The Black Cauldron Quiz
Welcome to my Black Cauldron Quiz! Most of these questions are based on the movie, but some of the questions come from the books. So, grab a sheet of paper and a pen, number one to ten, and test your Black Cauldron I.Q.!
1. What is the real name for Eilonwy's bauble?
A. the Magic Orb
B. the Lantern of Llyr
C. the Golden Pelydryn
D. the Sphere of Llyr
2. What is the intended purpose of Eilonwy's bauble?
A. To teach Eilonwy all the enchantments she needs to know.
B. To lead Eilonwy through the Horned King's dungeon.
C. To show the hidden spells of the book of Llyr which holds the secrets of all the enchantments when held up to the pages.
D. To protect Eilonwy until she can be reunited with her parents.
3. What is the name of the forest where Dallben instructs Taran to hide Hen Wen?
A. The Forbidden Forest
B. The Forest of Wheyrvn
C. The Forest of Dread
D. The Forest of Dwildryn.
4. How does Taran lose Hen Wen?
A. He daydreams about his own glory
B. He is 'attacked' by Gurgi
C. He couldn't save Hen form the gwythaints
D. All of the above
E. None of the above
5. What does Gurgi mean by "munchings and chrunchings"?
A. Apples
B. Money
C. Favors
D. Food
6. What is Dallben's occupation?
A. Farmer
B. Pig Keeper
C. Keeper of Prydain's Wisdom
D. Wizard
7. What are Fflewddur's two occupations?
A. Bard and Cook
B. Bard and King
C. Cook and King
D. Bard only, Fflewddur dosen't have a second occupation
8. What is the name of Dallben's house/farm?
A. Caer Dallben
B. Caer Cadarn
C. Caer Dathyl
D. Caer Dwildryn
9. What are the faries that live under the whirlpool pond called?
A. Fairy Folk
B. The Pond Faries
C. Fair Folk
D. Faires of the Forest
10. Why was Fflewddur imprisoned in the Horned King's Dungeon?
A. He sang a song the Horned Kig didn't like
B. The Horned King holds a grudge against Fflewddur
C. Fflewddur passed The Horned King's castle
D. Fflewddur dosen't sing to the Horned King's liking
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