Tomorow Mourning

By Jeff Harris

DISTRIBUTION: Please ask first FEEDBACK: If you want to. SPOILER: None really. Takes place before Lie to Me. RATING: PG-13 CONTENT WARNING: Violence. I tried to keep to the tone of the show DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the characters. All characters belong to Joss Whedon and the WB. No copywrite infringement is intended. NOTE: I started writing this right after Halloween aired and so I figure its off in it's own little buffyverse _________________________________________________________


He found himself outside of the back entrance of the bronze, the local club/Teen hangout. As he stared at the building he had conflicting emotions.

(There is no good reason to go in there.) The man thought. (Sure they will probably be in there, but seeing them is not part of the plan. But its been so long since I saw them smile, heard them laugh. What could a few minutes hurt?)

His inner debate was cut short as a hard won instinct kicked in. He quickly turned around and found that a slender man with blond hair was coming up behind him. He looked around, there was no one about, except the two of them. He looked at the other man and sighed.

"Sure, why not?" He said to the other man. "What night in Sunnydale would be complete without being attacked by a vampire."

The blond was taken back for a moment by the matter of fact way that his prey had disclosed that he knew what he faced. Dispensing with the illusion of humanity, the vampire assumed his true form and snarled at its intended victim.

The man stared back at the vampire, with a slightly annoyed look on his face.

"Can we get on with this? I've got a busy night ahead of me."

Again the vampire was surprised by the lack of concern. Usually when confronted by his true nature a human would panic and try to flee, which of course he loved. But this one was treating him like he was simply a waste of time.

(No matter) thought the vampire as he leapt at the man. (His blood will still be nourishing.)

As soon as the vampire moved the man did a quick sidstep and pushed his right palm into the creature's side. There was very little effort in the push, but the vampire felt an intense pain at the point of contact. The momentum of his jump combined with the push sent him to the ground. As he got back to his feet the vampire realized that the pain was so great that it that to come from some holy relic. Even before the vampire was fully on his feet again the human kicked him in the back of the knee and than moved around and followed through with as open hand strike to the face with his right hand. The searing pain came again as the vampire fell. The man was upon him instantly, holding the vampire's throat with his right hand, and a stake in his left. The vampire struggled but it was no good. The pain from the holy object was too much, the man too determined and strong. The man stared for a moment into the vampire's eyes with a look of intense hatred, then plunged the stake into the vampire's chest. The vampire had a look on its face that said ' how is this possible', and then it turned to dust. The man remained kneeling on the ground for full minutes, staring at the spot that the vampire had occupied, before he got up and slipped the stake back under his coat, and slipped something else in his right hand back up his sleeve. _____________________________________________________________

Once inside the Bronze the man knew that he had made a mistake. He was completely out of place. This was a place where young people came to enjoy their youth. Where for most of them the greatest concerns of life were passing the math test Friday morning and getting a date for Friday night.

Here he was, A man in his early thirties, whose life had been rough enough to make him look even older, dressed in dark clothes with a dark over coat and a bread and hair that were already going gray. He had no business being here, and if the wrong person spotted him than his whole plan could collapse. He had just made up his mind to leave when he caught sight of them. They were sitting together as always. As much as he knew that he needed to go, he found that he couldn't make his legs work, and he could almost hear the beating of his heart. He found himself straining to hear what they were saying, even thought he was too far away for it to do any good.


Buffy, Xander, and Willow were sitting at their usual table. Buffy laid her head on the book in front of her. A frustrated sigh escaped her lips.

"Why is it so important that I know the barter customs of the ancient Babylonians?" She asked.

"In this town you mean? " Countered Xander. "You could conceivably meet one."

"Thank you for that oh so cheerful thought, But this seriously does not rock my thunderdome"

"Can't we just get beyond thunderdome?" Xander smirked.

"Oh yuck. How long have you been waiting to use that one?" asked Willow.

"Two months and 3 days." Was his reply.

Buffy gave Xander a look of mild disgust. " What? Do you stay up at night dreaming up one-liners?"

Xander feigned a hurt look. " You mean that's not normal?"


"Excuse me can I get you something?"

The man's attention was drawn away from the three teenagers and to a young woman standing near him. It took him a moment to realize that she was a waitress.

"Yeah, sure a Pepsi" he said looking for an open table.

"No problem."

As she left he saw an open table and went to it. He was glad that it was far enough away from the three that they probably wouldn't notice him, but he could still watch them.

"Here you go." the Waitress said handing him his drink. As he paid her she gave him an inquisitive look. " Do I know you? you look familiar."

"Well I use to live here, but that was when I was much younger." he replied.

"Well my name is Amy. Just call me if you need anything else." She said with a smile. "Are you sure I don't know you?"

"Pretty sure."

"Well could you at least tell me your name?" She said smiling.

"I'm Alex." he said, trying to smile.

"Well Alex, If you need anything let me know."

It was after she left that Alex realized that she was probably flirting with him. (To bad I don't know how to respond anymore.)


"I give." Stated Buffy. "My homework has officially defeated me."

"Well its only Monday. The quiz isn't until Wednesday." Willow said trying to sound reassuring.

"Yeah. If you can defeat ancient prophecy, you can handle Ms. Conner's history class." Added Xander.

" I'm so glad that you two have such great faith in my ability, but I'd rather face the Master again than have to face the quiz."

"It can't be that bad." Said familiar voice.

"Angel." Said Buffy.

It never failed to amaze Willow that whenever Angel showed up that Buffy said his name like it was a revelation. The very same thing never failed to annoy Xander.

"Well that's easy for you to say." Said Xander, "You were probably in Ancient Babylon." He immediately regretted how accusatory the comment sounded.

"Just a little before my time." Was Angel's reply. His tone told Xander that his regret was well founded.


Alex saw Angel join the three teens at the table. He felt almost overwhelming urge to go over to the table, but choked it down. (No. first I find the Watcher. Then I deal with the Vampire.)

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