Chris sat outside of the saloon, awaiting the return of his friends and Judge Travis. Molly stood within the batwing doors, he knew, watching as he did. Josiah had gone back to his church.

When the two riders rode hard into town, Chris' gut tightened. He could recognize the riders and a cold fear ripped through his gut.

Molly stepped out onto the boardwalk, glancing once at Larabee before fixating on the riders. Her face tightened as she too realized who the missing man was.

They waited in silence as Nathan and J.D. rode up to the hitching rail and dismounted. If Nathan's solemn expression wasn't evidence enough, J.D.'s grief-stricken one confirmed the worst. Vin Tanner was dead.

Chris tried to ask what had happened but the words wouldn't come.

"He was shot from behind, Chris. Don't think he felt nothin'. Killed the man who done it, but the others got the Judge away. They killed everyone else with the coach." Nathan turned to Molly. "The Judge looked to be alright, Molly. I don't think they hurt him none."

Her knuckles whitening as she gripped her gunbelt, Molly amended Nathan's comment. "Not yet." She turned and re-entered the saloon.

Staring at J.D., who was busily examining his horse's saddle, Chris gave the expected word. "Dawn tomorrow, we leave for Eagle Bend."

Nathan nodded, remembering Vin's death as he stared at the town's sole church. "I'll get Josiah."


By the time Four Corners was in sight, Buck Wilmington was more than ready for a few beers and a visit to his current paramour, whose name was evading him at the moment. He frowned as he sought it out. Linda? No. Lydia? . Lucinda? He grinned as the name came to mind. Lorena. Lorena Hart. Guiding his horse to the saloon, he smiled at his two companions, happy to be home again.

Ezra sighed in relief as he dismounted in front of the saloon. Long hours in the saddle went against his personal belief system. As did manual labor, perspiration, and heroics. It worried him slightly that his high standards had fallen by the wayside for a token payment and uncertain table winnings. Four Corners was not yet a gambler's paradise.

Only Rafe seemed disappointed to be home. His part in what he thought of as an adventure was over now. He was determined to find a way to remain involved. Both Josiah and Vin had taken him under their respective wings. Josiah helped him to move beyond the tragedy of his sister's death and Vin had taught him to track. He'd tried to get Chris Larabee to teach him how to shoot, but in the end it was J.D. and Buck who were his instructors. He wasn't yet in their class, but he was a fair shot with a rifle.

All three men froze as Josiah came out of the saloon. The look on his face spoke volumes, but his actual words were Spartan. "Vin's dead and Gerard has the Judge."

Looked away, Ezra blinking back the tears that threatened to spill. He opened his mouth to ask how Vin had been killed, but closed it again as he realized he would learn the specifics soon enough.

Buck's jaw tightened as he attempted to digest this latest bit of news. He grieved for Vin, but he feared for Chris. He moved past Josiah into the saloon, wondering what he would find inside. Ezra followed close behind.

Rafe stood staring at Josiah, unwilling to believe one of his heroes had fallen. He couldn't bring himself to move until the Preacher gave him encouragement.

"Chris will want to talk to you, son. You'd best come in."


Hitching up his pants slightly, Rafe crossed over the boardwalk and through the batwing doors. Bringing up the rear, Josiah gently guided the young man to the tables where the rest of remaining six men were gathered. As Rafe slowly lowered himself into an empty chair, a chill ran down his back. Larabee's eyes were empty. He had seem them angry, cold, and amused…but he had never before seen them empty.

Flicking a glance toward Buck, Rafe realized that Chris wasn't the only one who wanted to exact revenge on Gerard and his men. Looking at each of the men in turn, Rafe suddenly realized what was coming. He'd felt such rage when his father had killed Claire. Grabbing hold of the pain he felt at Vin's murder, Rafe prodded it until it turned to anger. He could see Josiah's slight frown as the older man watched the transition, but he ignored it.

Chris spoke first. "Nathan, you want to tell it?"

Nervously licking his lips, Jackson began. "By the time we saw the stage it was already bein' attacked by Gerard's men. Killed everyone but the Judge. We was ridin' after 'em when a shot came from behind us, I turned 'round an' seen Vin get shot through the head. We killed the fella that done it, but the others made off with Judge Travis."

"We got back soon as we could." Nathan looked uneasily in Chris' direction. "Vin's horse spooked an' ran off with Vin still in the saddle."

Ezra paled at hearing that bit of news. It was enough the man had died, but not be buried, to be left lying in the desert….

Clearing his throat, J.D. added, "We'd have brought him back if we could've."

Focusing his attention on Dunne, Chris marveled at how much the boy had matured in so short a time. He hoped the kid would live to see his twenties. The way things were going, he wouldn't want to wager on it. Chris began to pour another whiskey when Molly came into the room, blood clearly visible on her hands. He stood as Nathan rose and went to check on her. She waved him away and continued to their tables.

"Not my blood. Hope none of you were planning on sending any telegrams in the next little while." She looked down at her hands. "Someone killed Red. Judging from the amount of blood, I'd say he didn't die so quick." She sank into a chair, reaching for an empty glass. Chris filled it and then filled his own. "So we going after this bastard or not?"

"First thing in the morning." Chris added Red to the list of people who needed avenging. It was getting to be a lengthy list. He suddenly remembered the other stage passenger.

Chris looked at Nathan. "You didn't say who the man riding with the Judge was."

"Fella name of Wilkins. Jeremiah Wilkins." Nathan supplied.

"Mean anything to anyone?" Chris asked. He was answered with muttered noes and shakes of the head. He sipped his drink, feeling the whiskey beginning to fog his senses. The pain of Vin's death was sharp and he longed for the escape to be found in the bottom of a bottle, but the Judge was in danger and Marcus Gerard still breathed.

Buck smiled inwardly as he saw Chris fight off his demons, at least for the moment. Maybe they would live through this fight after all. "Rafe here is just plumb full of information. He even made a map of Ol' Marcus' ranch, didn't you Rafe?"

Nodding, Rafe pulled out a piece of well-worn paper. Spent an hour or two watching the comings and goings." Spreading the map flat on the table before him, he began to point out landmarks. "This is the main house, over here the bunkhouse, along here is a…"

"Just how'd you get this?" Chris interrupted.

Coloring slightly, Rafe explained. "Went in and asked for a job." He shrugged. "Seemed like a good idea at the time. Buck and Ezra had left and I wasn't getting anywhere just listening, so I asked where I might try looking for work. They gave me directions to the Bar GA, Marcus Gerard's place."

"G for Gerard." Ezra smiled, exposing his gold tooth. "A for Arrogant?"


After Rafe had finished explaining his map and answered all of the questions put to him, the group began to form a plan of attack. Marcus had built a fortress of adobe. It would resist burning, withstand bullets, and generally make their job much more difficult that Chris had originally envisioned.

There were a few weaknesses. There was a large barn far removed from the main group of buildings. Chris figured that if they could set it ablaze it would be a reasonable distraction. There was also an interior courtyard in the main house that gave access to most of the rooms in the building. If they could get onto the roof and into that courtyard, it would greatly increase their chances for success.

As the plan took shape, the loss of Vin Tanner became more problematic. Chris would have liked to have positioned the former buffalo hunter atop the main house with his sights set on the bunkhouse, discouraging any support from that building. No sooner had the thought occurred to him than Rafe volunteered his services.

"If a man could get up in that corner, with a good rifle and enough ammunition, he could keep the bunkhouse from emptying." Mosely looked up from his map. "I could do it. I'm a good shot with a rifle, and I'd like to help."

Out of the corner of his eye Chris could see Josiah shaking his head no, but he hesitated for only an instant. "Alright. You've got the roof." He didn't miss the flash of excitement in Rafe's eyes. It brought back memories of J.D. before the fight at the Seminole village.

So eager and so young. Chris tried not to think about whose blood he might end up with on his hands.

Buck and Ezra would take care of the barn and then move to the south side of the main house, where the kitchen was housed. There they would dynamite the door and interior, creating a second distraction.

The rest of the group would approach from the northeast, gain the roof, and spread out. Rafe would station himself at the northwest corner, covering the bunkhouse. Once in place he would signal Buck and Ezra to set off their charges. Josiah, Nathan, and J.D. would enter the courtyard along the south side, Chris and Molly the north. It was in the northern portion of the building that Rafe had learned Gerard had both his living quarters and his office. Chris guessed Marcus would keep the Judge nearby. It was a gamble, but no more than any other aspect of the plan.

Once the plan was set, and everyone understood their role in it, the men and Molly went their separate ways. Chris stayed in the saloon, occupying his usual table and chair. Buck remained also. Across the room, but with Chris in his line of sight. Neither man drank much and, after an hour or two, they left the saloon together.


Molly had gone up to the bar and began making inroads into a fresh bottle of whiskey. She drank to quell her fear for her father and to ease the pain of Tanner's death. He'd been a good friend. One she had trusted. Somewhere in the midst of the flow of whiskey, she vowed to put a bullet into Grant for Vin. Gerard. He was Gerard now.

Seeing Mary had brought back memories of her brother, and the memories of Stephen had taken her back to her childhood and its hopes and dreams. As she had outgrown the dreams and begun looking for new ones, she had been faced with Gerard's treachery. Molly had traded her dreams for a gun and a need to keep other women from suffering the fate of Elizabeth Thornton.

Molly 'Mostly Dead' Thompson was born in the blood of the first man she had ever killed, and the first she had hunted. Otis Olsen had killed the young couple employing him for fourteen dollars, a wedding ring, and a locket. She had caught up to him in a border town and he had put a bullet through her arm before she had returned fire and killed him. For months after, Molly had hid away, trying to make sense of what had happened. In the end she had decided that she had done more good than harm, and if God didn't agree, well, at least Hell was warm.


Nathan packed as many medical supplies into his saddlebags as would fit. He could have fit more, but for the boxes of rifle and pistol cartridges that took precedence over medicines and bandages. Once done he sat on his cot. He knew sleep would elude him for some time. Grabbing his hat and coat, the ex-slave left his clinic and descended the stairs to the boardwalk below.


Josiah had gone to his church, tidying it up in case he wasn't to return after tomorrow. He said prayers for Vin, prayers for the Judge, and prayers for his remaining friends. He'd run out of prayers and was getting restless when the door to the church opened, revealing Nathan Jackson.

"Thought we might play a while, if you've a mind to." Nathan walked past Josiah into the back of the church where the chessboard was kept. The two men sat opposite each other and looked at the pieces that remained.

"You’re move." Josiah's deep voice said.

Smiling as he placed the white King in check, Nathan leaned back to enjoy Sanchez's reaction. The healer had defeated the preacher in their last three games. This had the look of victory number four.

Josiah studied the board with a frown, occasionally throwing a disgusted look across the table. "I knew I should never have taught you this game."


J.D. had ridden out to Nettie Wells ranch. He'd wanted to see Casey again before leaving for Eagle Bend.

"J.D., what's wrong?" Casey's eyes grew wide as J.D. pulled her away from her porch, out to the privacy of the barn.

Staring into Casey's eyes, John Dunne suddenly didn't know what to say. With horror he realized that Casey and her aunt could not know yet about Vin's fate. Tanner had been close to Nettie Wells, it would be hard for her to learn of his death. Running a hand along her cheek, J.D. leaned in for a kiss. Casey pulled away.

"You're scaring me, J.D."

"We're leaving tomorrow, all of us. Judge Travis is in trouble and we're gonna get him freed." J.D. tried to keep his voice light.

Her eyes widening as his real meaning sank in, Casey clutched at his shirt. "You don't have to go. Chris and the others can handle it, can't they?"

J.D. lowered his voice. "Vin's dead. I have to go."

Backing away toward the door, Casey began to cry.

Closing the distance between them, J.D. pulled her into his arms and kissed her. She fought for a moment but then returned his kiss. One kiss turned into many and only Nettie's call from the house stopped them from going farther.

As Casey brushed the hay from her clothes, J.D. couldn't help but smile. She was worth coming back to, of that he had no doubt. "I wanted to know, before I left tomorrow. Casey Wells, will you marry me?" Some part of J.D.'s mind was trying to understand what had just happened, but the rest of him was holding its breath.

Staring in silence for what seemed like forever, Casey finally was able to answer him. "You come back in one piece, and I'll marry you. You don't and I'll spit on your grave." Tears began to stream down her face and J.D. hurried to brush them away.

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