In 2004, the worde "blog" came to the fore and low et behold
in 2005, it shalle be added to the dictionarie much as the term
"bling bling" was a fewe years back. So keeping with the
times I submitte this bloga esoterica for ubiquitous perusal.
On Rain et Water Tables in Wisconsin
Wisconsin is rife with water controversia. Water table dropping
rapidly just west of Milwaukee, but unable to get Lake Michigan
water because of international agreement. Invasive species and
vanishing species in Lake Michigan. A huge deep tunnel built in
Milwaukee to handle rain in the sewers. But rain was rarely over
a quarter inch in the past. So it was over-engineered thinking
a one inch rain maybe once or twice a century. But since it was
built, there have been 5 inch rains. One or two a year. Ooops.
Why all the rain? Global warming? Maybe. But maybe the earth is
just thirsty and trying to replenish the water table. But we
built civilzation on the land and send the water away. Go figure.
The Laws of Reverse Intent
This is an very important thing in understanding everything.
Why is there a locke on a door? It both keeps out et lets in.
Why do we go to schoole? To learn how stupide we are.
Why to we get sick? So we can get well.
Nearly everything has a reverse intent.
We're all borne to die !
American Election Suggestion
The recente election for emperor was close, 51% to 49%, or maybe even closer. The emperor elect deduc'd that this "overwhelming" approval was a mandate. Au contrare, it signifies some thing else. What else ?
- A nation divided. Us and thems.
- A nation apathetic. Nobody cares. Random voting.
- A nation confused. What is happening in Washington?
- Other parties pushed out of the election process. No fair!
To constitute an election a mandate, I think a candidate needs say
66% or 75% of the vote. That would be clear and unmistakable.
Better yet, in cases where the vote is closer than 75/25, the
loosing candidate gets to be vice emperor. Then the men in
office will carry a much greater percentage of the total vote.
Aye ! That's getting to be like democracy ! If there were stronge
other parties, this might need to be re-examined.
On Universal Contraction et the Speede of light
Having juste gotten off the topick of reverse intent I
thought the world might be delighted to learn my theorie
of universal contraction. This is an addendum to Einstein's
My theorie is the universe is not expanding at all. In fact
it is shrinking, uniformly, in all directions. Because it is
so uniform et everything is shrinking together, we do not
perceive it very welle. The hint is that galaxies and what-not
seem to be flying aparte. They are not really flying apart, oh
no, they are lagging behind by means of inertia. They only
appear to be flying away. This is because the speed of light
is 0. That's why it is impossible to break light speed, because
nothing can move slower than 0. Light doesn't travel, it is
just deposited in space time. It appears to move as we shrink
past it. This also explains why light appears to radiate
Wanna stop shrinking? Better not. You would blow up at the
speed of light et before you know it, you'd be bigger than
the universe. Oh what is a very tight situation indeede ;-).
Here is a video blog (VLOG) where I ramble on about traffic jams
and what they imply in the quantum physics world. Yeah, I know
I should leave lectures to those who can ;-).
My Greatest Invention, The One Worde Joke
In this hyrophantic age of excesse verbousity too many
comedians become long winded et trifle withe our minisculish
patience. Untoward, have I yet a newe invention of
simplicite and l'elegance to answer our voracious appatight
for humoure. Thus spoken, "The One Word Joke." I shall illustraite.
ha ha ha ! See what I mean !
Physicalle Properties Slow et Faste Extreme
One day I was watching some experimenters shooting chickens
out of a canon. They were trying to determine if a chicken
makes more damage frozen or thawed. It seemed to me that they
could not come to a definative conclusion. I have a theorie
that might shedd some light on the matter.
Scale of speed et hardness. When one gets in a bathtubbe the water
parts and displaces as you emerse moving at inches per second.
Now, get into a lake at 1000 miles per hour. It's not the
same. Water is still liquid et the same viscosity. But there
is a limitte to the motion of the liquide. In effect, the liquide
becomes hard as a solide at high enough speeds. At high
enough speeds, both chickens, frozen and thawed become
essensially solids, have the same kinetic energy, and cause
the same damage.
But then I run this to infinite extremes. And the convergence
seems that if you go slow enough, you can still penetrate
solids with solids. I have seen trees pass through metal
fences. The molecules or cells just ever so slowly pass by
each other. On the other extreme, imagine two objects at
near the speed of light. They might be able to pass through
each other with minimal disruption. The atoms having so
much momentum & being mostly open space any how. The question
is, can a can of beer pass through a planet at near light
speed, or will the large number of planetary molecules exerte a
dragg force leading to destruction of the beer can? What a waste!
Accents in Speach et Written
Why do people speake wiz accents? Is it to sound coole
and exotique? Does eet breeng more attenzion from ozzers?
Hey zere ! I fromme far away land. I vent to collezh vhen
I vaz serteen ! Vee are zo schmartt !
Well some come from alternative pronunciations of letters.
Some come from accents on different sylables.
But comparing American and British English, there is a bit
of an accent, but the chief difference is in word choice
and word order.
For example, be a dear and read this aloud won't you?
Would you mind too terribly to speak up a bit?
After that party I simply looked positively dreadful.
Imagine that ! What an insufferable git ! Oh hush up.
Perfectly spelled, and exuding whit and britishosity.
Homeless et the Librarie or Bibliotek
Literati that frequent the bibliotek are aware of a certain
clientelle, namely the homeless souls. Perhaps they come
in for warmth. Perhaps their mindes hungre fore knoweledge.
My theorie is that they could be by far the greatest
geniuses of all, absorbing all the information mankinde has
to offer, or whatever is on the shelves at yonder bioliotek.
Maybe a jobbe is not important. Maybe a home is not important.
Maybe credite cards, stocke markets, et monie are a trap that
keeps one from the true meanings of life. When all you have is
life perhaps that is enlightenment.
Simultaneous Maladies
Have it been notic'd that some illnesses seem to spontaneously
breake out everywhere at once. Be it coldes or flews or what-not.
Some less thann scientifick have beliefes in spontaneous generation
of germs in salad bars, or pockets of evoulution brewing at shopping
malls. All poppycoque. Anyone with halv a minde should knowe that
invisible germs, rain down from outter space. The pestulence are
alien animacules. Earthe passes through cloud swarms of these as
it proceedes around the galaxy.
Medical issues fall into a fewe sweeping categories. Injuries et
parasites. Injuries also include conditions suche poisoning, injuring
the body chemistry. Parasites could also include pregancy. Injuries
et parasites are not all bad. Some are beneficial. A facelift might
be considered a beneficial injury. A childe is a lovable parasite.
But I do not think it wise to mixe et match the two. In emergencie
rooms they should processe injuries separate from diseases.
The overall health of society would be helped by excersizing common
sense in dailie life. If you are sick, stay home. Don't go to a busy
salad bar and sneeze all over the goodies. Scared of public toilet
seats? Be more scared of the baby someone sits on the counter at the
fast food restaurant. Shopping cart? I wouldn't be eager to put food
on the childe seat. Do you see anyone wiping them down with disinfectant?
Nay. Food fall on the floor? Leave it for the dog. Feeling sickly?
Well, have someone else prepare dinner.
Hindesight Prophesies
We sende our psychie back in time to the late 1930's and we chat with a New
Deal commoner. We talke of things as politique, econome, and social
etiquette. It is an interesting dialogue to say the leaste.
- In the future people will use walkietalkies, you know, wireless
telephones. That way the government, or anyone, can evesdrop without tapping
a wire. But what about privacy? Heck, that was determined to be a threat to
national security. You sure are old fashioned. Well your future sounds a
a little indecent. A little !? All those wireless phones have cameras and
you can imagine what happens with people take them into the lockerooms
bathrooms, or bedrooms. People talk on the phone while they drive too.
Lots of crashes. Gosh, your future world is full of stupid people too !
- In the future communism fails. Really ? Does the Tzar come back?
No. It's like all that godless communism lead to corruption. And suddenly
no one cares and the system just collapses. People just decide one day
to walk away and become capitalist. But the godless moral fabric still
leaves corruption and gangsters securely in charge. Well there is one
communist country left. Well, they call themselves communist, but in
practice, they are very capitalist. Now everyone wants to do business
with them. Talk about selling your soul.
- In the future unions are defeated by giving them what they
want. Labor got fantastic wages and benefits. Management planned their
escape. Then the companies went bankrupt. Management got a nice severance
package, and the courts declared the labor contracts null and void.
Too bad, so sad ! It doesn't pay to be greedy.
- In the future ... wait a minute ! Let me ask. OK. Hey, do we go
to outer space? Sure, we go to the moon. It's boring. Just a bunch of rocks.
No cheese, no space people, no water, no air, nothing. Then we sent a robot
to Mars. Pretty much the same as the moon. Then sent a robot to Venus.
The closest place to hell in the galaxy. 900 degrees, 1000 atmospheres of
carbon dioxide, and sulphuric acid rain. We sent probes to jupiter, saturn,
etc,... 300 below zero, no solid surface, poisonous gases, miserable.
Space sucks !
- In the future Hey, it looks like Hitler wants to control Europe.
I don't trust him. Germany is supposed to be non-military, but it all looks
wrong. What's with that? Hitler will make his move, will cause lots of
war and suffering. Europe squabbles, but eventually comes together as a
union because of money. There always will be Napoleons ! Caesars !
- In the future Hey, are there robots or machines that think?
Kind of. The trouble with robots is that they're not as smart as you'd like.
They can usually do one thing really well. Thinking machines ? Well they
can check spelling and grammar. They can add lots of numbers really fast.
They can play all manner or card game and board game pretty well. They are
able to beat most chess players now. But thinking? Creating ? Feeling ?
Since they run instructions written by a person, they are little more than
very expensive puppets.
- In the future Secretaries are almost extinct. Everyone types.
Everything is spelled correctly, but schools turn out students who can't
read or write (or think).
- In the future Hey, is there lots of television ? Yes there is
too much television. Actually, television, movies, radio, newspapers,
libraries and schools all converge on ONE thing. The WEB.
The WEB gives a single point of access to everything. Wow ! that sounds
weird. How does that work ? Well, start with a television screen about
1 to 2 feet across. Then attach a typewriter keybord. You type on the
screen, not a piece of paper. And what you type, and a billion other
people goes to sharing places. In fact all knowledge is out there too.
Free for anyone to read and learn. School could go all WEB except the
that teachers still have a strong union.
- In the future mail goes from paper to WEB. The post office just
delivers objects and items. Words and pictures can all travel on the WEB.
Oh electric mail. Well, technically electric mail has been around since
the 1840's with the telegraph. It just becomes much bigger, faster, and
everywhere. Most WEB mail is free, no postage. The bad side of that is
some companies send out a billion advertisements. It's very annoying.
Spelling et Grammatick
Yes, the spelling et diction of this BLOG is unstandard englishish.
Enjoye the sans spellcheck. Enjoy the crafted utterances that I
worked very hard to maintain off kilter. It's a BOG after all !