The following characters are not mine and no money is made off of them.

Scene 1

Doug awoke just as the sun was beginning to rise that morning. He groaned as he gazed at the clock. He only had an hour until his shift began. His thoughts were renewed though as he looked into the eyes of his sleeping beauty's face. Carol was fast asleep and more beautiful than ever. His mind tinkered at the thought that he was now a married man laying next to his beautiful bride. Just then Carol's lips kissed his hand and he looked over at her.

Doug: "Hey sleepy-head. Did sleeping beauty have a good time last night?"

Carol: "Of course, darling. I always have a good time with you and last night was definitely good."

Doug: "Well, I'm glad I pleased you! Say what time are you on today?"

Carol: "Oh, around noon-ish. I said I'd cover for Chuney today."

Doug: "Carol, you said you'd give me a bubble bath tonight and we'd talk."

Carol: "I know, and I still fully intend to keep that promise. Don't worry so much, Doug, her shift ends at five."

Doug: "I know, I know. I shouldn't be so paranoid, but the fact that you won't be home with me, well, sometimes really gets to me."

Carol: "See Doug, that's why we set this time for us to talk so that we can tell each other what's bugging us. Don't worry about it I promise I'll be home before seven."

Doug: "Well,(with a mischievous smile spreading across his face)alright, as long as you promise to wash every part of my body."

Carol: (In her most passionate voice)"Oh, don't worry Doug, I'm sure I wouldn't miss that for the world."

Scene 2 Doug has just entered the emergency doors at County General. He walks threw the corridor and checks the board. It is empty and so he continues and goes to the lounge to see Mark, Kerry, Anna, Abby Keaton, and the other members of the "er staff" gathered around the small t.v. watching the latest episode of "Jerry Springer."

Doug: "Hey everyone!"

Chuney: "Hey Dr. Ross. Oh yah, could you thank Carol today for covering for me?"

Doug: "Sure thing Chuney! Anything for you!"

Mark: "Hey Doug, shouldn't you be saving that line on Carol?"

Doug: "Mark, Carol has heard that line so many times I'm beginning to think she doesn't know the meaning of it. So where's all the patients?"

Jerry: (the desk clerk)"Been dead since three a.m. Dr. Ross. You might as well grab a chair and catch up on your talk shows like the rest of us."

Doug: "No thanks Jerry, I'll take a rain check, I have a lot a charts to sign and legal stuff to go over. You guys enjoy yourself while it lasts."

Doug laughs as he walks out of the lounge realizing that the entire staff is actually into the "Jerry Springer" episode.

Scene 3 Meanwhile Carol is at home getting ready for the day when the phone rings. She rushes over into the living room and starts rummaging threw the piles and stacks of magazines and blankets to find the cordless phone. She picks up a large quilt and sees the phone on the floor.

Carol: "Hello Ross residence."

Doug: "Hello my love. What are you wearing, skimpy lace or a two piece?"

Carol: "What do you prefer Doug?"

Doug: "Well since you asked, absolutely nothing."

Carol: "So what's up? Normally you'd be bombarded in patients by now, but you actually found time to call me. Do you actually miss me that much?"

Doug: "No, it's just that there are no patients and I finished signing charts an hour ago and I just don't feel like being engrossed with old "Jerry Springer" episodes."

Carol: "So you mean you don't miss me?"

Doug: "Oh, of course I miss you, babe! You miss me?"

Carol: "I miss you. It's hard not being there with you all the time but I love my new hours so I guess I can live with it."

Doug: "Gotta go babe. Marks says were only allowed five minutes of personal calls on a work line a day. See ya. Bye!"

Carol: "Bye, honey."

Both Doug and Carol hang up the phone in-sink not knowing it though and continue on with the day.

Scene 4 It is now 7:45 p.m. Doug is sitting at the bay window of their home, cordless phone in hand, hoping to see Carol's red Cavalier pull into the driveway. She said she'd be home before seven he thought. I mean her shift ended at five. She should have been home by now. I better call County just to make sure.

Doug: "Hello Mark. Is Carol there?"

Mark: "Sorry Doug. Carol left over an hour and a half ago. Why?"

Doug: "Well she isn't home yet and she said she would be here by seven. I'm starting to get a little worried."

Mark: "Sorry Doug, can't help ya there but if I see her I'll be sure to tell her to call."

Doug: "Thanks Mark. Bye"

Mark: "Bye."

Doug to engrossed in the thought of Carol being hurt or in danger doesn't see her pull in the driveway. Doug hears the door open and he turns to face the hallway.

Doug: "Where have you been?"

Carol: "I'm so sorry Doug I know I should have called but the cell phones' batteries went dead on my way to the mall."

Doug: "The mall? Why'd you go to the mall?"

Carol: "Because I wanted to get you a little something for tonight."

Carol shows Doug the small Victora Secret bag and pulls out a very skimpy lace teddy.

Carol: "Now, are you glad I went to the mall."

Doug: "Oh you bet I am. Lets go see how my present works."

And with that Doug takes Carol and carries her upstairs to their bedroom and lays her gently on the bed as he begins to undress her. As soon as she is undressed he hands her the bag and points to the bathroom. Carol immediately responds and runs into the bathroom. Doug completely undresses and sits on the bed and waits. When Carol comes out she is dressed in his present and runs and falls on top of him on the bed.

Scene 5 It is a week later. Doug and Carol are both awake and getting ready for their day at work. Carol seems a little moody but Doug doesn't think much of it and just continues making their breakfast. Carol walks into the kitchen.

Carol: "Doug, oh my gosh the water is boiling over!"

Carol quickly runs to the stove and lifts the pan off the burner as she shuts off the heat.

Carol: "Doug, why did you let that happen? How many times have I repeatedly told you not to boil water at heat number six or it will boil over?"

Doug: "Sorry Carol. I didn't know water meant that much to you. I guess I just forgot."

Carol: "Wether you forgot or not Doug please don't do it again. I'm trying to save as much water as possible."
Doug now noticing Carol is a bit angry decides not to make a big deal out of it and just continues making breakfast. Just then Carol gets up from the table and goes to the bathroom. As she sits down on the toilet she starts to cry. Why did I make such a big deal out of that? She asks herself. I know that Doug didn't mean it. Carol is still confused and doesn't understand her change in moods.

Scene 6 Doug is now at work and is sitting at the admit desk while doing research on the computer for a case. Chuney walks over to him.

Chuney: "Doug?"

Doug: "Yes Chuney?"

Chuney: "I was just wondering if anything was wrong with Carol?"

Doug: "Not that I know of. Why?"

Chuney: "Well she's been acting kinda funny today, well actually for the past few days, and she's always going to the bathroom."

Doug: "Chuney it's normal for people to go to the bathroom."

Chuney: "Doug, it's almost every ten minutes. Doesn't matter what we're doing, Carol just up and announces she has to go to the bathroom. Personally I'm a little worried about her."

Doug: "Thanks for telling me Chuney. I'll talk to her later."

Doug stops his work and thinks about what Chuney has said. He makes up his mind that may-be Carol just drank to much soda last night and forgets about it.

Carol is in the bathroom and has a worried expression on her face as she looks in the mirror. Different thoughts fly threw her mind. What is wrong with me she thought? Am I sick?

Scene 7 The next morning Doug and Carol are discussing their day as they get ready for work.

Doug: "I work from 10-4 today babe. What about you?"

Carol: "I start at 11:30 and end at 5:30 but I have an appointment at 5 so Mark said I could get off at quarter to."

Doug: "What appointment?"

Carol: "Oh nothing! Just something I hafta do."

Doug: "Well ok! Gotta go. See you tonight."

Carol: "Bye Doug."

Scene 8 Doug is sitting watching WWF when he hears the door open. It is late, almost 7 and Doug is relieved to know Carol is finally home.

Doug: "What took you so long?"

Carol: "My appointment ran over." Doug we have to talk."

Doug: "Ok, what about?"

Carol: "My appointment today. I went to see the OB-GYN. Doug,.......... were pregnant."

Doug: "Wa wa what?"

Carol: "I missed the other day and I know that's normal but when it didn't come for a few more days I got paranoid and just had to know."

Doug: "Why didn't you tell me? Chuney was even concerned."

Carol: "I didn't mean for it to go that far but I didn't want to get your hopes up for nothing. Do you understand?"

Doug: "Oh, of course Carol. Now everything that has happened in the last few days makes sense. I'm so happy. What ‘bout you?

Carol: "Happy isn't the word. It's much more than that. I'm glad I'm carrying your child Doug."

Doug:(places his hand on Carol's stomach) "There's actually your baby in there?"

Carol: "OUR baby Doug."

Doug: "Well I think this baby needs some rest. Come on lets go upstairs."

Doug carries Carol upstairs as they shut the door and the closing credits roll.

Written by Christina on July 16, 1998
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