Chris's Fantastic Videos

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  1. Bye Geocities

  2. Inflation Scenarios

  3. 20th Century Cars

  4. Jobless Recovery

  5. Combatting Poverty

  6. Indian Summer 2009

  7. Amero Coins

  8. What about ix.xi

  9. Boyscout Packs

  10. Give if possible

  11. The Reformation?

  12. Flash Trading ?

  13. Outsourcing the Future

  14. Space Travel Facts

  15. Loves Power

  16. The Intermind

  17. Settlements ?

  18. Future Horsies

  19. No Insurance

  20. Did it happen this way?

  21. Cuba & OAS

  22. Energy Shortage

  23. AudioTexting

  24. Food For Thought

  25. Government & Money

  26. International Stew

  27. Sacrifice Then & Now

  28. Regarding Sick Days ?

  29. Self Determination ?

  30. Park Music

  31. Be Well !

  32. Hebdomad of Chaos

  33. Fresh or Not ?

  34. Pumpkin Sauce !

  35. Good Wednesday?

  36. World Money ?

  37. April Fools?

  38. Cursive, Yes or No?

  39. The Outside Inside

  40. March 17, 2009

  41. Chemtrail Theories

  42. Number Foundation

  43. Winter Powwow

  44. Globalism ?

  45. Cash Freedom

  46. WW3 Bail #3

  47. Succession Planning

  48. Tortizza, todo bem !

  49. Peace Talk

  50. Gummi Bear Polenta

  51. Whose Chessboard ?

  52. Vegas Vacation 2008

  53. Happy MMIX

  54. Memek Khadem

  55. Davos - Economy

  56. Climate Change ?

  57. Devils Lake Part 2

  58. Devils Lake Part 1

  59. Bailouts & Energy

  60. Autumn Road Trip

  61. Big Monopoly Game

  62. Kraft Contest

  63. Congratulations !

  64. Dancing & Music

  65. WWIII Update

  66. 1-2-3 Party !

  67. You Decide

  68. Fed Up Yet ?

  69. Wanted : TRUST

  70. The End is Nigh

  71. Strumming it

  72. Intermission

  73. WW3 is here !

  74. What Auditors?

  75. Under Censorship?

  76. Anime Convention

  77. Use Your Power !

  78. Musical Fish

  79. Misinformation Part1

  80. Misinformation Part2

  81. Balanced Budgets

  82. Universe Jumping

  83. How Incentives Work

  84. Electric Cars

  85. Llunching Llamas

  86. Health Care

  87. Smile !
    You're on FISA Camera

  88. The Show Must go On !

  89. Egg in the Hole

  90. Indenpence Message

  91. Unmake Unnecessary Laws

  92. Coco the Fiesty Ferret

  93. How to Stop War

  94. Tom Tuerff - Boomer

  95. The Winds of Change

  96. Bee Extinction

  97. I Predict !

  98. Alternative Candidate

  99. The Perception Filter

  100. Was Wright Right?

  101. Tom Tuerff - Her Name

  102. Arizona Otters

  103. Jimmy Carter & Peace

  104. The Forgotten Resource

  105. Uncle Quantum

  106. Change From Alpharetta

  107. Pudding Lesson

  108. Protect Our Water

  109. Talking to Myself

  110. What Choices ?

  111. March 21,2008

  112. Politics Explanation

  113. March 17 & Luck

  114. Back to the Present

  115. Election Augmentation

  116. Happy February 29

  117. A Smile & Lugan Words

  118. What Causes Inflation?

  119. 3rd Party. Why not?

  120. The New Number One

  121. The Davos Question Rebuttal

  122. The Speed of Light

  123. Happy New Year

  124. Traffic Jams

  125. The Davos Question Orig

  126. Christmas Tree Inspection

  127. Candycane Lane

  128. Run ! Baby Run !

  129. Vindaloo Burito

  130. Coco's Debut

  131. Chicken Vindaloo Recipe

  132. Fireworks

  133. July 4th