Stars: Alexander Lo Rei, Jack Long, Chang Shan, William Yau
Director: Wu Kuo Jen
1984, Hong Kong
Ohh mercy!!!
It starts with Wu Tang Abbot White (Jack Long) in a supposedly friendly fight against a Shaolin master (Chang Shan). When the master beats him using Shaolin Finger Jab, White gets jealous and joins the Japanese Ninjas. Together they plan the destruction of the Shaolin Temple and White starts training on his new style (he’s obviously not doing Wu Tang, cause the Wu Tang I’ve seen is a Tai Chi style preferred by old people) which consists of making Hokus pokus at girls.
Then they burn down the Shaolin Temple and only some of the monks can escape. One of them (Chang Shan) gives a Shaolin Finger Jab manual to hisdaughter before he dies so she can pass it on the next generation of Shaolin and rebuild the temple. Will the descendants of Shaolin be able to rebuild the temple and stop the evil Abbot White?
Well, what should I say about this movie? It’s the craziest and most nonsensical movie I’ve seen.
I was actually going to buy "Hand of Death" with Tan Tao Liang, Jackie and Sammo but it wasn’t available. Then suddenly I saw the irresistibly cool sleeve of "Wu Tang v Ninja". It couldn’t be bad it had both Jack Long and Alexander Lo Rei and a lot of cool pictures of Shaolin monks on the back. Well the fights aren’t bad and it’s never boring, but GEE, it’s absurd and bad tasted like nothing else I’ve seen. It also has lots of unfitting music.
The fact that the Wu Tang Abbot gets powers that give him some kind of Iron Body skill from doing magic stuff on lightly dressed girls, is the silliest thing I’ve seen.
There’s even a scene with a melting man that burns everything he touches.
Another stupid thing is the movie’s title "Wu Tang v Ninja", as they both co-operate and don’t fight each other.
One thing you should watch for is at the end when they find Whites weak spot; think of the silliest place you can imagine and that makes no sense.
But I got to admit that I enjoyed it quite a bit, and it was thanks to the skilled martial artists.
Chang Shan, Alexander Lo Rei and his partner, Cheng Tien Chi, have all excellent Taekwondo kicks and are acrobatic; also the golden Ninja is good and moves like a monkey stylist at the beginning.
But the training at the end is quite silly with made up moves that don't make to much sense.
If you haven’t recognized the story yet, it’s the one on the famous burning of the Shaolin Temple but a made-up crazy fantasized version.
