A short time ago in a galaxy right here… YOU IDIOT MY LINE!!! ARE YOU STILL HERE?? YOU BET I AM!!! NOW YOU DIE!!!! ::the two fight::

War of Chaos!!! Episode 12: The Downfall of the Rebels

::Insert planet of the apes' music:: CHAOS!!!! SHEER CHAOS!!!! EVERYTHING IS IN WAR!!! DON'T LISTEN TO MY CLONE!!! GET OUTAH HERE YOU!!! MY TURN!!!! ::takes out a knife:: I'LL KILL YOU!!! ::monkey runs around on roller skates:: monkey: OHAAAAH!!!! GETS IT OUT OF HERE!!! ::kicks monkey:: Monkey: ::starts clawing at narrator:: DOWN YOU STUPID APE!!!! Hehe, FINISH HIM OFF MOJO!!!! Monkey: Prey for Mojo. That's good, finish him off! AHHHHH!!!! MY EYES!!!!! :: real monkey comes up:: real monkey: AHHHH!!!OOOOH!!!! clone monkey: AHHH!OOOH!!! ::monkeys start clawing at each other, but clone wins:: real narrator: MOJO NOOOOOOO!!!!!!! Excellent, NOW KILL HIM TOO!!!!! YES!!! I WIN!!! NO MORE REAL NARRORRATOR!!!!

The two Sina's still fought. " DIE, DIE, DIIIIIEEEE!!!" The clone yelled, with more ferocious blows. Sina blocked everyone, but could feel his hands straining at the hardness of hits the clone was giving him. " Must fight, for future!!! Foresee something bad, if clones rule!" Sina said his hands red from pain. In front, the clone Nurdin was chasing after the real Nurdin with a frying pan. " YOU STUPID CHICKEN COME BACK!!! I WANT FRIED CHICKEN!!!" the clone yelled running faster. Nurdin panted, he was running out of breath. " Must run!" he thought to himself. But it was too late, the clone caught up to him, placed him into the pan, and Nurdin was fried…. The clone Rama also was briskly defeating the real one. Obviously, the clones were too powerful! Half the clones had already defeated the real people…

Jonathan threw harder: " TAKE THAT APPLE!!! IT HAD A WORM IN IT!!!" The clone ate it and smiled. " Oh please, did you really think that I would be defeated that easily? COMEON!!!" The clone laughed. He threw a huge apple that splattered all over Jonathan. His last view, was of a big huge (same thing) green Macintosh apple being thrown at him. Ironic, it was what he believed in which ended up killing him… He just hoped that HIS clone would one day fulfill his dream.

Adit couldn't laugh anymore. His throat was sore. While the clone Adit laughed on. " HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!! What's the matter, tired Adit?" The clone mocked. " No, I'm just tired that's all!" Adit replied. The clone looked at him confused. " AHHAHAH!!! Real Adit wins this round!" Adit laughed. " Oh really!" the clone smiled. " Not yet! MHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHHHHHAHAHAAAAAAA!!!" The real Adit looked into the sky and realized that there was no way that he could defeat his clone. He turned around, and yelled: " OH MY GOD!!! THE PTA HAS DIBANDED!!!" Then he jumped through a cement window, to a horrible death.

All around him, his friends died, and there was no way to stop it. The clones were too powerful, too chaotic, too converted. He fought on still, even though his friends would die, he would not give up as of yet. He must fight on. Above him, the clone Cad Man had cornered the real Cad Man.

" HAHAH!!!" Cad Man yelled. " I have you now!" The real Cad Man was cornered, not even his orderly powers could help him here. The clone Cad Man fired a beam of very powerful orderly energy. It hit Cad Man square. His body began to disappear into orderly nothingness. " There was never any hope for you." The clone laughed. The real Cad Man was about to say: " HAA!!! I'M STILL HERE, ALIVE AND WELL!!!" But by then, he knew it was a lie, and he was already vaporized…

As for Max Man, and his clone, they seem to be warping each other to the extreme. Max Man warped under the strain. " HAHAHAH!!! My warping is 10 times better than yours!!!" The clone said. The real Greg popped up, calculated something on his calculator and said: " Nope, its only 9.193104372618778931415926535897927481647174694876197468194817498718274827481748912478943278713856387568764875648769265874658742687243658746587465872356874325648725623876485694287624387568726548764875628685872536-" But then the clone Greg came up and said: " NO!! It's 9.1931043726187789314159265358979274816471746948761974681948174987182748274817489124789432787138563875687648756487692658746587426872436587465874658723568743256487256238764856942876243875687265487648756286858725365478497287373258732957897589327589375932758975897128975893758912!!!" The real Greg screamed: NOOOO!!! HIS CALCULATOR IS BETTER!!!" The Max Men continued to warp, while the Greg's fought below. Finally, the real Max Man ran out of memory, and exited, the last true sign of chaos ever… Other than Sina, Greg, Rama and several 10000 other people.

The real Britney could not stand it. Even though she was singing at the top of her lungs she could not win. She coughed. " AHHHH!!!" She screamed. " MY EARS!!!" The clone Britney laughed: " MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH!!! You cannot win!!! There is no way you can win!!! I am your better!!!" She began singing some more… The real Britney lost her grip on her Mic, and it fell below. " NOOO!!! I'M MELTING!!! MELTING!!!! OH WHAT A WORLD!!!" The real Britney Spears melted into some unknown liquid, and all that remained was, well use your imagination. Breast implants? NO, NOT HER SHOES!!!!!! DAH!!! YOU PEOPLE ARE HOPELESS!!!!

Down below, a robotic figure came across a wrecked teddy bear. " I know I say this every century Bobo, but I will never-" His voice was cut off. " That is my bear!" A clone yelled. " MINE!!!" The real robotic Burns yelled. " NO!!!" The clone yelled back. ::Insert Planet of the Apes Music:: The two Burns exited their robotic suits, and had a head rolling contest, while the two Smithers ran after them…

Sina blocked another volley of chaotic hits from his clone, and he looked to his left, where the clone Rama had his saber pointed to a saberless Rama. " This is where I say, YOU DIE NOW!!!" The clone said. Rama looked at Sina and shook his head in an apologetic way. Sina had a tear come to his eye, and then like that, Rama died. NO HE DIDN'T GET STABBED BY THE CLONE'S SABER!!! He died of a heart attack!!! The only people left now, were himself, and the real Bill Gates, and Greg. " I MUST HAVE MY EMPIRE!!!" The real Gates yelled blocking every volley that the clone was giving him. He had wished he trained himself instead of playing that stupid game: " Age of Empires." Then he realized, he made the game, and slapped himself. " MY EMPIRE IT TRULY IS!!! If you are converted, think about it, I am even more converted! I WAS MEANT TO BE!!! Look below you, all your friends have died. No one has been spared." Then the clone smiled a very chilling smiled. He grinned a very scary and wide, horrifying grin, one that Gates could never do even after his many years of staring into the mirror and making faces at himself. WELL? THAT'S HOW HE BECAME SO RICH!!! What you think he got rich by making Microsoft? NONO!!! NOW THE TRUTH COMES OUT!!! The real Gates stared at the grin coming from himself, his clone. Then the clone hit his rapier so hard, it vaporized. Gates looked shocked. The clone still grinned. He looked at the real Bill Gates. He had terror in his eyes. And the clone loved it. He raised his rapier and laughed in a very loud converting voice: " Like you said yourself: NO ONE SHALL BE SPARED!!! NO ONE!!!" Then he brought his rapier down as hard as he could with all the conversion he could, and the real Bill Gates 1955-1999 Head and chairman of Microsoft, Converter to windows of all, master of the DOS was dead…

Greg and his clone laughed on. Greg realized that he would not win. Then from out of the sky, Bill Gates' rapier flew, and caused both of them to drop their calculators. They picked them up again and aimed it at each other. " HEEHEH!!! This is where I say, MWHAHAHA!!! I dedicate this moment to a large liberty statue of a lady who is 200 tones and over 32 meters tall!" The clone said. The real Greg after hearing this, was terrified. He placed his hands on his head and screamed: " THIS ENORMOUS WOMAN WILL DEVOUR US ALL!!! AHHH!!!" And he jumped off a bridge to a watery grave. Sina realized that he was the only one left, since clipit was broken, and Ben was shot, and Chewing was chewed upon. He fought on still. " You have determination!" The clone said. " But it will finish you off. You will run out eventually!!!" " NEVER!!!" Sina yelled now delivering his volley of slashes. The clone blocked all of them as if they were nothing. Then Sina's saber began to flicker. It was running out of energy. He still continued on… but the batteries were running out. Sina yelled realizing he would die within minutes: " BUT THE COMMERCIAL SAID IT KEEPS GOING AND GOING!!!" He yelled delivering more flickering volleys. Then finally the saber flickered out of existence. The clone lowered his saber and out of his two "Durable" batteries came out. " NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" Sina yelled. The clone smiled and put them back into his sword. Then he raised his sword and was about to bring it down when Gates stopped him. " No, I do not want him to die so quickly. He must suffer first!" Gates said with a smile. The clone Sina disabled his weapon and placed it in his pocket. Sina was tired, and the windows drones very easily took him to the Microsoft headquarters where they would torture him…

Sina opened his eyes to find himself tied to a chair, and unable to move. He was stuck completely and any way of exit would fail. Then from in the shadows, 9 figures came out. The first one spoke: " Well, well Sina, it appears that you failed." Sina recognized it, it was Cad Man! " I knew you wouldn't win. Now I will have my revenge!" the second said. It was Britney Spears. Sina shook his head, he could tell what was happening. " And I knew everything!" One voice said. Then he laughed a laugh. Sina immediately recognized it. It was Bill Gates. Then lights turned on, and Sina could now make out the rest of the figures. It was the clone Rama, Greg, Adit, Jonathan and Nurdin. And they all had an evil grin on their face. Then from the shadows a final figure came out. It was himself!!! " I will enjoy watching you suffer your way to death!" His clone said. Sina shook his head, he wished he had jumped off a cliff or through a window like the others had, but now he was about to get the worst way of death. Gates pressed a button, and two claws came and held Sina's eyes open. He couldn't close them even if he wanted to! Then the clone Sina walked up to a panel and pressed a button. The Numbers 5, 4, 3, and two came. And then the horror began… Sina screamed at what he was seeing. It was the Microsoft stock market, going up, and everything else going down!!! " NOOOOOOO!!!" He screamed struggling to break free, or close his eyes. But he could not do anything. He continued to stare at the horror. Then he could hear the clones laughing behind him. This was too much. Then Cad Man came onto the screen, and showed him the full length 5 day version tutorial of how to Dismantle 3d Studio Max, into Auto CAD!!! The worst 5 days of his life. And then, something even worst. IT WAS A FULL LENGTH BRITNEY SPEARS MUSIC VIDEO!!! Her voice shattered his ears, her looks, his eyes. And then, all three videos the rising Microsoft stocks, the many windows users, the 3d Studio dismantle into Auto CAD, and the Britney Spears video came overlapping each other… The movie finished, and the clones began to laugh. They stared at the lifeless body of the last rebel alive, and laughed some more. " Only I remain." The real Sina said. " Obeying you Master Gates." " And I too." The clone Cad Man said. " Me too!" The clone Britney Spears said. And then Bill Gates looked outside the window, the window which showed him the entire world, and saw something that made him smile. In every household, every jungle, every madhouse, every corner, every sea, every space, EVERYWHERE!!! Everywhere all Bill Gates could see was one thing. Windows. Everyone had become a windows user. Bill Gates smiled: " No one was spared, NO ONE!!!! MWAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAHHHHHHHHAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!"