
By Laure Alexander

It was early evening and at the sound of footsteps, Spike looked up from the newspaper he was reading to see Drusilla skipping into the room. A body--a live one from the struggling--was slung over one of her shoulders.

"What do you have there, ducks?" he asked with casual interest.

"A prezzie." Drusilla grinned at him.

"For me?"

"All for you." The grin turned to a sweet smile. Spike sighed. He knew that look. It meant Dru was going to do something he wouldn't like. "My Angel wants me to go hunting with him tonight. He's waiting at the Bronze. We might not be back for a lonnnng time."

"So, you brought me dinner," he replied in a clipped voice.

Dru licked her lips and tossed her captive onto his bed. "It'll make *her* hurt...which will make my Angel all happy."

As Dru traipsed out of the room, Spike looked at the person lying on the bed, her hands bound behind her back, a gag tied around her red hair.

"Oh perfect," he muttered.

"Bye-bye, Spikey," Drusilla called from the outer room.

Spike waited a few moments, just to make certain she was really gone, then rose to his feet, shoving the wheelchair out of the way. He stretched his legs for a moment, then turned to the girl on his bed.

When he spoke, his voice dripped with sarcasm. "Great...I kill you and the Slayer cuts my balls off and makes me eat them."

Willow twisted her head and stared up at him with terror- filled eyes.

Spike crouched down next to her and untied the gag, then rolled her onto her side.

"You can walk," she stammered.

"Brilliant observation and you're the smart one, right?"

"What...what are you going to do with me?" she asked, trying to be brave.

"Not kill you, that's for sure."

Willow seemed surprised by his answer. "But, why? I mean, isn't that what you do?" Her voice died away at the end and she swallowed hard.

Spike blinked and a slow grin spread across his face. "Do you want me to kill you?"

She shook her head, her beautiful hair flying. "Noooo."

"Didn't think so." Spike pulled her to her feet. "If I untie you, will you do anything stupid?"

"I don't think so."

Chuckling, Spike reached around behind her and freed her hands. Willow gingerly rubbed her wrists and looked up at him, her breath catching in her throat in fear.

"Will you let me go?"

"Hey, I never said I was that much of a humanitarian."

Willow's face fell and she stumbled backwards. Spike reached out and caught her arms before she tumbled onto the bed. Slowly, with an evil smile on his face, he pulled her against him.

"Maybe Dru knew what she was doing when she gave you to me as a prezzie," he murmured before dipping his head and capturing Willow's mouth in a hard, hungry kiss.

Willow nearly collapsed in shock at the touch of his cold lips. Her mouth opened to scream and his tongue thrust inside. Spike yanked her closer, pressing her tightly to his body and kissed her deeply.

When he finally pulled back, he gazed down at her huge, tear-filled eyes and her trembling lips. "I remember the first time I saw you, dancing with the Slayer," Spike murmured as his hand lifted a strand of her hair to his lips. "Titian hair..."

"Please..." Willow begged.

"Please what?"

"Don't do this."

"Sorry. I am a demon, after all," he quipped. His nimble fingers began to unbutton her shirt.

Willow thought briefly about struggling, but quickly decided that he might hurt her more if she fought. She didn't want him to hurt her. Resignation flooded her, her shoulders slumped and her eyes fell shut.

"When you're...when you're done," she stammered, blushing, "will you let me go?"

"If you want me to."

Willow's eyes flew to his laughing one's and she licked her dry lips. At the innocent act, Spike's eyes darkened with a lust she didn't recognize. Quickly he pulled her shirt from her shoulders, letting it fall to the floor.

Willow blushed even redder and tried to cover her lace covered breasts, irrationally wishing that she had worn one of her old, thick cotton bras not the nearly sheer one that Buffy had made her buy for 'that special someone'. That special someone was not supposed to be a vampire.

"Well, well...hidden treasure," Spike said with a leer. One hand remained at the small of her back, holding her firmly against him, while the other slid around to cup one of her breasts. Willow yelped and jumped at the touch of his thumb on her nipple through the thinnest hint of silk.

She took another deep breath, not realizing that it made her breast thrust farther into his hand, and licked her lips again, as she gathered her courage. "Could you it?" she asked hoping he would just get it over with so she could go home and cry for the rest of her life.

Spike bent his head and sucked the lobe of one of her ears into his mouth. "I don't think you'd like that much, luv," he whispered.

Willow shivered at his mouth on her ear and it wasn't a 'bad' shiver.

"Like that, huh?" he asked, then swirled his tongue in the creases of her ear.

Pleasure flowed through her and she leaned into his touch, not even realizing what she was doing. Spike continued to caress her breast as he sucked on her ear, and the nipple hardened beneath his ministrations. Against her volition her hands, which had been clenched on her thighs, opened and slid around to his back. As Spike's mouth moved down her neck to the base of her throat, Willow moaned, her fingers digging into the small of his back.

"That's it," he whispered, nibbling on her throat. Another moan rippled under the skin and he grinned. He knew that red-hair had to hide a great deal of passion. He just had to coax it from her.

Pulling back from her throat, he looked down into her face, flushed now with more than embarrassment. Her slightly glazed eyes wandered to his and a pant broke from her moistened lips.

Willow didn't understand the sensations his touch and his mouth were creating inside her. This was a bad guy, a really bad guy. He terrified her. Why was her body responding to him? And it was responding, growing warm, sending little thrills through her. This was desire, passion, physical pleasure. She wasn't supposed to feel this with *him*.

To forestall the tears of confusion he saw forming in her eyes, Spike kissed her again, delving deeply into her mouth with his tongue, eliciting a shy response from her. Hesitantly her tongue touched his and her lips moved on his.

Spike's fingers unhooked the front clasp of her bra and pulled the cups away from her breasts.

At the feel of her naked breasts rubbing against the rough cotton of his shirt, Willow shivered and instinctively pressed herself closer.

Never freeing her lips from his attentions, Spike reached for one of her hands and pulled it around to his shirt buttons. Hesitantly, not even realizing what she was doing, Willow began to unbutton his shirt, then helped him slide it down his arms.

As his shirt fell to the floor to join her's, Spike pulled back again, putting a few inches of space between their bodies, but still holding her. Willow's shock-filled eyes fell to his smooth, nearly hairless chest, then caught a glimpse of her own nude breasts. She swallowed hard, feeling panic rise in her.

"You don't realize how beautiful you are, do you?"

Willow shook her head, mute as her brow furled in confusion.

Spike shook his head too, in amazement, then focused his gaze on her erect pink nipples. The hand on her back slipped down a bit and Willow automatically thrust her hips forward to escape his touch. Her eyes widened even further as she found her pelvis cradled against his. He grinned. "In good time, luv." Fiery red suffused her face and neck and she pushed back into his hands. He cupped her buttocks through the thin cotton of her mini-skirt.

In embarrassment and fear, Willow's hands flew to her face, covering her eyes. She didn't know what to do.

Spike guided her backwards until he tumbled her gently onto the bed. Willow tried to scramble into a sitting position, the desire she had felt momentarily gone as reality reinstated itself. Spike put one hand between her breasts and pushed her back down. With his other hand, he swung her legs onto the bed.

Sitting at her feet, he untied her shoes and removed them along with the ankle socks, then gently massaged her feet. Willow stared at the ceiling, her arms crossed over her breasts, her breathing quickening as his fingernails ran along the arches of her feet.

Then his hands began to move up her shins, then her knees, then her thighs. Willow shook under his touch and whimpered as his hands slid under her skirt. As his fingers hooked into the sides of her panties, his tongue found her navel. Instinctively Willow's hands went to his head to try to push him away and Spike's head moved, allowing his mouth to capture one of her nipples.

"Noooo," she moaned. But, as his tongue lapped at her nipple, the intense pleasure pushed the thought of trying to stop him from her mind. Willow's fingers tangled in his hair and held him to her as he sucked.

Before she knew it, he was pulling her panties down and she was lifting her hips to help him.

As heat filled her, rational thought began to disappear from her mind. Hatred and fear were swallowed by longing. Desire...she had never known it felt like this. His mouth on her breast was creating a hot, tight feeling in the pit of her stomach and a growing ache between her legs.

Willow had never masturbated. Oh, she had read all the clinical material out there and she knew there was nothing wrong with it, but she had never felt the need to touch herself. All this was new to her.

Spike flung her panties across the room, then pulled his head free of her grasping hands, ignoring her mewling. With a few more movements, her skirt was joining her panties and she lay naked before him.

Spike gazed down at the tuft of red hair between her slender thighs, then looked up at her face. It was as red as her hair and her eyes were wild. Her chest heaved as she panted and her hands clutched at the blanket beneath her.

"Spread your legs, luv," he said in a husky voice.

For a moment, he wondered if she would ignore him, then slowly her thighs parted, just enough for a finger or two to slide between. He grinned and stood up. Kicking off his shoes, he unfastened his jeans and pulled them down, freeing his erect penis. He was just as hot and bothered as she was, but he had a few hundred years of experience on her.

He watched her eyes widen even further at the sight of his erection, then kicked the jeans aside. Sitting down next to her, his hip brushing her thigh, he grinned down at the sight of her staring at his penis. "Never seen one, have you?"

That lovely red color crept down her neck again and she swallowed, shaking her head. "Not live," she stammered.

"Wanna touch it?" he asked in a teasing voice.

Willow sucked in her cheeks in surprise and Spike felt a great desire to see those lips around his cock, but figured that would have to wait. Pulling the fingers of one of her hands from the blanket, he guided them to his throbbing erection.

Hesitantly Willow's fingers closed around him. He was cold and hard, but pulsing. Gently her hand moved on him and Spike let his eyes drift shut as her movements picked up a natural rhythm and a groan was dragged from him. After a few minutes, not wanting to spill himself in her hand, he pried her fingers away and looked down into her wide, amazed eyes.

"Pretty good for a beginner, luv. I'm all ready. Let's see about you."

A glance showed him that her legs had parted more during her exploration of his penis and he used both his hands to push them farther apart. His fingers slid forward and pressed into her mound. He wasn't surprised to find her hot and wet. As she moaned and pressed down against his fingers, his thumb found her clitoris and began to massage it.

Willow whimpered as the pleasure and heat grew between her legs. Her legs naturally arched and her hips moved against his dancing fingers. When two fingers slid into her, she jerked her hips up.

As he pistoned his fingers in her tight channel, Spike leaned down and kissed her again. Willow met his mouth with open, hungry lips. Her hands wound around his neck and she moaned into his mouth.

Suddenly her body stiffened, her legs clasping around his hand, then she flung her head back, crying out as she came for the first time in her life.

Spike grinned down at her flushed face, her parted lips, and moved over her, his hips spreading her thighs wide.

Willow's hands cupped his face, then slid down to his shoulders. Her passion-filled eyes clouded over with doubt and a little fear as his hard staff pressed against her thigh. "Will it hurt?" she asked in a thin, hesitant voice.

Spike sighed. "Probably...but not for long," he finished with a grin. "Bend your knees." This time, Willow obeyed him instantly. Spike's hands slipped under her hips to lift her bottom, tilting her vagina just right. Before she could think another rational thought, Spike thrust his cock inside her tight passage. Her inner moisture eased his way as he pushed deeper.

Willow moaned as he filled her. It hurt...a little...but also felt so good. Her fingers bit into his shoulders and her knees clenched his hips.

Spike nuzzled his mouth between her breasts, then took one nipple between his teeth. As he nipped, she yelped and he thrust all the way inside her.

Willow cried out in pain and pushed at his chest. Gritting his teeth, Spike forced himself to remain still inside her, then bent and kissed the tears from her cheeks.

The pain began to fade, replaced by slowly growing sparks of pleasure. Willow's tears stopped and her eyes opened. He was watching her. She gave him a tremulous smile and he pulled back, then thrust again. This time her cry had nothing to do with pain.

Grinning, Spike leaned down and kissed her passionately, nipping at her lips and sucking her tongue into his mouth as he thrust into her with increasing speed.

Willow returned his kiss with an unfamiliar hunger. Instinctively, her legs wrapped around his hips and she clutched him to her. Her hips thrust up against his and the pain totally disappeared. She felt so full and the tight pleasure was building again.

Pulling her mouth free, she took a deep breath then let out a keening cry.

Spike felt the pleasure mount to near unbearable heights and finally gave into it. His body spasming, he pistoned his cock in her, flooding her with his cold semen.

Slowly he collapsed on her, then rolled to the side.

Willow moaned, what was left of her rational mind realizing that he was done...and she wasn't. The pressure, the tight feeling was still there. Her mind skittered around the things she had read over the years. Women rarely had vaginal orgasms. But there were other ways.

Spike rolled onto his side and propped his head up on his hand, watching her with a slight smirk forming on his face. She was trembling, her face was flushed, perspiration was beading on her hard-nippled breasts--she was obviously unfulfilled. He watched as she nibbled on her lower lip. He could almost see her mind whirling as she tried to find the words to express something she had never found it necessary to think about.

Finally, he took pity on her and slid his hand between her thighs. Moaning, she arched against his fingers as they began to rub her clitoris. He continued to watch the changes cross her face and listened to her breathy moans as he ruthlessly built her pleasure.

The loss of his hand between her legs caused Willow's eyes to fly open in panic. She had been so close..."No," she moaned, then her eyes widened as she saw Spike sliding down the bed, until his head lay lightly on one of her thighs. "Oh please," she choked out, clutching her fingers into the blanket beneath her.

Spike grinned sadistically and lowered his mouth to her pulsing clitoris. As he sucked it between his lips and lapped it with his tongue, Willow's body trembled and bucked. Spike slid his hands beneath her bottom and lifted her like a bowl to his hungry mouth.

With an extended cry of pleasure, Willow came, drenching his chin and mouth with her secretions as her hips jerked in his hands. Panting for breath, she closed her eyes and finally lay still on the bed as the pleasure slowly ebbed.

Spike crawled back up next to her and pulled her limp body into his arms. His cool skin felt wonderful next to her fevered body and Willow found herself drifting to sleep. Her last thought was that it was amazing that her fear was gone.


Willow awoke with a start and groaned at the crick in her neck. Her tired eyes opened and she found herself staring at a pile of books. She was asleep at the library table, her head pillowed on her arms. Suddenly her memories returned and she sat up, groaning again at the stiffness.

Turning a deep shade of pink, she realized she must have dozed off while researching. She remembered that Giles had gone out to find out why Buffy was beeping him from the Bronze, then not returning his calls. That was the last thing she remembered. So, it must have been a incredibly erotic dream. Maybe it was time she did something about those.

Blushing even more at the naughty thoughts racing through her head, she staggered to her feet and immediately felt the soreness between her legs. Pallor replaced the blushing and she swallowed hard. Glancing down at herself she saw that she was dressed in her clothes-- everything looked the same.

But, she didn't feel the same. Hurriedly, she raised her hands to her neck and whimpered gratefully that there were no bite marks. As she moved her hands over her body, she realized she wasn't completely dressed. Her bra was missing.

Paling even more, she sat back down, wincing at the stab of pleasure-filled pain, then saw what she had missed--a small piece of notebook paper with her name on it sat on the table.

Hesitantly she picked up the piece of paper and unfolded it. Her eyes grew wide as she read the words out loud. "It wasn't a dream. Thanks for the prezzie. Spike."

"Oh God," she moaned in a combination of fear, embarrassment...and desire, then buried her face in the note, not knowing if she should cry or not.

The most wonderful night of her young life had been spent in the bed of a demon.


Take Me Home!!!