My Mum

"Mother's are angels who walk on this earth"
This is a page I designed especially for the greatest person of earth: My mother.

My mum's name is Dawn, she was born in England and came to Australia when she was four years old. In her lifetime she has had 6 kids and has loved them so much that words are indescribable. When I was unhappy at school. she pulled me out, thinking that she could do a better job, and she has. I remember when I was in the seventh grade, we were waiting beside the school buses, ready to go on a camp. It was pouring rain but still we had to stand outside. suddenly I heard a "you stupid man, put let them get on the bus", yep, it was my mum yelling at our year advisor. Never afraid to stand up for her kids ar something worth fighting for. Mother are special human beings, they give and give and never ask for anything in return. I love my mum, I couldn't be the person I am today without her.

If you would like to leave a message for your Mother on this page, please Email Me
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