Under the Weather

By APippins


DISCLAIMER: I don't own any of these characters, they belong to Joss, the Warner Brother, and Mutant Enemy. SPOILERS: None really. TIMELINE: Sometime after Surprise and Innocence, Becoming hasn't occurred yet. AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is a short story that may begin an another one, depending on feedback. SUMMARY: Buffy's not feeling to well.

7:00 PM

The slayer, groggily tossed in turned in her bed. Her head hurt, her eyes watered, her stomach was bubbling, and she couldn't stop coughing. She wanted to die. It was quite comical though; she had fought demons, witches, and even giant bugs, yet there was no contest when it came to the flu. At first she thought she could fight it off, but then she started coughing, and constantly wanting to vomit, in fact she'd hurled on Principal Snyder's shoes. [Okay, so maybe there was an up side] She, finally, called it quits when she couldn't stand. Giles and Xander even had to carry her home.

She felt horrible, and let me make this perfectly clear, not bad, not sick, but horrible. She was beginning to wish she hadn't let her friends leave. Her mom was out of town on some business trip. Why are moms never there when you want them? All her friends were at a dance at the Bronze; it was going to take a miracle to get her threw the day.


Buffy's front door rang, causing a throbbing pain in her head.

BUFFY: (Moans) Oh, stop it. (Mumbling as she slipped out of bed) I swear, if that's a salesman, I'll stake em.

Buffy trudged her way down the stairs.


BUFFY: (Frustrated) I'm coming! (To herself) That's it, I'm staking that sucker regardless.

She didn't even bother to look through the peeping hole. The slayer, semi- consciously, opened the door.

BUFFY: (Weakly) Xander?

XANDER: Sardonically) No, it's Willow, I just forgot to shave, of course it's me.

BUFFY:(Letting him in) Why are you are here?

XANDER: Hmm, let's see, my best friend's looks like she's about to die, um, no reason.

BUFFY: Xander, I'm am so not in the mood.

XANDER: Sorry Buff, (Takes a look at her) are you okay, you look terrible.

BUFFY:(Rolling her eyes)Oh, thanks, Xand, you're a real a charmer.

XANDER: (Smiles sheepishly) I guess that wasn't the best thing to say. I was just wondering why you wanted us to leave if you were so sick?

BUFFY: (Dodging the question) And I was just wondering why you came back when I wanted you to leave?

XANDER:(Confused) I thought we already established that? Anyhow, I saw how sick you looked earlier, and, even though you said you were fine, I wanted to check up on you.

BUFFY: Well, where's everyone else?

XANDER: Willow promised to watch Oz perform tonight and Cordy, well, Cordy's, um, Cordy.

BUFFY: (Smiling) Why does that not surprise me?

XANDER: Well. What can I do for ya first?

BUFFY: Excuse me?

XANDER: Well, if I'm going to take care of you, it would help if I knew what you needed taken care of.

BUFFY: Xander, how many (Cough) do I (Cough) have to tell you (Cough) that…

Buffy feels a wave of heat past over her, then everything goes black.


6:50 PM

Buffy's eyes slowly open. She finds herself in bed, fan on, and an ice pack laying on her fore head.

BUFFY: (Attempting to sit up) What the…

XANDER: (Walking in her room) Buffy! (Running to her side) Don't move, my mom says its good to say put when you have the flu.

BUFFY: (Raising a brow)Your mom?

XANDER:(Nodding) Yeah, what, you think, I would could have known all this on my own?

Buffy looked around her. The fan was on, an ice pack was set on her head, and a cup of OJ lay on her dresser.

BUFFY:(Scrunching her nose) I guess not.

XANDER: Well, don't forget to drink plenty of fluids, especially the orange juice. My mom added some special ingredients.

BUFFY: Why do I not feel comfortable with one of your mom's, the queen of fast foods, recipes?

XANDER: (Insulted) Hey, my mom may not cook, but this really works. Trust me, drink this (Hands her the drink) and you'll be better in no time.

BUFFY: Sure, why not? I trust you enough to assume this won't kill me (Under her breath) hopefully.

Xander threw a look as she took a gulp then set the glass down.

XANDER: (Holding a thermostat) Okay, now open wide and say ahhhh.

BUFFY: (Giving him a skeptical look) Xander, you don't have to do that with a thermostat.

: (With a goofy grin) I know, but I always wanted to say that.

Buffy sighed as Xander stuck the thermostat in her mouth.

BUFFY: (Words gargled by the thermostat) Xander, you don't have to do this. I'll be fine.

XANDER: (Sardonically)Ya know you're right. I mean, last time you said that you only passed out.

BUFFY: Seriously, Xand, I don't want you to catch this. Besides, this should only last for about a day.

XANDER: (Taking the thermostat out of her mouth) I don't think so, Buff, 'cause right now you have a fever of (Checking the thermostat) 103. (Looking her in the eye) Don't sweat it. I never catch anything besides, what's the worst thing that could happen? I miss a couple days of school. Oh yeah, that would be horrific.

BUFFY: (Smiling) Thanks Xand.

XANDER>/b>:(Truthfully) Hey, I'm fine as long as you're okay.

BUFFY: (Softly) That means a lot to me. Xander, I, I, I think I'm gonna throw up!

Buffy storms out the room, heading for the bathroom. Puking sounds can be heard in her room.

XANDER: (Picking up Buffy's stuffed pig) That was…interesting.


10:50 PM

Buffy didn't have much energy, but yet couldn't sleep. She had already slept the whole day, and she was gradually starting to feel better.

BUFFY: (To herself) That slayer power must be kicking in (Channel surfing) (Aloud) It's amazing how you can have 65 channels with nothing on 'em, huh Xand?

Buffy glanced down to see Xander's snoring form. He looked so cute clutching her piggy. A piece of drool trickled down his lower lip. Buffy giggled.

XANDER: (Now awake) Huh, what? (He wiped the sleep out of eyes)

BUFFY: (Grinning) I see you two have become quite attached.

XANDER: (Confused, then looking down at the stuffed animal and blushed) Oh, uh (Tossing it to the side) were'd that come from?

BUFFY: (Sardonically) yeah, I'm sure it just popped in your hands while you were sleeping. Don't ya just hate it when that happens?

They both smile. Xander stands and begins to stretch himself out.

XANDER: How ya holding out there?

BUFFY: I'm feeling a lot better. Don't get me wrong I could still feel a lot better, but I'm surviving. Shouldn't you be leaving soon?

XANDER: (Checking his watch) Oh yeah. (Hesitantly) But, uh, Buff, if it's okay with you, would you mind if I, ya know, crashed here tonight?

BUFFY: (Smiling) Sure, I could use some company, besides, I still need a personal slave for a couple hours.

XANDER: (Playfully) Oh, feisty.

BUFFY: hmmm, you just keep that thought to yourself.

XANDER: (Heading for the phone) I'll call Ma then, and tell her what's going on. She'll be cool with it, as long I'm not at Cordy's.

BUFFY: (Sarcastically) I wonder why?

XANDER: (Leaving the room) Funny, Buff, very funny.


10:30 AM (The next day)

BUFFY: (Slipping out of bed) Hey, I feel great. (Yawning) Well, as great as you can feel after staying up to 3 in the morning.

Buffy and Xander had indulged in a 3 pillow fights [Even though Buffy was sick she still managed to beat him], a Friday the 13 marathon and, a water fight.

BUFFY: (To herself) Where is Xander anyway?

Buffy, made her way into the hallway, and managed to get down the stairs. She smelt…something, but her exhausted body couldn't register it. Xander walked out the kitchen.

XANDER: (Cough) Hey Buff, (Cough) How (Cough) ya doing?

BUFFY: Don't tell me you're sick?


BUFFY: Good. Wait (Sniffs) I smell smoke. Xaaaannnder?

XANDER: (Nervously) Well, I was trying to cook my mom's famous breakfast and…

BUFFY: (Sighing) let me guess, you burnt it.

XANDER: Yeah and,um, there's currently a fire in the kitchen.


Buffy runs in the kitchen with Xander in tow


11:17 AM

BUFFY: (Wrapping a bandage around Xander's hand) [He'd accidentally burned himself trying to put out the fire] Xander, ya know you kind of deserve this.

XANDER: Yeah, I guess I…OW!

BUFFY: Sorry, I didn't know it hurt that much.

XANDER:(Shrugging) Yeah well it sure beats the heck out of explaining to my parents how I burned your house down.

BUFFY: (Smiling) That's true. Your lucky though, Xand.

XANDER: (Holding his hand in pain) Somehow, I find that hard to believe.

BUFFY: Well you could have hurt your hand and had to explain to your parents why you had to buy us a new stove.

XANDER: True. By the way, thanks Buffy.

BUFFY: For what?

XANDER: For wrapping me up.

BUFFY: Free of charge too.

XANDER: Not to mention, for not killing me.

BUFFY: Don't sweat it, besides I would've killed ya if we couldn't have put out the fire.

XANDER: (Chuckling) Nice to know you care. (Checking his watch) Oh, I'd better go; I promised I'd spend the whole day at the mall with Cordy.

BUFFY: (Disappointed) Oh, that's cool.

XANDER: (Eyes almost pleading) see ya at the Bronze?

BUFFY: (Smiling) You can count on it.

With that, Xander left, knowing things between the two would never be the same.

The End

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