanks Charity

Despite on-going arguments, when the zombies come, Buffy immediately turns to Xander, throwing a fire poker at him, and says, "Xander, kitchen," and he replies, "I got your back." Thanks Charity

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