Script Part 4

Taran grabs the sword and holds it to fend off any blows the Henchmen may bring upon him. The Henchmen has pulled his axe free of the beam and is going to chop Taran in half. The Henchmen brings his axe down on Taran's sword. There is a bright light as the two weapons clash. The Henchmen's axe shudders and breaks into a million pieces. Frightened, the Henchmen backs away. Taran now realizes that the sword he holds is magic. Taran also realizes that he is invinsible with the sword. Taran laughs madly as he get up and swings the sword around. Eilonwy walks in on the scene and looks at Taran like he's gone crazy.

Eilonwy: Are you all right?

Taran turns around and looks at Eilonwy. Taran seems different now, like he has some bravery that was unleashed by the Magic Sword.

Taran: Oh, good! You're safe!

Eilonwy: Why of course! I-

Taran: C'mon! I'm going to get you out of here!

Eilonwy: Ahhhhhhhhh!!!

Taran pulls on Eilonwy's hand and drags her behind him as he runs through the castle with the Magic Sword in hand, trying to find a way out of the castle.

Henchmen: There they are!

Taran: ( He pulls Eilonwy up a flight of stairs with the Henchmen close behind them.) Quick! Up here!

Eilonwy screams as she sees one of the Henchmen coming at them with a sword ready to strike. Taran holds up the Magic Sword and swings at the Henchmen. With a burst of light the Magic Sword shatters the other sword, and throws the Henchmen over their heads and crashing into the other Henchmen behind them. Eilonwy looks at the sword in awe.

Eilonwy: Taran, the sword!

Fflewddur: Great Belin! ( They look up to see Fflewddur Fflam running for dear life with a savage Guard Dog right behind him.) Help! Murder! Get DOWN!!!!!!!

Taran and Eilonwy come to a store room filled with wine barrels.

Taran: Keep going, Princess!

Taran takes the magic sword and splits open the wine barrels. He follows Eilonwy and again grabs her hand and drags her through the courtyard. Everyone has seen them by now and they all are on the chase.

Eilonwy: Taran!!

Creeper: There they are!

Taran and Eilonwy find the drawbridge. But they are trapped.

Creeper: C'mon! Get them!

Eilonwy: Oh no! Taran!

Creeper: Ha, ha,ha! We've got you now, pig boy!

One of the Henchmen throws an axe and it almost hits Eilonwy.

Eilonwy: Ah! Taran! DO something! Use the sword!

Taran, who is trying not to get hit with the spears that are being thrown at him, swings at the chain holding up the drawbridge. The chain breaks from the touch of the Magic Sword. Creeper and the Henchmen back away in fear. Suddenly, Fflewddur appears with the Guard Dog still behind him.

Fflewddur: Make way! Make way! Step aside! I've never hurt you! Get, get out of my way! ( The drawbridge is lowered and Fflewddur tries to cross it but the Guard Dog has grabbed ahold of the seat of Fflewddur's pants.) Let me down you brute!

Taran: Run, Princess! Run!

The gate comes down, tearing Fflewddur's pants, he runs off holding up what's left of them.

Fflewddur: ( to Taran.) Why didn't you tell me you had a magic sword?!?!?

We return just in time to see Creeper report the escape of the 'pig boy', the princess, and the bard. Creeper is climbing the staircase to the Horned King's room. Nervous about what the King might do to him.

Creeper: It wasn't my fault! That's it! That's it! I always get blamed for these things! I'll just tell him. . . and if he gets mad. . .oh, OH!! I'll just straighten him out! That's it! I'm not going to get kicked around for this!! ( He quietly knocks on the Horned King's door.) Sire?

Horned King: You bring news of the pig?

Creeper: Not exactly, sire. It's the pig-keeper, sir. He's..Oh!..he's ( whispering ) he's escaped.. ( louder )escaped!( The Horned King signals Creeper to come to him.) Oh, sire! Allow me!! ( Creeper starts to choke himself.) Is, is that enough?

Horned King: Good. He'll find his pig! Send the gwythaints to follow that boy!

Creeper: Oh, yes, sire! Oh, yes! By all means, sire! ( Creeper leaves the room, laughing madly.)

Now we see gwythaints searching for the trio. Though Taran, Fflewddur, and Eilonwy are out of sight of the gwythaints. They rest in a glade. Taran is polishing the Magic Sword. Eilonwy is sewing the rip in Fflewddur's pants made by the Guard Dog. Fflewddur stands behind a bush with his boxers on, making up a song about himself.

Fflewddur: ( in song ) The world will applaud me. Its praise will reward me. And I, Fflewddur Fflam will find fame!

Eilonwy: There almost finished Fflewddur. Hmm, its not too good, but it'll hold for a while.

Fflewddur: Yes, I shall sing of your deed!

Eilonwy: It would be better to sing of our heroic escape! Weren't you a bit frightened Fflwewddur?

Fflewddur: A Fflam frightened? Ho, ho! The word is not in my vocablurary! ( he looks at his harp strings that are about to break and quickly adds.) In this case well chosen, my dear.

Taran: I wasn't afraid!

Eilonwy: Not afraid?! Why, we were running for our lives!

Taran: Well, I got us out of the castle, didn't I?

Eilonwy: You?! I'd say it was the sword's magic.

Taran: But it takes a great warrior to handle a sword like this!

Eilonwy: But, still, it is a magic sword!

Taran: Humph! What does a GIRL know about swords anyway?!

Eilonwy: Girl? GIRL?!?! If it weren't for this, GIRL, you would still be in the Horned King's dungeon!

Fflewddur: Here now, now. Princess Eilonwy, Taran....

Eilonwy: Well at least I don't keep talking about it FOREVER! Oh, you're so, so BORED!

Fflewddur: Princess Eilonwy!!

Eilonwy: How dare you take his side!!! ( Eilonwy throws Fflewddur's pants in his face.)

Fflewddur: Well I really didn't mean to-to-to...interfere, heh, heh!

Taran: Silly girl! Even if she is a princess!

Eilonwy is obviously very hurt by Taran's last remark. Now we get a hint that Eilonwy likes Taran. Eilonwy and Taran walk off in different directions, leaving Fflewddur all by himself.

Fflewddur: We are going to have to- to to.... Oh, dear.

Taran walks around slowly and thinks about what he said to Eilonwy. He decides to apologize. He finds Eilonwy leaning on a willow tree, crying.

Taran: (sheepishly) Hello.

Eilonwy: ( sees Taran and brushes away her tears.) Hello. Fflewddur is right, you know. We are going to have to work together. And we'll find your pig. I'm sure it's important.

Taran: Thank you for getting me out of the dungeon.

Eilonwy: Oh, we couldn't have done it without you.

Taran: But a least we're all safe.

Fflewddur: Aaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!! Great Belin!!

Taran: Fflewddur!!

Fflewddur is sprawled on the ground. Gurgi, is sitting on him, robbing Fflewddur of all his belongings.

Fflewddur: Help! Murder! Hurry!

Gurgi: Ha, ha! Gurgi's lucky day! ( picks up Fflewddur's hat.) Wow!

Fflewddur: Yes! Keep it! It's a gift!

Gurgi: ( picks up Fflewddur's harp.) Oh, this! Gurgi want this!

Fflewddur: Take it! I'm sure you've murdered for less! Ugh!

Gurgi: Gurgi, uh, want!!!

Gurgi tries to pull the harp away, but the string is around Fflewddur's neck. Practically chocking Fflewddur, Gurgi gives one last pull when Taran shows up at the scene with the Magic Sword drawn.

Taran: Gurgi!

Gurgi quickly lets the harp go, sending it smashing into Fflewddur's head. Gurgi studders trying to think of an excuse.

Gurgi: Master! Uh, uh, old man...FALL DOWN! ( to Fflewddur.) Get up. Get up!

Fflewddur: ( Brushing off the harp ) Well! Really! Who is your pungent little friend?

Taran: He's no friend of mine. He's just a coward, and a thief.

Gurgi takes of Fflewddur's hat and gives it back.

Gurgi: Humph! Too big anyway!

Eilonwy joins her friends to see Gurgi. Gurgi fixes his hair for Eilonwy.

Eilonwy: ( to Gurgi ) You're charming!

Gurgi: And pungent too!

Taran: ( to Gurgi.) Well, what are you waiting for?

Fflewddur: Yes. Yes exactly! Toddle off! Toddle off!

Gurgi: Humph! Gurgi go! ( Gurgi starts to walk away, than sees Eilowny's footprints.) Tracks? TRACKS! Gurgi remembers! Saw piggy's tracks!

Taran: You did?

Gurgi: Today!

Taran: Today? Wait a minute!

Fflewddur: You'll try anything!

Eilonwy: Oh, you're both horrid! He just might know.

Gurgi: Pretty lady come too? ( He pulls on her dress.)

Eilonwy: Well, I . . . .

Gurgi: Yes! Yes! Yes! Follow Gurgi! Follow Gurgi!

Taran: You'd better be telling the truth!

Gurgi: Gurgi not lie. Not this time.

The companions follow Gurgi. Soon they come to a small pond. Where Gurgi proudly shows Taran Hen Wen's tracks.

Gurgi: See master? Piggy's footsteps! No lie.

Taran: Oh, good. They look fresh.

Gurgi sets out crossing the small stepping stones on the pond. As soon as he is in the middle of the pond, all the stepping stones disappear except for the stone Gurgi is standing on. That stone begins to spin and sink into the water. The pond turns into a whirlpool sucking Gurgi in.

Gurgi: Oh, master! Master!!!

Taran: Gurgi!

Taran is not strong enough. He is pulled in with Gurgi. Eilonwy graps on to Fflewddur trying to pull out Gurgi and Taran.

Eilonwy: Oh, Taran! Give me your hand!

Fflewddur: We're doomed!

Eilonwy and Fflewddur fall into the whirlpool. Taran, Gurgi, Eilonwy and Fflewddur and sucked into the depths below.

" The Black Cauldron" (c) Copyright MCMLXXXV Walt Disney Pictures

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