Buffy Summers (Sarah Michelle Gellar)

Angel(us) (David Boreanaz)

Rupert Giles (Anthony Stewart Head)

Wesley Wyndham-Price (Alexis Denisof)

Xander Harris (Nicholas Brendan)

Anya Emerson (Emma Caufield)

Willow Rosenberg (Alyson Hannigan)

Daniel "Oz" Osborne(Seth Green)

Spike (James Marsters)

Faith (Elisa Dushku)

Cordelia Chase (Charisma Carpenter)

Dawn Summers (Michelle Trachtenbert)

Darla (Julie Benz)

Allen Francis Doyle (Glenn Quinn)

Misc Baddies

Cast Pictures

Twosomes and Threesomes

I didn't take these pictures, they belong to whoever took them or the WB etc. Thanx to my uber-nice sister for finding most of 'em!