Stars: Jackie Chan, Sammo Hung, Yuen Biao, Chan Wai Man, Li Hai Sheng
Director: Jackie Chan
1984, Hong Kong, Golden Harvest
Dragon (Jackie) leads his marine troupe in a mission to stop Sanpao (Chan Wai Man) and his pirates with the help of the Hong Kong police force.
Well, that's the story basically. This masterpiece from Jackie is just wonderful, I love it.
Jackie does his stunts combined with fast fighting skills and comedy.
Sammo does the more traditional moves and and Yuen does some fast kickboxing.
Chan Wai Man looks really mean and has some good fights, an excellent actor too.
There are tons of recognizable stars, even the bad-looking guy who challenges Jason Scott Lee in "Dragon - the Bruce Lee Story" is here. Not that he's so good but I just noticed him.
I’m no big fan of Jackie’s new stunt movies and thought this was going to be one of those, but this one combines the old-school style with the new Jackie stuff making it a magnificent adventurous film. Of course it could've been better (the fighting I mean), you could see some traditional weapons on the back, it could've been great to see Sammo, for ex, doing some weapon stuff. Anyway, you like Jackie, Sammo, or Biao, buy this one.
