Dune Rules Clarifications

III. Set-up For Play

01) In III.E.2, if less than 6 players are playing, which leaders
    are eligible to be drawn for traitors?
     a) All leaders of all factions, regardless of the
        number of players.
    *b) Only the leaders of the factions currently involved
        in the game.

02) In the sequence of III.E, what is the latest time that the
    Bene Gesserit's prediction can be made?
    *a) Immediately after factions are assigned (E).
     b) After traitors are drawn (E.2).
     c) After tokens are placed on the board (E.5).
     d) After initial treachery cards are dealt (E.6).

VI. Storm

03) Exactly when in the sequence described in VI may Weather Control be
     a) Before the distance the storm is supposed to move
        is revealed.
    *b) After the distance the storm is supposed to move
        is revealed.

VIII. Bidding Round

04) In VIII.B.2, after a player passes during the bid for a
    treachery card, may that player choose to later bid again
    on the same card?
    *a) Yes.  (But only if using interactive chat for bidding.)
     b) No.  (This answer greatly speeds up PBeM play.)

05) Which players, if any, are allowed to keep written notes of who
    holds which treachery cards during the game?  (This question is
    moot during PBeM play.  Since there is no way to enforce it, 
    all players may keep whatever notes they choose to when playing
    by email.)
    *a) None.
     b) Only the Atreides, to simulate Prescience.
     c) All players.

IX. Movement

06) What is the precise order of Revival, Shipment, and Movement
     a) All players take revival, then all players ship, then
        all players move.
     b) The first player takes revival, then ships, then moves,
        followed by each player in sequence.  (This option
        clearly seems to be invalid according to IX.B.)
    *c) All players take revival, then the first player ships
        and moves, followed by each player in sequence.

07) May tokens be moved in the same turn that they are first shipped
    to the planet?  (For example, if the Harkonnen ships 2 tokens
    to Carthag, may they then immediately be moved as the Harkonnen's
    one on-planet move?)
    *a) Yes, unconditionally.
     b) Yes, but only if the landing space is not occupied
        by enemy tokens.
     c) No.

08) If a faction ships tokens into Carthag or Arrakeen, is that faction
    considered to have access to ornithopters for the purpose of
    movement that same turn?
     a) Yes, unconditionally.
     b) Yes, but only if no other faction already occupies
        that city.
    *c) No.

09.1) If the Bene Gesserit begin the Movement Round with coexisting
      tokens in Carthag and/or Arrakeen, are the Bene Gesserit
      considered to have access to ornithopters for the purpose of
      movement that same turn?
     a) Yes.
    *b) No, a faction must begin the turn with
        *sole possession* of Carthag and/or Arrakeen in order
        to have ornithopter movement (seeming to contravene
        rule IX.C.2.a.1).

09.2) If the Bene Gesserit begin the Movement Round with NON-coexisting
      tokens in Carthag and/or Arrakeen, are the Bene Gesserit
      considered to have access to ornithopters for the purpose of
      movement that same turn?
     a) Yes, unconditionally. 
     b) Yes, but only if no other faction already occupies
        that city.
    *c) No, a faction must begin the turn with
        *sole possession* of Carthag and/or Arrakeen in order
        to have ornithopter movement (seeming to contravene
        rule IX.C.2.a.1).

09.3) In the general case, can coexisting Bene Gesserit tokens control
      a stronghold?
     a) Yes.  (This implies that if coexisting Bene Gesserit tokens find
        themselves the sole occupants of a stronghold at the end of a turn,
        they can choose to flip back to NON-coexisting to take control.)
    *b) No.  (The other interpretation is not borne out by the rules as
        written, and makes the BG too powerful.)

09.4) Can coexisting Bene Gesserit tokens collect spice?
     a) Yes.
    *b) No.  (Same rationale as in question 09.3.)

10) If the Fremen use their special worm-riding ability to move tokens
    into Carthag and/or Arrakeen during the Spice Round, are the
    Fremen considered to have access to ornithopters for the purpose
    of movement that same turn?
     a) Yes, unconditionally.
     b) Yes, but only if no other faction already occupies
        that city.
    *c) No, a faction must begin the turn with
        *sole possession* of Carthag and/or Arrakeen in order
        to have ornithopter movement (seeming to contravene
        rule IX.C.2.a.1).

X. Battles

11) In what order are the Guild's battles resolved?
    *a) Strictly according to the position of the storm relative
        to the Guild's player dot.  (For example, if the Guild
        *should* have moved first, the Guild's battles will be
        resolved first, regardless of when he actually moved.)
     b) According to when the Guild actually took its move.
        (For example, if the Guild chose to move last, its
        batttles will be resolved last, regardless of the Guild's
        player dot position.)

12) If the position of the storm relative to the Guild's player dot
    indicates that the Guild *should* move first, but the Guild
    decides to move last, would the Guild win ties in battle
    that turn?
    *a) Yes.
     b) No.

XIII. Bribery

13) Given that the Emperor's special alliance power says, "You may
    give spice to your allies to purchase treachery cards, to
    revive tokens and to make shipments.  Their payment for any
    treachery cards even with your own spice comes back to you",
    what does this imply about the ability of other players to
    exchange spice?
     a) No other players may evern exchange spice, even though
        this contravenes rules XII.E.3-4 and XIII.C.
     b) Only allies may exchange spice, and then only according
        to rules XII.E.3-4, even though this contravenes
        rule XIII.C, and effectively makes the Emperor's
        special alliance power meaningless.
    *c) All players may exchange spice, even though this
        effectively makes the Emperor's special alliance power

14) If answering 'c' to question 13, may the Guild make a deal that
    absolves another player from paying all or some of his
    shipment costs?
     a) Yes, and the player may therefore land any number of
        tokens, as long as the Guild only requires him to pay
        less than or equal to the spice he has available.
    *b) No, the Guild must be paid in full, but the Guild may
        then refund all or part of the payment as he wishes.
        (This enforces that no player may actually ship more
        tokens than he has spice to pay for.)

15) If answering 'c' to question 13, may the Emperor make a deal that
    absolves another player from paying all or some of his
    treachery card purchase costs?
     a) Yes, and the player may therefore bid any number of
        spice, as long as the Emperor only requires him to
        pay less then or equal to the spice he has available.
    *b) No, the Emperor must be paid in full, but the Emperor
        may then refund all or part of the payment as he wishes.
        (This enforces that no player may actually bid more
        spice than he holds.)

16) If answering 'c' to question 13, what sorts of deals may be made
    by players for the purpose of exchanging spice?
    *a) Any kind of deal is allowed, even including the outright
        gift of spice from one player to another.
     b) Any kind of deal is allowed, but outright gifts are
        excluded, even though this would be exceedingly
        difficult to rule on objectively.
     c) Only deals that involve providing all or some of the
        cost of another faction's shipment and/or treachery
        card purchases (as in XII.E.3-4).

17) If answering 'b' to question 16, who adjudicates whether or not
    a deal can be construed as a gift?  (For example, if I say
    "I will pay you 20 spice if you agree to not attack me in
    the Polar Sink this turn [where no combat can legally occur
    anyway]", is that a deal or a gift?)
    *a) Majority vote of the factions not participating in
        the deal.  (But note that this question is moot since
        question 16 was answered 'a'.)
     b) Any faction may veto a deal if it seems too much
        like a gift.  (Of course, this option seems absurd,
        but it's here for completeness.)
     c) Any deal that even looks like a deal, such as the
        example above, is legal.  (If this option is true,
        then 'a' should have been chosen for question 16.)

18) Must the amount of gifts/bribes be public knowledge?
     a) Yes.
    *b) No.  The amount of spice transferred may be kept

XV. Additional Character Advantages

19) Where can the Fremen send additional worms beyond the first
    drawn for a given spice blow?
    *a) To any territory on the board.
     b) To any *sand* territory on the board.

20) Is the capture of a leader by the Harkonnen mandatory?  (For
    example, the Harkonnen may want to leave the last leader of a
    a player in play when he knows it is a traitor to himself.)
     a) Yes.
    *b) No.

21) Who is entitled to see the identity of a leader captured by
    the Harkonnen?
    *a) Only the Harkonnen and the victim.
     b) All players.

22) When the Harkonnen captures a leader, it says he may immediately
    send that leader to the tanks for 2 spice.  What exactly does
    this mean?
     a) The Harkonnen must *pay* 2 spice for the privelege
        of killing the leader.
    *b) The Harkonnen *receives* 2 spice for the water from
        killing the leader.

23.1) If the Harkonnen has captured a leader that is one of the
      traitors in his pay, what happens if that leader is played
      against the original owner in battle?
    *a) The original owner may call traitor, as usual.
     b) The original owner may *not* call traitor.

23.2) If the Harkonnen has captured a leader that is a traitor
      in the pay of another player, what happens if that leader is 
      played against that player in battle?
    *a) The player may call traitor, as usual.
     b) The player may *not* call traitor.

23.3) If the Harkonnen has captured a leader that is a traitor
      in the pay of another player, what happens if that leader is 
      played against the original owner in battle?
    *a) The original owner may call traitor, as usual.
     b) The original owner may *not* call traitor.

24) When does the Atreides get to use the Kwisatz Haderach?
     a) In *all* turns after the first turn in which he loses
        7 or more tokens *during that turn*.
     b) In *all* turns after *and including* the first turn
        in which he loses 7 or more tokens *during that turn.
     c) In *all* turns after the first turn in which he has
        lost a total of 7 or more tokens during the entire game.
    *d) In *all* turns after *and including* the first turn
        in which he has lost a total of 7 or more tokens during
        the entire game.
     e) Only during *each* turn in which he loses 7 or more
        tokens during that turn.

25) Can the Bene Gesserit send a spiritual advisor to accompany
    shipments made by the Fremen, even though the Fremen's
    "shipments" are by "walking" from the southern hemisphere of
    the planet, and not really from off-planet?
     a) Yes.
    *b) No.

26) If using optional rule XV.B.3, where may Bene Gesserit
    spiritual advisors be placed?
     a) Only in the territory into which the other player ships.
    *b) In the Polar Sink *or* the territory into which
        the other player ships, as the Bene Gesserit chooses,
        on a case-by-case basis.

27) Whether or not using optional rule XV.B.3, is shipping a
    spiritual advisor mandatory?
     a) Yes.
    *b) No.

28) Is the state of coexistence or non-coexistence attached to
    Bene Gesserit tokens or to spaces occupied by Bene Gesserit
    tokens?  (For example, say there are 2 tokens in Arrakeen
    declared to be coexisting, which then move to Carthag where
    there are 3 tokens declared to be not coexisting.  If
    coexistence is attached to tokens, then Carthag should contain
    3 non-coexisting tokens and 2 coexisting tokens.  If coexistence
    is instead attached to spaces, then Carthag should contain
    5 non-coexisting tokens, and any tokens later moved into
    Arrakeen should become coexisting.)
     a) Coexistence is attached to Bene Gesserit tokens.
    *b) Coexistence is attached to spaces.

29) Is the one Bene Gesserit token placed at the beginning of
    the game required to begin in coexistence?
     a) Yes.
    *b) No.

30) When exactly must the Bene Gesserit declare the coexistence
    states of its tokens already on the board?
    *a) At the beginning of Movement, before Revival is taken.
        (But only in those spaces also occupied by another faction.
        Otherwise, coexistence state must be declared when/if another
        faction enters the space.)
     b) At the beginning of Movement, after Revival is taken.
     c) Only before the Bene Gesserit's turn to move.  (This
        option clearly seems to be invalid according to XV.B.5.)

31) When exactly must the Bene Gesserit declare the coexistence
    state of new tokens shipped down to the planet?
     a) Immediately upon landing.
     b) At the end of the current Movement.
    *c) Not unless or until another faction's tokens are
        present in the landing space, or the beginning of
        the next Movement round, whichever comes first.  (But
        note that spiritual advisors can ONLY be brought down into
        a space where coexistence has been or will be declared.)

32) Can the Bene Gesserit declare non-coexistence for tokens in a
    space currently occupied by both Bene Gesserit and an ally of
    the Bene Gesserit?  (Note that answers 'a' or 'b' seem to be
    blatantly contrary to the intention of the rules, leading to
    a number of difficulties below, but are admittedly possible
    interpretations that some have made.)
     a) Yes, unconditionally.
     b) Yes, but only during the turn in which the alliance
        was made.
     c) Yes, but only if in different sectors.
    *d) Yes, but only if in different sectors separated by
        the storm.
     e) No.

33) If answering 'a' or 'b' to question 32, does the presence of
    non-coexisting Bene Gesserit tokens plus an ally's tokens in
    a stronghold prohibit other factions from entering that
    stronghold?  (This question is moot based on the answer to
    question 32 being 'd'.)
     a) Yes.  (This interpretation makes an alliance with
        the BG much too powerful.)
    *b) No.

34) If answering 'a' or 'b' to question 32, what if neither the Bene
    Gesserit nor the ally vacates the space during the ensuing
    Movement?  (This question is moot based on the answer to
    question 32 being 'd'.)
     a) The Bene Gesserit must change the tokens to coexisting
        at the end of Movement.
    *b) One of the allies *must* vacate the space, unless there
        is truly no way this can be done.  (For example, if
        the BG coexists with the same ally in 3 or more spaces
        and neither of them holds a Hajr card.)

35) If answering 'b' to question 34, what happens if there is truly
    no way all of the spaces occupied by the the Bene Gesserit and
    an ally can be reduced to being occupied by one faction only?
    (This question is moot based on the answer to question 32 being 'd'.)
     a) The Bene Gesserit and the ally must battle
        (contravening rule XII.E.5).
    *b) The Bene Gesserit must change the tokens to coexisting
        at the end of Movement.
     c) Either the Bene Gesserit or the ally must remove their
        conflicting tokens from the board.
     d) *Both* the Bene Gesserit and the ally must remove
        their conflicting tokens from the board.

36) If answering 'c' or 'd' to question 35, where are the removed
    tokens placed?  (This question is moot based on the answer to
    question 32 being 'd'.)
    *a) In the tanks.
     b) Back behind the owners' shields, off-planet.

37) Can a group of non-coexisting Bene Gesserit tokens change to
    coexisting when ending their move in a new space?
     a) Yes.
    *b) Yes, but the Bene Gesserit need not make such a
        declaration unless or until another faction's tokens
        are present in that space.
     c) No, not until the next Movement Round.

38) Can a group of coexisting Bene Gesserit tokens change to
    non-coexisting when ending their move in a new space?
     a) Yes.
     b) Yes, but the Bene Gesserit need not make such a
        declaration unless or until another faction's tokens
        are present in that space.
     c) Yes, but only if no tokens have ever coexisted in
        that space during the current turn.
    *d) Yes, but only if no tokens have ever coexisted in
        that space during the current turn, and the Bene
        Gesserit need not make such a declaration unless or
        until another faction's tokens are present in that space.
     e) No, not until the next Movement Round.

XVII. Special Karama Powers

39) When the Harkonnen plays a Karama card to steal treachery cards
    from another player, it is clear that he may *not* look at
    the cards taken in order to choose which ones to take.  However,
    once the Harkonnen has taken all of the cards that he is going
    to take, may he look at them before deciding which of his own
    cards to give back in return?
    *a) Yes.
     b) No.

40) When the Harkonnen plays a Karama card to steal treachery cards
    from another player, it is clear that he is *not* allowed to
    return the exact cards stolen to the victim.  However, if a
    Snooper or Shield is stolen, may another card of the same type
    (which happens to be indistinguishable from the card stolen)
    be returned?
    *a) Yes.
     b) No.

41) What is the latest time a Karama card can be played by the
    Atreides to force an opponent to reveal an entire battle plan?
     a) Before the Bene Gesserit Voice (if applicable).
     b) After the Bene Gesserit Voice (if applicable), but
        before the normal Prescience would be used.
    *c) After the normal Prescience is answered.

42) On whom can a Karama be played by the Atreides to force the
    entire battle plan to be revealed?
    *a) Any player in any battle.
     b) Only an opponent in a battle in which the Atreides
        is actually participating.
     c) Only an opponent in a battle in which the Atreides
        or an ally of the Atreides is actually participating.

43) What is the latest time a Karama card can be played by the
    Guild to cancel another faction's shipment?
     a) Before the shipment is declared.
    *b) After the shipment is declared, but before that
        faction's movement is declared.
     c) After the faction's shipment and movement is declared
        (in which case, the faction may re-declare its movement).

44) Can the Guild play a Karama card to stop a shipment made by the
    Fremen, even though the Fremen's "shipments" are by "walking"
    from the southern hemisphere of the planet, and not really via
    Guild ships from off-planet?
     a) Yes.
    *b) No.

45) When can a Karama card be played by the Fremen to cause a worm
    to appear?
     a) Any time.
     b) Any time during the Spice Round.
     c) Only at the beginning of the Spice Round.
     d) Only at the end of the Spice Round.
    *e) Only just before drawing a spice card during the
        Spice Round.
     f) Only just after drawing a spice card during the
        Spice Round.

XXV. Questions and Answers

46) When Voice and/or Prescience are involved in a battle, at
    what point in the sequence described in B.6 must battle
    plan elements be committed?  (Note that any answer other
    than 'a' creates a logistic problem, since compliance can
    not strictly be enforced.)
    *a) Only immediately before the battle plans are revealed.
     b) Before the Bene Gesserit Voice (if applicable), after
        which the only change can be to comply with the Voice.
     c) After the Voice, but before the Atreides Prescience
        (if applicable), meaning that no battle plan changes
        can be made based on knowing what the Atreides has
        chosen to know.

Player Shields (Basic Character Advantages)

47) Regarding the shipment of Fremen tokens, which may be placed
    within two spaces of the Great Flat:  Exactly which spaces
    does this include?
     a) Only the spaces within 2 of the Great Flat which
        ALSO border on the equator (i.e. the edge of the board).
    *b) Any space on the board within 2 of the Great Flat.

48) The Fremen can *ship* off-planet tokens into the storm, taking
    half losses as normal.  Since the Fremen shipment is
    essentially just a move from off-board, does this imply that
    the Fremen can also *move* tokens already on the board into
    or through the storm, taking half losses as normal?
    *a) Yes.
     b) No.

49) When the Fremen rides a worm, are tokens of other factions
    devoured in the *destination* space (if sand)?
     a) Yes.
    *b) No.

50) If the Fremen direct a second (or additional) worm to appear
    in a space that they occupy, are they permitted to ride the
    worm normally?
    *a) Yes.
     b) No.

51) Is the Atreides entitled to see the identity of the 2nd free
    card drawn by the Harkonnen when he purchases a treachery card?
     a) Yes.
    *b) No.

52) When does the Emperor receive payments for purchased treachery
    *a) Immediately upon purchase of each card.  The Emperor
        immediately has that spice available for use.
     b) Only after the current Bidding Round has ended.

53) When does the Guild receive payments for shipments made by
    other factions (excluding the Fremen)?
    *a) Immediately upon shipment.  The Guild immediately
        has that spice available for use.
     b) Only after the current Movement Round has ended.

54) Where does the spice paid for shipping allies of the Guild go?
    *a) To the Guild, even though this almost makes the
        rule that the Guild's allies ship for half price
        less important (and effectively discounts the value of the
        Emperor's special alliance power).
     b) To the bank, because the the Guild's special alliance
        power says, "Allies may use the same types of shipment
        and at the same costs to you", even though this
        contravenes the rule that all payments for shipment
        are paid to the Guild.

Player Aid Sheet (Treachery Card Descriptions)

55) Must Truthtrance questions be asked and answered publicly, or
    may the question and answer be kept private between the
    asker and the answerer?
     a) Must be public.
    *b) May be kept private, if desired.

56) May Truthtrance questions be asked that require the target to
    speculate about or predict the future?  (For example, would the
    questions "Will you ship tokens to Carthag in turn 7?" or "Will
    you win a battle in Arrakeen this turn?" be valid?)
    *a) Yes.  (Even though this implies that the given answer
        may, for a variety of reasons, actually turn out to be
     b) No.

57) Many of the Karama powers listed explicitly include the word
    "once" in the description.  (For example, "Prevents
    Atreides from seeing the future, once".)  What exactly
    does this mean?
    *a) Once per Karama card play.
     b) Once per game.

58) A Karama card may be played to "prevent Atreides from seeing
    the future".  Exactly which instances of Atreides Prescience
    may be prevented using this power?  (Indicate all that apply.)
    *a) Prescience during battle.
    *b) Seeing the spice blow card for the next turn (frequently
    *c) Seeing the next treachery card up for bid (pretty
        much always worthless).

59) What is the latest time a Karama card can be played to cancel
    the Atreides Prescience in battle?
     a) Before the Prescience question is asked.
    *b) After the Prescience question is asked.

60) Who may play a Karama card to cancel the Atreides Prescience in
     a) Only the Atreides' opponent in that battle.
     b) Only the Atreides' opponent in that battle and allies
        of that opponent.
    *c) Anyone.

61) What is the latest time a Karama card can be played to cancel
    the capture of a leader by the Harkonnen?
     a) Before the captured leader is selected.
    *b) After the captured leader is selected and revealed.

62) What is the latest time a Karama card can be played to cancel
    the Bene Gesserit Voice in battle?
     a) Before the Voice command is given.
    *b) After hearing the Voice command.

63) Who may play a Karama card to cancel the Bene Gesserit Voice in
     a) Only the Bene Gesserit's opponent in that battle.
     b) Only the Bene Gesserit's opponent in that battle and
        allies of that opponent.
    *c) Anyone.

64) May a Karama card be played to prevent an *ally* of the Fremen
    from controlling a worm once, thus sending their tokens to
    the tanks?
    *a) Yes.
     b) No.

65) What is the latest time a Karama card can be played to prevent
    the Fremen (or an ally) from controlling a worm?
     a) Before the worm move destination (if any) is declared.
    *b) After the worm move destination (if any) is declared.

66) What is the latest time that a Karama card be played to cancel
    the Emperor's or Fremen's starred token advantage?
    *a) Before battle plans are finalized and revealed.
     b) After battle plans are finalized, but before they are revealed.
     c) After battle plans are revealed.

67) If answering 'b' to question 66, what happens to the number
    dialed by the Emperor or Fremen if it now exceeds the maximum
    valid number (without the starred token bonus)?
     a) Nothing.  The number dialed may still be used as the
        battle value, but each starred token sent to the tanks
        now counts the same as only one regular token.  Extra
        losses are forgiven.
    *b) The number dialed must be adjusted downward to the
        maximum valid number.  If using advanced combat rule
        XXII, the spice originally paid to supply tokens may
        *not* be changed in any way.  (Note that this option
        causes some nasty surprises to be possible for the
        Emperor or Fremen using starred tokens.)

68) If a player intends to play a Karama card to avoid paying for a
    treachery card, does that allow him to bid higher than the
    amount of spice he currently holds?
    *a) Yes.  (Note that this implies that a bid of "infinity"
        would have to be permitted in order to ensure that
        bidding will end.)
     b) No.

69) If answering 'a' to question 68, in the case that two or more
    players are intending to play a Karama card to buy the same
    treachery card, would it be true that the first bidder to
    bid "infinity" and play a Karama during his proper turn to
    bid wins the bid?
    *a) Yes.
     b) No.  (In which case, how would the contention be

    Source: geocities.com/tempus42