Stars: Yuen Biao, Leung Kar Yan, Sammo Hung, Lau Kar Wing
Director: Sammo Hung
1979, Hong Kong, Golden Harvest
I love Kung fu movies!
Yipao (Yuen Biao) and Taipao (Leung Kar Yan) are brothers who make their living by cheating and robbing from people. But when they try to cheat master Koo Wu Tai (Lau Kar Wing) he gives them a lesson and the mediocre fighters ask to become his students. Of course, he accepts them and each of them learn a different technique, Yipao learns kicking and Taipao hand techniques.
After his brother’s death, Yipao realises that his master is not all he seems and escapes to the countryside. There he meets the skilled Beggar Bo (Sammo) and becomes his student learning Beggar’s Fist so he can kill Koo Wu Tai and avenge his brother.
Sounds familiar doesn’t it, well the plot is nothing new but Sammo knows how to make a movie.
Sammo and Lam Ching Ying choreographed the fights so they are great, of course.
Yuen Biao is awesome, kicks, acrobatics, he makes everything look easy, it was also his first major starring role.
Leung shows his usual fist techniques and is quite sympathetic.
Funny enough, Li Hai Sheng plays an evil gay kung fu master (?) and after a fight he and his partner leave holding hands.
Also note that every time Sammo appears on the screen you get to hear the "Fistful of Dollars" theme.
Another strange thing is that you get to see Mars fighting for once, not that he's something to look for.
Sammo was concerned that Lau Kar Wing looked too young to be believable as Leung’s teacher. To make him look older, he was put on a white wig and false eyebrows. He wore it for his first scene but the director realised that Lau’s appearance didn’t match with the grandpa dress-up so the make up was toned down and the scene re-shot.
Everybody seems having a good time while acting especially the sympathetic Sammo who monkeys around.
You just HAVE to buy this movie, you won’t be disappointed.
