........Guess What?

By Sha

*Buffy, this is an all time low, even for you. Now, your going to be in the same room as him again, so keep your hormones in check. Don't jump the vampires bones.No matter how sexy.Vampires bad, Buffy the Vampire Slayer is supposed to stake the vampires, not let the vampires 'stake' you.* Gathering her thoughts together, Buffy banged on the blondes door.

"Spike damn it! Open up." Catching her breath as the door swung open,she walked inside.

"I knew you couldn't stay away luv. So, to what do I owe this pleasure slayer?"

Trying desperately not to think of how he looked naked, how he FELT naked, Buffy blurted out the first thing that came to her mind.


*What the?* "What?!"

"I SAID, knock. knock!"

*OK Spike, you had better play along, no point in pissing her off and getting staked until you find out what in the hell is going on.*

"Uh- ok, who's there?"


*OK the slayer has bloody lost it.Gone plum batty like Dru.* Scooting sideways out of range,just in case, he ventured forth.

"Boo who?"

"What the hell are you crying for?I'm the one who's pregnant! Surprise daddy!"

*Did she just-* "Uh did you just say that-that"

Turning a peculiar shade of green, Spike's eye's rolled back in his head bef ore he passed out, hitting the floor with a clunk.

"Oh yeah, that went well." Smirking, Buffy walked over to make sure Spike was all right before stepping over him and going into the kitchen for something to eat.

"Come on Spike, where ya hidin' the goodies? Someone with an insatiable sweet tooth like yours has to have goodies around here somewhere."

She was so intent on her search that she failed to notice Spike was moving about until two arms circled her waist and his voice purred into her ear.

"I have something that will fill you up even better than food."

"Eewwwww Spike please, that's what got me in this mess in the first place, besides, I'm starving."

"OK, if you agree to explain this bloody surprise of yours, I'll tell you where the chocolate cake is."

"Home made?"

"Yep. Your mum gave it to me."

Sizing the sexy blond vamp up,Buffy took the bait, "Agreed."

Pushing Buffy aside Spike went to the fridge and opened up the vegetable bin. Pulling out the sliced up cake, he set them on the table with two forks.

Seeing Buffy's grimace at the vase of dead roses sitting in the middle of the table,he grabbed them up and threw them away.

The two ate the cake in silence until Buffy patted her tummy saying,"Now, if you just had a glass of milk the world would be perfect for a few minutes."

He silently got up and poured a big glass, setting it down in front of her."Now talk!"

Draining the glass in three gulps,she sat it down and looked at Spike incredulously.

"What's there to say? Me and you plus sex equals pregnant slayer."

Watching in amusement as he turned green again, she waited to see if he would pass out again.

"You had best wipe that smirk off your face luv or our time together will become a repeat performance." Giving a smirk of his own as her eyes dilated and her pulse tripled it's speed, Spike dropped his voice a few notches."You remember, don't you pet? The many, many positions, the shower,how you missed all your classes that next day? This little piggy-"

"Stop it! Just.Knock.It.Off." Buffy could remember all right, it kept her awake many nights." Spike keep focused. I haven't been feeling well lately. So, I got to thinking then I realized that I haven't had my monthly in like six weeks. So, I did the next logical thing.Even though vampires aren't supposed to be able to HAVE little vampires,with my luck I knew I had better get a pregnancy test kit. So, I did and the flipping line turned blue. As did the one with a pink line and the one with the cross.Which I found amusing in a morbid way."

"I get your point slayer,so now what?"

Buffy's voice was the calm before the storm that should have warned Spike if his emotions weren't already high."What do you mean? You better not be talking about an abortion!"

"What?! What the fuck! No, I'm not bloody talking about that. You had better get used to the idea of having my child because your BLOODY WELL GOING TO HAVE IT! And further more, I was going to leave it up to you, but seeing how frigging impossible you're being I've changed my mind. So now you are going to marry me and that is final!"

Buffy snorted,"like hell I am! I can still kick your ass buster,every time!Besides,you can't make me and I don't want to. I'm pregnant,not brain dead.When I get married it'll be for love and not because I'm knocked up!"

"That's how you think of the child we created? Knocked up?Your not too good to sleep with me but your too good to be my wife?"

Shaking her head in disbelief Buffy watched as Spike paced in agitation. "Spike, you do realize that you're a vampire right?"

It was Spike's turn to snort. "Yeah and that means what?"

Buffy took up pacing. "Of all the people I could get pregnant by, it has to be the attention deficit disordered, bleach blond vampire without a soul who is an idiot! WHY YOU!?"

Hiding the hurt her words caused, Spike attacked back. "What, you think that my wanker of a sire would have been a better choice? That poof would have bloody brooded if he got you pregnant instead of being ecstatic like me!"

His words sinking in, Buffy came to an abrupt halt. "And are you? Are you ecstatic Spike?"

Walking over to her, he cupped her face in his hands. "Yes love, yes I am. Very much so.That's my little bugger growing inside you. Mine."

Swallowing, Buffy looked into Spikes dark eyes, trying to read the truth hidden in their depths. "Why. why are you ecstatic Spike? Spell it out so I don't think that your just feeling all possessive and that you've one upped Angel."

"I'll never be a lap dog Slayer. I won't grow manners.I won't hide when the others come around. I won't play back seat daddy, and I'll fight you tooth and nail when at all possible. But I'll also love you more than you can ever imagine Buffy. In fact, I already do."

Seeing the truth in his eyes, Buffy started crying, she never dreamed he felt the same as she did.

"Oh no, no don't. Don't cry baby. Buffy, what's wrong pet.Tell Spikey what's wrong so he can make it all better.Please Slayer, I'll let you tell me what to do for a whole day.I can't handle you crying."

Sniffling, Buffy looked at Spike through teary eyes. "A whole day?"

Sagging in relief, he hugged her close to him, resting his hand against her belly, right at the spot where his child now lay."Yeah, the whole day. Doesn't mean I'll actually *do* it but..."

"Ha ha, hey Spike? I love you too. Oh, you get to tell my mom and Giles about us and our baby."

"I know you love me Slayer, I'm just glad you finally see it yourself. Now about this rot of me telling your mum and watcher? Not bloody likely!"

"Hmmmmm, how about if I " Leaning over, Buffy whispered into the vampires ear.

Grinning broadly, Spike scooped her up in his arms."You have a deal pet.We'll go tell them tomorrow, for now you have a promise to keep."

Take Me Home!!!