A few *VERY* special people were asked to comment on my site. Here's what they had to say...

Gdog Gdo - 01/13/00 00:55:18
My Email:backslide57@hotmail.com

I love your site but I couldn't access the fic called spelling it out

Nannon - 08/02/99 00:49:05
My Email:bachanalia@bolt.com
Favorite BtVS Site - I'm Curious!: this one, of course!! :) and the UCSL

Your page is coming along very well, and i'll be back frequently to see it when it's done :) can you post some stories with faith and wesley?? those are great!! :) how 'bout some minipulated pics, of buffy and faith? well, that's enough writing for me ;) bye bye :)

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