Recent Updates


I'm back! After another long hiatus. I uploaded the Warrior of Normal sidestory that I apparently forgot to upload when I originally posted Chap 13 in season 1. Enjoy!


Please, please don't yell at me! You would not believe the trouble I've been having accessing any and all Geocities websites, if at all! But that's finally all cleared up and I'm able to update the site! HOORAY! So, as an apology for making you all wait so long, (and for my own stupidity in not thinking to call the cable company and ask for help sooner), I'm posting ALL of Season 2 in .txt format!


Hey hey! I've posted chappies 21 - 30 in text format. Yes, I'm still working on the HTML of the rest of the chapters, so please bear with me.


I posted the HTMLed chappies of 4, 5a, 5b, 5c, 6, 7, and the Warrior of Rock Sidestory. Go me!


I know what you're all thinking, It's about bloody time I updated the page! Right?
Anyway, I've been getting a fair amount of emails (thank you all who told me to get my butt in gear!), asking when the chappies would be up.
I took this long hiatus on the page and the fic so that when I came back to it I'd have a fresh new perspective. And what do you know? It worked!
So with this new inspiration I've decided to post the chapters I have finished HTMLing and those still in text format so people can still read the fic while I work on each chapter and post the HTML version. Basically, for this update I'm posting chappies 1-20 of Season 1