
By Jessica Day

I wrote this a REALLY LONG time ago. Some things from B, B & B happen in here but this was written before then. I just wanted them to happen.

Xander turner the corner and bumped smack into Willow. "Hey sweet thing! Lookin' good!" Then he turned to Oz. "Hey" he snickered. "Nice shirt, man!" He snickered again and gave Oz a thumbs up sign mockingly and walked off. There was something different about him besides him mean demeanor, Willow noticed. He never called me sweet thing before! Willow thought. And his clothes! He was wearing cool, name brand jeans, just slightly baggy and an open button down flannel shirt with a white muscle man shirt underneath it. Mmmmm!, she thought, he looks good! She tried not to smile. As Oz and Willow exchanged puzzled looks, she noticed his "flaming mad" look in his eyes. Uh oh! She thought…Is that jealousy? She was smiling on the inside. The red headed slayerette liked having her boyfriend be jealous over her. The only thing she couldn't figure out was what was up with Xander?! She shot a quizzical look in the direction Xander had just walked in. when he got to the doors he even hit them open. That's not even his usual walk, she noted.

A moment later Xander rounded the corner again, once again bumping into Willow as she turned around. Wait, Willow thought. Didn't he just go into the library?

"Sorry, Will, didn't see you there," he smiled weakly then turned to Oz. "Nice shirt man. See you guys later."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Oz retorted defensively.

"Nothing, I like your shirt. I have one almost like it." Xander walked off as Willow and Oz once again exchanged glances. As Willow looked back at Xander she saw he walked just like always and his clothes were ones she had seen before.

In the library, Buffy sat at the table looking up some background information on some demon for Giles while he was talking with Principal Snyder. Buffy's back was turned so she didn't see Xander come in. She stood up to go get some more books but still didn't notice him. As she picked up all the books, Xander crept up behind her on his tip toes. When he was right behind her he wrapped his arms around her and spun her around so fast that she gasped, dropping the books on the floor. He kissed her before she realized what was even happening. He let her go and slapped her butt "Mmmm! 'Buns of Steel!'" Xander walked off into the stacks leaving a stunned and speechless Buffy behind. What was that? Buffy wondered. I've been kissed by Xander before, and that is not his kiss! She laughed to herself. The way he had kissed her was the way she imagined he would kiss her if he had joined a biker gang. There was no real feeling. No passion. Empty. Like it was something expected, something just done… Come to think of it hadn't she seen someone getting off of a motorcycle in the parking lot this morning? Yes! And didn't it look like Xander? Yes! His clothes were the same. His attitude was the same. Was it him?

As she thought about the new Xander and started picking up the books he had made her drop, in walked the other Xander. The deep in thought slayer didn't notice once again. He crept up behind her on his tip toes but not as sleek as before. It didn't matter though, she was too lost in thought to notice even a crowd of noisy students come in. When he got up to her, he tickled her sides causing her to drop her books once again. She spun around so fast that she didn't see his different clothes. She kissed him. She kissed him the way they had before. And she felt it. That feeling. "Now that's the kiss I know," she said walking out of the library forgetting the books that were on the floor. A stunned Xander is left behind, and he bends down picking up the books. As he does he notices the cover on one. It stood out to him for some reason but he didn't know why. He brushes off the dusty cover. It says Gemini. Below it were some words in Latin, he would have to ask Giles what it meant though. He did recognize a few though. Gemini meant twins, amor meant love, mal meant bad but that was pretty much all he could make out.

Later, Xander was walking down the hall and he passed Cordelia at the water fountain. Noticing him coming towards her and the clothes he was wearing, she decided to say hi. I mean, just because I dumped him doesn't mean I cant say hi. We were sort of friends… "Looks like being dumped by me looks good on you." To be truthful she sort of did miss him but she didn't want to let on. Sarcasm was the first thing that came to her.

"Do I know you?" he asked. Cordy was shocked! "Ew!!!" Xander shrugged and walked off leaving Cordelia standing at the water fountain with her mouth hanging wide open. She decided she needed another drink to get over that insult, And a good one at that! she thought. When she stood up again she saw Xander coming towards her again. Too angry at him to notice the different clothes or stop to think about how he had just passed her going the other way, she confronted him. One pissed Cordelia grabbed his shirt pulling him into her face. "So you think you can just not know me anymore? What you're too cool for me now? Well forget you!" satisfied with her verbal beating she walked off leaving a puzzled Xander behind, mouth agape.


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