Remember Last Night?

By Omega H

Buffy woke up. She wasn't quite sure what had woken her up from one of the best dreams she had had in a long time but whatever it was, she was getting rid of it and returning to that dream. The memory of the blonde vampire and the things he had done to and with her made the girl blush in the half lit room.

Cracking her eyes just a little, she could see that the curtains were tightly closed but she could figure out that it was almost noon. Analyzing the situation in her head The Slayer could narrow the reasons of her waking up to two things: the banging pain in her brains and the fact the she was freezing to death. Reaching behind her blindly, she tried to get a hold of the covers to warm her body.

Grasping the corner of the covers, she sighed happily. That breath turned suddenly into a gasp when her hand touched something that most definitely was not 1. a part of her covers and b. supposed to be in her bed. Turning slowly around she held her breath. Her eyes found first a white calf sticking under the covers and as they followed up that limb, the rest of a very muscular body and finally a blonde head.

Ignoring the resistance of her head, which was close to bursting, Buffy hopped out of the bed at the speed of if not light then at least of a greyhound. Realizing that she was very much naked, she grabbed her night gown from the bed post wrapping it hastily around her.

Thoughts were running wild like a rollercoaster out of control in her head as she made a desperate attempt to recall the events of the previous night. They had all been at the Bronze but Xander and Willow had left early, that was still clear but than everything got really blurry. Flashing images of dancing and laughing hopped behind her eyes.

Holding her head, Buffy walked down the stairs to the kitchen. Opening the cupboard doors she pulled out a glass and a bottle of Tabasco. From the fridge she got a carton of tomato juice, mixing it with the Tabasco in the glass. Lifting the drink to her lips she held her breath and swallowed most of it in one gulp washing down two aspirins at the same time. She was still having troubles organizing the million images that moved in her brains. Slowly she began to calm down. She was even able to create a little laugh. < He wasn't really there. Some people see pixies, I see vampires. It's only logical when you think about it. I just imagined the whole thing. There's no naked Spike in my bed. I just imagined it.>

For some reason the first line's of 'Mamma Mia' by Abba kept going round and round in her head.

< Mamma mia, here I go again
My my, how can I resist you?
Mamma mia, does it show again?
My my, just how much I've missed you. >

Repeating "I just imagined it" like a chant in her head the girl sneaked back upstairs. The first clue that tipped her off that she was wrong was the pair of black silk boxers lying on the floor by her bed. As she allowed her eyes move around the floor she saw a lot more pieces of clothing including a pair of jeans, her bra and her shirt. The yellow smiley badge Xander had given to her the previous night grinned at her from the floor.

Backing away from the room and walking into the bathroom, the Slayer was mentally banging her head into the wall. A Slayer getting mixed up with a vampire was one thing, but doing it twice was a bit too much. She opened the tap and allowed ice cold water pour over her head.

She yelped as a pair of hands wrapped around her waist and pulled her head up hitting her head to the tap. Spike turned her around and pulled her body closer. The man had put on the boxers that had been lying on the floor but the chest the girl was pulled against was bare and inviting to touch.

Slowly the vampire bowed his head and kissed her lips. Suddenly Buffy found it very hard to remember why she shouldn't be doing this. It just felt too good... but she was going stop him... just a little more...

"Good morning!"

"Mmm..." Buffy was still recuperating from the kiss.

Spike looked at the girl standing in front of him with her eyes closed. The night had been intense at the least. He had had no idea that the Slayer was so passionate. If he had, he would have done this much sooner.



"Buffy, open your eyes."

Slowly her eyelashes rose and revealed her blue eyes. Spike grinned and took a hold of her hand lifting it up. He caressed her palm with his fingertips. It was amazing how such a small little hand could have so much power in it.

The vampire grinned and whispered: "This little piggy went to the market." With those words he sucked her thumb into his mouth. Buffy felt her knees turning into Jell-O as she felt his tongue move around her finger.

"This little piggy stayed home" Spike left the thumb alone but slipped her index finger into the wetness of his mouth. Never removing his eyes from her face, he watched how the Slayer's eyes fell half closed. Barely audible he muttered: "This little piggy had roast beef"

"This little had none. And this little piggy went wee wee wee all the way home." One by one the bleached vampire tasted all of her fingers. Buffy had stopped thinking when he had reached her middle finger and all she could do was stand still and let the feelings run through her.

When the man let her pinkie finger slip out of his mouth, the girl's eyes were tightly closed and she was swaying from side to side. Picking Buffy up in his arms the vampire turned around and walked back to the bedroom.

"Now, what do you s'ppose we do all day?"


The Slayer was not totally in touch with reality anymore. Spike dropped her on the bed and followed soon after.

"It's daytime. I can't very well leave now, can I?"


Buffy looked at his face for a while and then pulled his head closer. She could feel his smile against her lips as she kissed the man. The hurt had already been done and if the memories slowly returning to her were correct quite many times during the night, so this day couldn't make things any worse...


Take Me Home!!!