Resurfacing The Past
Resurfacing The Past

Carol:(excited that Sarah had asked) "Oh, I love being back. Not that I didn't enjoy staying home with Caitlin, but I missed work too. But thanks to Doug he told me I should do what was in my heart and well, I really missed my job."

Sarah:(trying to be funny and sound shocked) "My son, give words of wisdom? You must be kidding?"

Carol: "No, he was actually very helpful. And very patient especially since my mother's death. He had to play both parents for a while but things are better now. And I'm realizing that this is best for my mother and she will be truly happy."

Doug: "See ma, things change."

Sarah: "Oh Doug, you know I was only kidding. Anyway now back to my little darling here, I hear you are going to be in a playgroup twice a week, is that right?" Caitlin: "Yes Nana Sarah, I'm gonna get to play with my friends. They even get to come to my house sometimes."

Sarah:(puzzled) "Now how would that work, with your daddy and mommy working?"

Doug: "Mom, Carol has two days off a week, not including weekends, since she's only working part time. When it's our turn to hold play group she'll use one of her days off."

Sarah: "Oh, I see. But I thought Carol was working full time?"

Carol: "No Sarah, I work 8 hour shifts Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. I have off the rest of the time."

Sarah: "Oh, ok. But then when do you work Dougie?"

Doug: "I work 10-14 hour shifts Monday through Friday and I have weekends off."

Sarah: "Now I see. Oh Doug, I was meaning to talk to you about something, your brother Jacob is coming to town in about two weeks. I was wondering if maybe you'd like to see him?"

Doug: "Jacob, really? But wait, I thought Ray had, (he gulped) killed him?"

Sarah: "Well, apparently not. I thought the same as you Doug, but he called the other week, and asked to come and visit. I couldn't turn him down."

Carol:(looking very confused) "Wait, Doug what brother? You never told me about any brothers or sisters?"

Doug:(not wanting Caitlin to hear) "Caitlin, would you please go play?(Caitlin nods yes and goes off to the living room.) No one knows, sweetie. You see, when I was about 4 or 5 my mother became pregnant again, of course by Ray. He abused her throughout the pregnancy and it was amazing that the baby lived. But she delivered a healthy baby boy on June 5. Anyway Ray became more and more of a drunk while Jacob was still growing up. He claimed the stress of a toddler was just too much for him. The night he left for good he took Jacob with him and left a note.

Beginning of Flashback *****************************************************************

Doug arose that morning with tear stains still in his eyes. Even as a 8 year old he had been the victim and witness of more abuse than a 1,000 men. The thoughts of his father repeatedly hitting his mother last night still replayed in his mind. He had ran upstairs and cried himself to sleep. He climbed out of his bed and walked toward the door. He opened it hoping to see his mother across the hall playing with his 4 year old brother, Jacob. But he didn't. Instead he saw nothing. He walked down the hall and down the stairs. He walked to the kitchen and saw his mother sitting at the kitchen table crying. She held a single piece of paper in her hand.

Doug:(shaking her hand) "Mommy, mommy what's wrong?"

Sarah:(between sobs) "It's Jacob, he's gone!"

Doug: "Huh?"

Sarah:(still crying) "Your father, after we had gone to bed last night, I guess he left. I never heard him. I was so tired from tending to Jacob, that I never heard him. I'm such a horrible mother."

Doug: "Na uh, your a good mommy. But where's Jacob?"

Sarah: "He's gone, with your father I suppose. He only left this note."

Sarah held the note out to Doug. She knew that the words in the paper couldn't hurt him anymore than he had already been hurt. Doug took the tear stained paper from his mother's hand. He looked down at it. It read:

Sarah and Doug, I'm sory but I culdn't handle this any- more. That no good little buoy was drivin me crazy. I'll be out of your lives for good now and so will that no good child. Sarah take care of Doug, and Doug you take care of your momther. Jacob will be out of your lives forevfer and he will never bother anyone ever again. Ray

Doug read the note as tears dripped down his face. He read the note over and over again and tried to believe it wasn't true. But it was. As hard as it was to believe, Jacob was probably already dead and Ray was probably already in bed with another woman. He wanted to kill his father for this, for making him and his mother so upset and for killing his brother. But he knew that there was no way he could do that. He had loved Jacob with all his heart. He loved playing football in the back yard, playing tag and always making Jake lose, and even fighting with him. He had even loved Ray, outside Doug had hated Ray so much, he wouldn't even speak to him. But inside he had the heart of a little boy, loving his father so much and wishing they could be like a normal family some day. A normal family, Doug had no idea what that was. He had tried hard to turn their family around, inviting his father to his football and basketball games. But he never showed, not once. He tried to believe that this was for the best but there wasn't an inch of his soul that could believe that. He knew that what Ray did was very wrong. He laid his head down on the table and cried himself to sleep. ***************************************************************** End of Flashback

Doug: "That's what happened. He never came back, no phone calls or letters, nothing. We always assumed Jacob was dead. That Ray had killed him just as he had intend to. Mom and I decided after they were gone never to bring Ray or Jacob up again."

Carol: "But Sarah, you know that isn't healthy?"

Sarah: "I know, and I knew it then too. But I didn't want all those bad memories to ruin our lives. I wanted Doug and I to make a fresh start. That's why I told him never to tell anyone what happened. I told him if anyone asked to say that Ray and I had separated and he'd moved out of the country with Jacob. And he never did tell."

Doug: "I still remember that paper, Ray couldn't spell for shit. I don't even think he spelt boy right."

Carol: "Oh Doug why didn't you tell me?"

Doug: "I guess after all that's happened to me I just let it close up inside me just a my mom said to do. I never really had great memories of Ray again."

Sarah: "Well Doug, what do you say about that visit? Maybe we'll finally find out what happened that cold November night?"

Doug: "Ok mom. I guess we'd better find out the truth now rather then never."

Sarah:(glancing at her watch) "I'd better go, it's getting late. I'll call you Doug, when I know more about Jacob."

Doug:(walking his mother to the door) "Ok mom. And thanks."

Sarah:(going to her car) "Your welcome sweetheart. Bye!"

Doug: "Bye!"

Sarah leaves and Doug goes back inside to help Carol do the dishes.

Carol: "That was quite a story. I'm surprised you had it in you to keep it closed up for so long. Even to Nina."

Doug: "I'm surprised I did that too. I never really forgot Jacob or Ray, but I kept it a secret for so long that I never really felt the need to get it out."

Carol: "Well, if you ever want to let anything out on me you know your welcome."

Doug:(walking towards her) "Really, how ‘bout this?"

Doug starts kissing Carol's lips passionately. His hands wander her body as her's begin to wander his. But then Carol pulls away.

Carol: "Save it for later, buddy."

Doug: "Is that a promise?"

Carol: "A definite promise!"

Scene 2 It is early the next morning. Doug and Carol are still asleep locked in each others embrace from the night before. Just as Carol had promised her and Doug had made love. Just then the door to their room flies open and Caitlin runs in.

Caitlin: "Wake up, wake up!"

Doug:(rubbing the sleep out of his eyes) "What, what is it?"

Caitlin: "Did you forget what day it is already?"

Doug:(looking at Carol in confusion who is now awake) "Huh?"

Caitlin: "Daddy it's my birthday!"

Doug:(now remembering) "That's right, how old are you?"

Caitlin: "I'm three, I'm three, yippee! Did you get me anything?"

Carol: "Now Caitlin you know it's quite rude to ask that question to somebody, even your parents."

Doug: "The kid's right, did we get her anything?"

Carol: "You are bad Doug, very bad. Yes, we got her something, lot's of somethings. Come on you two lets go down stairs."

Caitlin takes off downstairs just as Carol knew she would. Now Doug and her had a second to put on some clothes or at least a robe. Doug grabbed his robe from the floor and Carol put on her night gown and they headed down stairs. Caitlin was already seated at the couch awaiting her parents and her gifts.

Scene 3 It is later that Sunday afternoon. Caitlin is busy at the family computer playing her new "Little Mermaid" game. Carol is outside weeding the front planter and Doug is inside reading the newspaper. All of a sudden the phone rings.

Doug: "Hello Ross residence, Doug speaking?"

Sarah: "Hi Doug, I know this is going to be a shock but Jacob is standing right next to me."

Doug:(so surprised he falls off the stool) "Wha what? You said two weeks last night?"

Sarah: "I know but Jacob came as a surprise. He was going to start telling me what happened the night Ray took him and left but I want you to be here while he tells it if you can?"

Doug: "Sure mom, I can be there in(glances at the clock)fifteen minutes. Ok?"

Sarah: "Fine Doug, see you soon. Bye."

Doug: "Bye."

Doug runs upstairs and changes into khakis and a polo shirt. He ran down the stairs, kissed Caitlin goodbye, and went out to tell Carol were he was headed.

Doug: "Carol, I'm going to my mother's."

Carol: "Why you saw her last night?"

Doug: "I know but she just called and said my brother is there now, he came as a surprise and he's going to tell us about that night, you know?"

He kisses Carol goodbye and she returns the kiss. Then he walks to the Jeep.

Carol: "Oh, ok. I'll go in, in a minute. Hey Doug?"

Doug:(already in the car) "Yeah?"

Carol: "Good luck!"

Doug: "Thanks."

He pulled the Jeep out of the driveway and headed to his mother's.

Scene 4 Doug rounded the corner onto Plapis Street. He counted the houses until he got to 5th just as he always had. He turned into the driveway on the 6th house and got out. He saw an old ‘94 Ford truck in the driveway, one he didn't recognize, and figured it was Jake's. He got out and went to the front door. He walked in.

Doug: "Ma, I'm here."

Sarah: "We're in the living room Doug.

Doug walked into the foyer and walked into the opening that led to the living room. He walked in and looked around seeing his mother Sarah and a young man probably in his late 20's or early 30's. Sarah motioned for Doug to seat in the seat across from Jacob.

Sarah: "Jacob, I'd like you to meet your brother Doug. He's 34. Doug, I'd like you to meet your younger brother Jacob. He's 30."

Doug: "Hey, I've missed you man."

Jacob: "I've missed you, and actually I've heard quite a bit about you, from Ray that is."

Doug: "Is that son-of-a-bitch still alive?"

Sarah: "Doug please, Jacob may have a different view on Ray than you did. You know people change, your living proof."

Doug: "Oh yeah, I'm sorry if I offended you."

Jacob: "It's ok mom, he's right Ray was a no good son-of-a-bitch. And the last time I saw him, he still was."

Sarah: "Doug, I've already told Jacob about you, Carol, and Caitlin and your entire relationship from the beginning."

Doug: "Oh great, he probably thinks I'm a total ass hole."

Jacob: "Actually no, I admire you for making such a drastic change, especially for the woman you love. Carol is it?"

Doug:(pulling out his wallet to show Jacob his pictures of Carol and Caitlin) "Yeah she's wonderful. See,(pointing to Carol)that's Carol,(pointing to Caitlin)and that's Caitlin."

Jacob: "Wow, Carol's beautiful and Caitlin is adorable. How old is she?"

Doug: "Who Cait, actually she's three years old today."

Sarah: "Oh yeah, I'll have to stop by with her gift later today."

Jacob: "Oh darn, I don't have anything for her."

Doug: "Aw, you don't have to get her anything she's spoiled anyway."

Jacob: "Naw, she's my niece, I have to get her something.(Pulls out his wallet and gives Doug a twenty.)Her give this to her. Let her get a doll or something."

Doug:(accepting the money) "Well, if you insist. Now anyway, enough about me, what's it like with Ray?"

Jacob: "Well, I'd might as well start from the beginning. You know, the night he kidnaped me and left town?"

Sarah: "Yes, start there please."

Jacob: "Ok. Well I remember sitting next to Doug on the sofa playing gold fish. All of a sudden dad came home drunk and starting hitting you. Doug didn't want me to see it so he grabbed me and put me to bed, then he went to bed."

Doug: "Yeah, I remember that. I was afraid he'd hit you if you started crying for mom, so I just got you out of there."

Jacob: "Yeah, so anyway, the next thing I remember was Ray shaking me, waking me up. He told me to get my school bag and pack some clothes cause we were going on a trip.

Beginning of Flashback ***************************************************************** Ray shook Jacob until he awoke.

Ray: "Jacob, Jacob, come on wake up."

Jacob:(rubbing the sleep out of his eyes) "What, what is it daddy?"

Ray: "Jacob, I want you to pack some clothes in your school bag, we're going on a trip."

Jacob: "What kinda trip daddy? Is mommy and Doug coming?"

Ray: "Um, no this is a trip for just you and me. Now do as your told, pack some clothes."

Ray left the room leaving Jacob to pack. The little boy was scared but knew if he didn't follow his father's orders he would get hurt. This was one of the only times he would be alone with Ray. He packed some pants and a few shirts and grabbed Mr. Bear off of his bed. It was a present from Doug when he was born and he loved it to death. It was worn on the edges and the eyes looked like they would fall of any second. But Jacob didn't care. In the boy's eyes the bear was in peak condition. Jacob grabbed his bag and his bear and opened the door to his room. He closed it carefully trying not to make it squeak so as not to wake Doug or his mother. He trotted slowly down the stairs and into the kitchen to find Ray finishing up a note he was leaving for Sarah. Ray looked at the boy staring at him.

Ray: "Are you ready?"

Jacob: "Yes, daddy."

Ray carried Jacob to his beat up truck. He put the boy in the front seat and his bag on the floor. He climbed in the other side and started up the engine. He took off down the road and before Jacob knew it they were already on the highway. Jacob looked out the window to the back of the truck he saw a baseball bat and a gas can. He knew the gas can was full because he could smell the fumes coming from it.

Jacob: "Daddy what are those for?"

Ray:(giving him a questioning look) "What?"

Jacob:(pointing to the back of the truck) "Those?"

Ray:(becoming angry that the boy was snooping) "Those? You wanna know what those are for?! Those are what's I'm gonna kill you with you little snoop!"

Jacob:(terrified) "Kill me, why would you wanna do that?"

Ray: "Cause your a little terror, always making a racket and not picking up after yas self. You deserve to die. And don't you say nothing either or you'll die in pain."

Jacob store straight ahead as they drove on though the night. He was afraid to go asleep for he thought Ray would do him in if he did. After a good hours drive they pulled into a gas station.

Ray: "Now you sit right here til I gets back. Don't move or you'll be sorry."

Jacob obeyed. He watched Ray fill up his tank and start a conversation with a pretty young women standing on the corner of the road.

Ray: "Hey there sweetheart, looks like you could use a home?"

Women: "Could be true, I'd be willin' to screw ya for a hundred bucks?"

Ray:(by the look on his face you can tell he is thinking) "Well, as long as the boy can stay."(Pointing to Jacob in the car.)

Women: "Oh he's so cute, is he your's?"

Ray: "Why yes, pure mine, we just is getting away from his mother, she was a bitch, beating on him and so."

Ray stood there lying through his teeth so he could sleep with the hooker. Then he went in, paid for the gas, and brought the women back to his truck.

Ray:(opening the door) "Aimee, I'd like you to meet my son, Jacob."

Aimee: "Wow, he's cute. So where we gonna do this?"

Ray: "I think I'm a gonna get a hotel up the road. Is that fine?"

Aimee: "Great, as long as you got a condom?"

Ray:(patting his pocket) "Carry a fresh load every time."

The three some drove off to a near by hotel and registered. He helped Jacob with his bag. And then he helped Aimee in. He put Jacob in bed and whispered, Ray: "Just stay there and close your eyes or else."

Ray then used his sweet talking and sense of humor to get Aimee in bed. Poor Jacob couldn't sleep. All he could here was the noises brought on by Aimee and Ray. ***************************************************************** End of Flashback

Jacob: "And that was basically it. He used me to stay with Aimee. Eventually they got married and had 3 kids. He beat them all the same. Except Aimee, she was always there for the sex."

Sarah: "How awful, he made you witness that at 4."

Doug had a disgusted look on his face. He couldn't believe Ray had made Jacob watch him have sex. The boy was only 4 at the time.

Sarah: "So you lived with him til you were 18?"

Jacob: "Yeah, I had to. He claimed if I left before then he kill me just as he intended to that night. I don't think he would have though. He needed me to get Aimee."

Doug: "So after that you did what?"

Jacob: "I went to law school and became a lawyer."

Doug: "Wow, that's good."

Jacob: "I guess. I got a wife and kid on the way at home."

Doug: "Where do you live?"

Jacob: "Mississippi, April's due in about 2 months."

Doug: "April, your wife?"

Jacob: "Yeah, she's pretty big, with the baby and all."

Doug: "Oh yeah, I suppose. So are you staying long?"

Jacob: "‘bout a week, then I'm going home. April and I are thinking about coming back here to settle."

Doug: "Wow, that would be great.(Looking at his watch.)I better get going, I've been here for over 3 hours. Carol will be wondering what's keeping me."

Sarah: "Well alright Doug. Here let me get you that gift for Cait, you can take it home for her."

Doug: "Ok."

Sarah retrieve a large box from the hall closet for Caitlin. She took it out to Doug's Jeep as she was saying goodbye.

Doug: "He's been threw a lot."

Sarah: "He sure has, but I'm proud of him, for holding on."

Doug: "Yeah me too. Maybe you can convince him to move up here. It sure would be nice to have some family besides you around, well bye."

Sarah:(giving him a kiss) "See you soon."

Doug climbed in his Jeep and drove across town to his house. He came across Boatdock Ave. and turned down it. He pulled into the driveway and saw Carol and Caitlin swinging on the porch swing. He climbed out of the Jeep and grabbed the tall box from the back. He walked up to the porch swing were his two beauties were.

Caitlin: "Daddy daddy is that for me?"

Carol: "Caitlin Emmalee Ross, how dare you ask such a question, you know what we talked about before."

Doug: "Oh Carol give her a break. It's her birthday and anyway she gets it from you."

Carol:(grumbling) "She does not."

Doug: "Whatever, anyway, yes Cait this is for you from Nana Sarah, oh yeah, this is from your uncle Jacob."

He reaches in his pocket for the $20. He hands her the gift and the money.

Caitlin: "Uncle Jacob, who's he?"

Doug: "He's my brother....the one I never really knew."

Caitlin: "I don't get it?"

Doug & Carol: "You will when your older."

Caitlin: "But I am older."

Doug: "Cait, drop it. Just open your gift."

Caitlin does as she's told and wrips at the paper. As soon as it's undone she glares at the large box.

Caitlin: "Look Nana Sarah got me Princess My Size Barbie!"

Carol: "Wow, you'd better say a lot of thank you's for that one."

Caitlin: "I will I will."

She took off into the house dragging the huge box behind her. Carol looked at Doug. He could tell she was trying to read his mind, but she couldn't.

Carol: "So how was it?"

Doug: "Well, since you asked, I met him, he's really nice, married, wife and a kid on the way, he's even thinking about relocating here."

Carol: "That would be nice."

Doug: "Yeah, I thought so too."

Carol: "What about his past, did he remember any of it?"

Doug: "Oh yeah, big time. He remembers Ray taking him, telling him he was going to kill him, but he didn't. He met a hooker at a rest stop, used Jacob to get her, and used him again to keep her. He even made Jake watch him have sex, when he was 4, Carol."

Carol: "Wow, sounds like he's been through a lot."

Doug: Yeah, he has, but he hung on, and I'm glad he did."

Carol: "Come on, let's go in, I made you "Hamburger Helper Four Cheese Lasagna."

Doug: "Really? But I thought you said that stuff was unhealthy and corny."

Carol: "It is, but I thought you could use a little something special tonight."

Doug: "Thanks!"

Carol: "For what? All I did was make you dinner?"

Doug: "For being you, for understanding and letting me do this on my own."

Carol: "Well your welcome. Now come on, your meal's getting cold."

Carol and Doug walk into the house hand in hand. The closing credits roll.

This story was written by Christina on Sept 16, 1998.

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