" In a multiverse of infinite possibilities, there is one constant. Chaos. It is the driving force of many beings, planets and even the whole of several universes. Chaos is everywhere...there is no stopping it..."

" One must be alert, ready and willing at all times to act, and act decisively in the defence of order, for chaos needs only the tiniest toehold to set in motion, the ultimate collapse..."

This web page is designed to open the minds of the people of Earth to display many realities much like our own where they are founded by " What ifs", "could have beens", " it could happen" and "what does someone have to do to get a cup of cocoa around here!?!"

The multiverse is full of possibilities, the very number of the infinities of these possibilities are far beyond any being can or ever will be able to understand...The Multiversal High Council (a council of omnipotent beings who watch over all and occasionally kick people when they aren't looking) will for the first time ever give you a notion of some of these worlds...

choose your destination

war of chaos 1

War of Chaos, the tale of a reality that parallels our own in many ways. A reality where corruption and money nearly dominated all, a planet where stupidity and chaos played major roles, a world with a half-rooster, a world that is so corrupt, it has a company named Microsoft...

war of chaos 2

War of Chaos II, the continuation of the chaos! A new threat has arrived, which may throw everything in the forces of order and chaos out of balance...a school will collapse into savagery, a hero wiped out, a new evil chaos will be presented...there may be no end to it...