16 year old Sabrina Spellman is the star of the show. Living with her Aunts because she wasn't allowed to see her mortal mther for a year of her witchcaft would be devoid and her father lives in the other rhelm with his girlfriend. Sabrina has had a cruch on Harvey since she first laid eyes on him but they decided to be friends. She has a great personality, combining her sense of homour and wittyness to create a wonderful happy-go-lucky person. When she turned 17 and her witch L-plates ran out, she was given the withes handbook and is regualarly quizzed by who else but the quizmaster. He is always popping up at totally inconvenient times. Sabrina often freaking out but manages to always (okay, sometimes) keep her witchcraft undetected. Sabrina is truly an asset to any modern day coven.

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