
Update: Wow thats a crap full of updates yo! 12 updates in one day! My typing fingers are so soar. Come to think of it all my fingers are soar. And my eyes hurt sooo bad! Anywhoo enough about my problems, let's get on with the show.

"There's no I in team"-Taichi Kamiya

"Yes, but there is an M-E in me"-Me

Hey Hey! This page is devoted all to me! Yep that's right this is the most important page of all. ::Agumon bonks him with an anime hammer:: Ow! @_@ Okay it may not be that important, but it's good to know somethings about the webmaster, right?

NickName: Zenny

RealName: Michael, Anh Quan Nguyen-Jap.

From: Minneasota

County: USA

Age: ?? You could'nt drag this out of me if your life depended on it

Ancestors: Japanese, Vietnamese, Chinese (Basically most of all the sumthin-ese)

Hobbies: Making websites, Drawing, Watching saturday morning cartoons

Friends: A whole crapload of them.

Email: Zenny1019@Yahoo.com

Other Webbies: DigitalCrisis.cjb.net

Shout outz!: Danh, Derek, Uriah, Andy, Rachel, Heather (Slow),Chris B, Chris N, Erik Foss, Erik Andrus, Jenny, Jenny S., Kirsten, Box, Grace, Becky, Jimmy, Willie, Ryan, Samantha, Mike C., Mike T., Jackie, Sean, Kayle, Garate, BRIDGET ROONEY (I LOVE YOU!), Zach Vrochta, Nick C, Nick, Nkki, Nikky, Mikki, Hannah S, Hanah, Angel A, Angel, David M and all those other ppl i'm too lazy to name.