Friday the 13th
It's Friday the 13th, and Dawson is having some fun. The east coast has been terrified of the
"Lady Killer", a man who has been traveling up the east coast killing young teenage girls. He
travels in 100 miles and word is he may be in Capeside.

Dawson and Pacey are talking about how Dawson lives his life like it's a movie. Dawson says he
is done with that since his last movie failed incredibly. Pacey then asks him if he is going to pull
scary pranks on the gang, because Friday the 13th is Dawson's favorite day. Dawson says no,
and Pacey says he glad that he's not. As Pacey opens his locker a scary doll pops out, and
Dawson starts laughing.

We then see Cliff talking to Jen. He asks her if she wants to go out that night with him; she says
yes. Joey walks in and is scared by fake snake that is left on her books by Dawson. They get
into talking about how Dawson is so creative and Cliff gets a little jealous. We then see Pacey,
Jen, and Joey talking about the "Lady Killer." Pacey says that he lures the women in and then
cuts out their hearts. Pacey says that he also likes women around Joey's age, and that he could
be right behind her and not even know it. Right at that time Dawson yells "BOO!" behind Joey,
scaring her.

They start to talk and Dawson says that he is having a seance. He invites them all, but Jen has
to decline. They leave and Cliff asks Dawson for advice on Jen. Dawson smiles. Jen returns to
her locker to find a note saying she will die tonight, and she later recieves a scary phone call.

Dawson and Pacey go to pick up supplies for the party, while Joey waits in the car. They enter
to see a couple fighting. The man runs out and the woman comes and talks to the boys. She
sneeks them a bottle of wine for their party. Meanwile, Joey turns her head and returns to see a
man staring at her. He says he is lost. She gives him directions, but he stares at her. He
comments on her eyes. He asks if there is a motel around here. She says yes and when she is
about to point, Dawson walks out and asks the man if he needs help. He says no and thanks
Joey. Dawson hops in the car and tells Joey she has to be safer, that could have been the
"Lady Killer."

The woman gives Pacey a bottle wine; when the boyfriend orders her to come in his car Pacey
and her run into his car, lock the doors, and drive off. Cliff goes and picks up Jen and tells her
they are going to a seance at Dawson's House. They arrive and Jen blames Dawson for the
call, but he claims to know nothing about it.

They pull up a table and tell some stories. The woman tells a story about how she killed some
kids having a party. They all stare at her, and the lights go out. They go to lock the doors and
check the power box. Dawson is confussed when he goes to the Power box with the woman. He
set it for 11 P.M. They hear a sound outside, and run into the house. Dawson notices that Joey
is gone. He hears something in the closet, opens it, and Joey falls out. He looks up to see a
person with a knife, Dawon screams and Joey bursts out in laughter. The Person removes the
mask she is wearing; it is Jen. Dawson runs up to his room. Jen follows him; they talk, and
almost kiss, but don't.

They hear someone in the bushes. The man jumps out; it is the crazy boyfriend. They run
upstairs to lock Dawson's window, but it is to late. They run downstairs, thinking he is in the
house. Pacey checks the door, and it is kicked open. The man starts to strangle Pacey, thinking
he stole his woman. Joey comes and hits the man with a frying pan. The woman yells at them to
stop, helps the man up, remarking that these kids are crazy, and leaves.

Cliff walks Jen home, and he tells her he called her, because Dawson told him that she liked to
be scared. He gives her a short goodnight kiss, but Jen cuts him off and says she is not looking
for a relationship now.

Joey decides to sleep over at Dawson's house. They talks about what would happen if one of
them dies. They both say they would miss each other. They turn on the TV to see that the
"Lady Killer" was captured in Capeside. It was the man that was staring at Joey. Dawson and
Joey look at each other in awe.


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