Some of the Club's Favorite Places on the Web!

Cool Places to Go!

This site covers everything about a subject that's near and dear to our hearts: beer! Tons of links, lots of interesting stuff! Of special interest: they've got bunches of wav files of burps (none of which rivals Bob's, of course, but....)!

Here's another great beer site: BEER.COM! Lots of beer info, letters from drunken fools (like us), and two special areas: The Beer Gut Photo contest, and Ask Plato (just go there; it's too hard to explain when you're sober).


The most extensive SOUTH PARK site we've seen. Wav files, video clips, stills, scripts, and more from EVERY episode! Go there or we'll kick you in the nuts!

This gets a vote for one of the funniest sites on the web. No matter WHERE you're from, you're bound to get a kick out of this one! Any site that plays DUELING BANJOS when you visit can't be bad! Drive your Trans-Camaro on over....Baptists, consider yourself warned.

Since the Breakfast Club has its very own midget, we have to love this site! Its proprietor seems to share our sense of humor and philosophies. Where else can you see, "a midget pulling a midget in a wagon," or "a fat guy holding a midget?"

Yes, Virginia, there IS a site on the web devoted to Jamming a Pair of Scissors Repeatedly into Your Crotch! Check it out; not graphic, just funny!

Click on the heart to learn more about becoming an organ donor...someone in the Club (or in your family) may need a new liver someday!

No, that's not's a link to a page full of Drinking Games! For those who are struggling to find a reason to down one more can of The Beast!

Homepage Helpers!

If you're looking for unique graphics to put on your page, be sure to check out this guy's site! He builds all his own stuff, much of which features figures from popular culture. A few of his graphics appear on this page.

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