Question of Sport

Question of Sport

	Question of Sport studio. Hugh is Emlyn Hughes 
	and Stephen is David Coleman.

Stephen		So, Emlyn, what happened next?

Hugh		Well, the lad's gone through, he's gone through the
		door .. and he's hit it, but it's gone right into the
		crowd, and so ... he gets arrested. Bobby comes
		along and nicks him.

Stephen		That's what you think happened next, is it?

Hugh		Yeah. He's hit it, and been arrested.

Stephen		So, you think he's hit it and then been arrested.

Hugh		Yeah.

Stephen		That is what you think actually happened?

Hugh		Yeah.

Stephen		Don't want to change your mind?

Hugh		No, that's definitely what happened.

Stephen		You are sure about that. You definitely think ...
		that that is the right answer? He hits it into the
		crowd and then gets arrested ...

Hugh		Yeah.

Stephen		... is what you think actually happened ... next.

Hugh		Yeah.

Stephen		Well, Emlyn, I have to tell you that you are ...
		righwroorigh ...

	Freeze frame: same happens again. We pull out from 
	the still to see another QoS studio, and another David 
	and Emlyn.

Stephen		So, Emlyn, what happened next?

Hugh		Well, the lad's answered the question, and then he's
		got so pissed off because the other bloke wouldn't
		say whether the answer was right or not, that he's
		pulled out a gun and shot him.

Stephen		That's what you think happened is it?

Hugh		Yeah.

Stephen		You think that Emlyn shoots the host of the
		programme, because he takes so long to say
		whether the answer is right or not?

Hugh		Yeah.

Stephen		That is actually, what you think happened?

Hugh		Yeah.

Stephen		You think, that what you have just said is the
		right answer to the question?

Hugh		Yeah.

Stephen		Well, you are ... righwrorigh ...

	Hugh shoots Stephen in the head.

		... absolutely right.

Hugh		I don't know much about
		pornography. But I know what I
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