Script Part 2

Now we see a castle with gwythaints swooping around it, and we zero in on the courtroom filled with skeletons that are clothed, and armed with weapons. We see a robed figure at the top of the stairs. The robe is crimson, and a fur stole is wrapped around the neck, and held by a gold broach. The fur stole trails down the figure's back 'till it reaches the ground. Huge horns stick straight out of the figure's head, ripped through the hood of the robe. Now we realize that the figure is the Horned King, the exact one Dallben fears and spoke of. The Horned King quietly walks down the stairs and begins to talk to his lifeless skeleton warriors.

Horned King: Oh, yes! Yes, my soldiers. Soon the Black Cauldron will be mine. It's evil power will cost through my viens, and I, shall make you. CAULDRON-BORN! Yes! YES! Oh,yes! Then you will worship ME! Me. Oh, my soldiers, how long I have thirsted to be the God, among mortal men!

Now we see Taran and Hen Wen walking through the forest.

Taran: Gosh Hen Wen! I never knew you could create visions and things like that! I thought you were just an ordinary pig. I had no idea you so.. SPECIAL. Dallben's going to be glad he put his trust in me! Just you wait and see!(to Hen Wen.) Now, don't go wandering about! And don't you worry! Keep close to me and no one will do you any harm.Not while I'm around.( he stops at a stream and takes a quick drink.) And I won't let the Horned King get close to you Hen. I'll protect you! ( Taran looks into the stream and sees himself dressed in a golden armor, bowing to a crowd, while a voice glorifies him.)

The Voice: Taran of Caer Dallben, the greatest warrior in all Prydain! A true hero!

Taran: Thank you, thank you, thank you all! But withought the help of my pig, Hen Wen here I...( Taran flashes out his dream, and sees that Hen is gone.) Hen Wen? Where are you? Hen Wen?Oh no!(Taran dashes into the forest.)Hen? Hen Wen! (echo) Hen Wen.....( Taran becomes a bit scared of the forest looming around him then hears a branch snap. Taran flatens himself against a tree.) Is that you Hen? ( Taran walks forward and pulls out an apple.) Look what I've got. C'mon out here's a lovely juicy...( Taran is suddenly pushed to the ground, and something scrambles after the apple.)

Gurgi: Whaha!!!! Ooooooooo! Great Prince give poor starving Gurgi munchings and crunchings! Nice apple! Good Prince, good apple! Oh boy! What a juicy apple! ( Gurgi begins to walk away, but Taran grabes him by the scruff of the neck.)

Taran: Hey! No you don't! I didn't give you that apple, you took it! ( Gurgi bites his hand.) Ow! ( Gurgi runs and hides in a nearby bush.) Hey! Hold on you hairy little thief! Come back with my apple! ( Taran picks up a stick.) If you don't give it back you'll be sorry! I mean it! I 'm warning you! ( Gurgi comes out of hiding.) Give it back! ( Gurgi looks like he is holding the apple, but when he opens his hands and/or paws. The apple isn't there.) C'mon the apple! Where is it?

Gurgi: Uh,ah! Gurgi has not seen the apple- uhoh! ( the apple has rolled out behind Gurgi's back, and he leaps on top of the apple to hide it.)

Taran: Give it back, I warn you! C'mon! ( Gurgi tosses the apple about in his hands, and looks at it like his heart is going to break.) C'mon the apple, let's have it! ( Gurgi takes a huge bite out of the apple then hands it to Taran.) You horrible greedy thing! You should be ashamed of yourself!

Gurgi: ( Appears to cry) Ooooohhh! Poor miserable Gurgi deserves fierce smackings and whackings on his poor tender head! (sniff) All is left with no munchings and crunchings! Forgive poor Gurgi! Taran: Oh, stop that sniveling! I'm not going to hurt you. Now look here! Have you seen my pig?

Gurgi: Piggy? Round, fat piggy? Big snout!

Taran: Yes,yes.

Gurgi: Curly tail!

Taran: That's her! That's Hen Wen!

Gurgi: Uhah, Nope. Gurgi has not seen piggy! Nope!

Taran: Oh, never mind! No telling where Hen Wen is by now!( Taran stuffs the apple into his vest. Gurgi follows him, hoping to get the apple.)

Gurgi: Oh, master, master! Now Gurgi remembers! Yes! Yes! Clever sharp-eyed Gurgi saw the piggy run, right through the forest! Uhuh! Uhuh! I saw it! Uhuh! I saw it! ( Pulling Taran by the hand.) Come! Gurgi will find the lost piggy! Then we'll be friends forever! ( He jumps on Taran and begins to search his vest for the apple. ) Munchings and crunchings in here somewhere!

Taran and Gurgi freeze when they hear a high pitched squeal from Hen Wen.

Taran: It's Hen Wen! She's in trouble!

Gurgi: Goodbye! ( Gurgi runs and hides because trouble is nearby.)

Taran: Hen Wen! Hen! ( Taran comes to clearing and sees Hen running from a gwythaint- a type of winged dragon. The gwythaints swoop over Hen trying to grap her.) Hen Wen! Hen Wen look out! ( Hen runs madly across the field, the still are after her.) Look out! C'mon hurry Hen! No! Don't! Hen hurry! (The gwythaint graps Hen Wen and begins to carry her off, Taran pulls on the Gwythaints tail.) No! Don't! Stop! No! ( The other gwythaint seizes Taran and drops him to the ground as they fly away.) No! Come back! Please! No! No! Come back! ( Taran runs through some thorn bushes, and climbs up a rocky hill, only to see, at the top, the gwythaints flying away to th Horned King's castle.) Hen Wen, I must get her out of there!

Gurgi: Oh, no! Great Lord! Not go in there! Forget the piggy!

Taran: What are you doing here?

Gurgi: Gurgi come back to be your friend!

Taran: Friend? Humph! You're no friend! Why you run away when I.. Oh! never mind! I promised Dallben I'd keep Hen safe! I have to go! ( Taran begins to walk toward the castle, and a lighting bolt flashes. Taran backs away in fear.) Are you coming?

Gurgi: Me? Go in there? Oh! No, no! It's a terrible place!

Taran: Just as I thought! You're no friend! You're just a...a.. a miserable coward! ( Taran takes the apple out of his vest and looks at it.) Here this is all you wanted! (Taran throws the apple at Gurgi and it hits the ground.)

Gurgi: If Great Lord go into evil castle, poor Gurgi will never see his friend again! Nope! Never!

Now we see Taran trying to get inside the castle and he is climbing a wall, he sees a beam of light and sees he has found a window. Taran tears away the branch that blocked the window, and he climbs inside.

" The Black Cauldron " (c) Copyright MCMLXXXV Walt Disney Company

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