How Would It Be??

(a very tongue in cheek look at my own funeral!!)


"Karin, you really need to slow down a bit." Trace warned as she watched her friend trip once again.

"I know, but there is so much to see here and so much to do. It's not often I get to the big city." Karin responded as she charged out across the road.

"KARIN, LOOK OUT!!!" yelled Aly as she saw the truck bearing down on her friend.

With a dull thud, Karin was flying through the air only to land in front of another car and be bounced off of it and then bounced off yet another car.

Needless to say, she was pronounced dead at the scene.


I could see and hear everything that was going on around me. I seemed to be hovering over everyone. I was surprised to see that not so many people had come to the funeral. Where were all my friends. I did have friends. Really I did. HONEST!!

I knew I was dead, but I sure as hell didn't feel it. I felt the warmth of the sun, if I pinched myself I could feel the pain and I could feel the tears flowing down my face as I watched my family as they came up to the coffin to say a final goodbye. Well, at least they came!! I only saw a few of my friends and they were my online friends that had come to the LFN convention. That was where and when the "accident" happened. At the convention. And here I didn't even get to see the guest of honour!! Roy Dupuis, who had finally agreed to come for a few hours.

I made my way over to where Trace and Aly were standing. They seemed to be having a serious conversation, or at least I thought so until I got a little closer and could hear them.

"Okay, let's get this over with." Trace said to Aly as they started to walk over to the coffin for a final look at their friend.

"Okay, but let's be quick. Looking at stiffs is not my idea of a fun time." Aly agreed.

"Gee, you'd think they would have done a better job on her hair. That looks like a wig." sniggered Trace as she looked down at my body.

"Maybe it is a wig." Aly stated as she gave a quick look and then turned away.

"You think? Let's see." and with this Trace put out her hand to touch my hair. "Ewwwww, it is a wig! Boy she must have really been mangled. Maybe that is why her face looks so puffy. I sure hope I look better than this when my turn comes around."


"Man, I'm hungry." Trace said looking longingly at the food tables. "I wonder when they announce that we can eat?"

I chuckled to myself that Trace wouldn't let a funeral get her appetite down. But, that was Trace and I was glad to see that she stayed true to form. Aly got this shocked look on her face as Trace said this.

"Trace, how could you think of food at a time like this? Wellll, on second thought, I am kinda hungry myself. What say we sidle over to the tables and just help ourselves. You think anyone would notice?"

"Nah, let's go for it." she agreed as they slowly meandered over the the heavily laden tables of food.

I followed along with them and looking down at the table, my mouth started watering as I realized we had been on our way to lunch when I was so rudely taken. Sheesh, didn't even give me a final meal like others condemned to die! The nerve of some people.

"Not a whole lot of people here are there." observed Aly as her hand snuck out to purloin a piece of sausage.

"Yeah, I noticed that too. She must not have had too many friends. Hmm, I wonder, was there something about her that we don't know?"

"Like what?"

Yeah, like what? I wondered to myself. Where was she going with this.

"Well, maybe she was some kind of killer, or psycho, you know, something weird." Trace whispered back.

Aly just about choked as she spewed out the contents she had just put into her mouth. "Get real Trace. I'm sure something would have come out in the time that we have gotten to know her."

"Okay, just kidding. Sheesh, since when do you take everything or anything I say seriously, except of course when food is involved."

I should have known. Trace forever kidding around and Aly falling for it every time! But then again so did I this time.

Just then the doors opened up and another crowd of people came in. Ahhhh, good, I'm not being abandoned by my friends. I floated over to the newcomers.

"Oh man, we're late." said one.

"Hey, you were the one that said noon." said another.

Obviously they had gotten the time wrong. Phew. Well at least they were all here now.

Just then the minister went up to the podium to ask that the mourners please be seated so that they could begin. At that point the organist began to play. Oh kewl, my fave song! "Because You Loved Me" from the movie 'Up Close and Personal'. Well, I guess that was fitting. I had certainly gotten 'up close and personal' with those cars that hit me.

The service was finally over. As the burial itself was going to be family only, the food was served first.

"Well, it's about time. I'm starving." Aly and Trace said in unison.

I laughed to myself as I saw the startled looks on the people around them as they heard this exchange.

And with that, they wandered over and were the first in line at the food tables.

The End!!!!


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