A Tribute to Pedro Zamora

I would like to dedicate this page to everyone out there who is "living with AIDS", may you always remember the courage that Pedro displayed during his life.

"Until the day I die, I will be a person living with aids."

-Pedro Zamora

"Pedro Zamora fell ill and was hospitalized in New York in the fall of 1994. A benefit was held on October 21st, 1994, to kick off a fund to help pay for his medical expenses. The money that was raised beyond his medical expenses was used to form the Pedro Zamora Memorial Fund, which funds AIDS education and medical research. At that benefit, President Clinton spoke via video;

'At a time when people are saying that young people don't care, Pedro Zamora is proving them very wrong. Over the past few years, Pedro became a member of all of our families. No one in America can say they have never known someone who's living with AIDS. The challenge to each of us is to do something about it, and to continue Pedro's fight. Pedro, all of us are very proud of you!'

Pedro's condition continued to deteriorate. With his friends and family around him, Pedro Zamora died of complications from the AIDS virus on November 11, 1994."

-excerpt from The Real World Diaries,1996.

For more information about the Pedro Zamora foundation, which, in part, provides a fellowship program to train four young volunteers each year to educate other kids; encourages politicians to support uncensored AIDS education programs; and helps communities to plan and implement HIV prevention programs, call or write;

The Pedro Zamora Foundation
Aids Action Council
1875 North Connecticut Avenue
Washington D.C., 20009

"Being on the Real World was a big deal. I think it was an especially big deal for someone living with AIDS to expose themself. And for me, it was different, I was part of him, we were a couple. And I took a lot of strength and courage from his bravery to step out front. I think that's what people should remember about Pedro; his courage and his honesty."

-Sean Sasser, Pedro's partner
-excerpt from The Real World Diaries, 1996.

Pedro & Sean

February 17th, 1994 - First date

February 19th, 1994 - Second date

March 10th, 1994 - "I love you"

March 19th, 1994 - "Will you marry me?"

June 1st, 1994 - Choosing rings"

June 5th, 1994 - Celebration of commitment and exchange of rings

Links to Other Pedro Sights

A site dedicated to Gay role models

A Wonderful tribute to Pedro

Another great tribute!

The Official MTV Tribute to Pedro

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