I was walking down life's highway a long time ago. 
One day, I read a sign that said Heaven's Grocery Store. 
As I got a little closer, the door opened wide. When I came to myself,
 I was already standing inside and saw a host of Angels. They were 
standing everywhere. 
One handed me a basket and said, "My Child, shop with Love". 
Everything a Christian needed was in the grocery store. 
First, I got some PATIENCE. LOVE was in the same row. 
Farther down was UNDERSTANDING. You need that everywhere you go. 
I got a box or two of WISDOM and a bag or two of FAITH. 
I couldn't miss the HOLY SPIRIT, it was all over the place. 
I stopped to get STRENGTH. SALVATION was free, so I took enough of 
that for both you and me. As I went up the aisle, I saw PRAYER. 
I took some for I know that when I go outside, I would run right 
into sin. PEACE and JOY were plentiful. They were on the last shelf. 
SONGS and PRAISES were hanging near so I helped myself. 

Then I started to pay my grocery bill for I thought I had everything
I need for the Master's will. 
I said to the Angel, "How much do I owe you?" 
He smiled and said, "My Child, Christ paid for them for you along, 
long time ago. All things, whatever you ask in prayer, believe you
shall receive".

    Source: geocities.com/televisioncity/stage/7140

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